
War Part Two

A mixture of pink lightning and fire surrounded Ryuga along with a purple aura.

Kuro instantly got behind him, preparing his sword for a strike.

Ryuga moved even quicker and got behind Kyo and Tenma.

Kyo blasted white Mystic energy, pushing him back.

Ryuga backflipped midair and disappeared. He reappeared by Ako. She reacted by swinging her sword with great speed, but Ryuga stopped it with his hand and crushed it. He curled his fingers and sent a pulse of energy into her stomach, blowing her away.

Kuro sped back towards Ryuga, they exchanged a few blows before Kyo joined in.

Somehow Ryuga was keeping up with both of them. He elbowed Kuro to get him off of him for a split second then disappeared and reappeared above Maki. He brought his heel down on her, she was able to block with a shield of rock but Ryuga smashed right through it.

Maki jumped away.

"Is he teleporting?" Ako asked, flying backward.

Ryuga looked at her. "You're still alive? You guys are tougher than the gods make you look. By the way, I can't teleport. I'm just running around."

Ako turned her energy into an axe. It grew up to thirty meters tall. She swung it at Ryuga at high speed, taking a piece off the ground with the slash.

Ryuga dodged easily.

Maki re-created her Earth Golem.

Kuro took his sword and dashed at Ryuga. "Lightning Dance!"

A large bolt of lightning started moving along the ground like a tornado would.

"Woah, now that's a technique!" Ryuga didn't bother dodging. The attack hit him head on. He walked through it unscathed. "But it's weak." Ryuga said, making a teasingly sad face.

Kuro got agitated. He made a stance. "Lightning Art..."

Kyo realized what was going on. He made a Mystic Storm.

Kyo space skipped behind Ryuga and set it off, pushing him forward using the white energy.

"Woah!" Ryuga exclaimed.

Kuro waited until Ryuga got into range. "Kiba: Lightning Fang!!"

The slash was lightning fast. Lightning surged through the ground, releasing a wind blast shockwave along with it.

When the dust cleared, everyone couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Ryuga had easily stopped the attack with his right hand. He was standing on his left leg and left arm. He let Kuro's sword go and swiftly made a sweeping kick to knock him off balance.

Tenma jumped in and hit the ground, leaving a small crater. He started going one on one with Ryuga. All of his punches were missing.

Kyo joined in.

Ryuga jumped up.

At that same moment Ako swung her axe. It connected with Ryuga's back but didn't cut through, she simply knocked him away. A shockwave of wind came from the attack.

Tenma and Kyo were out of breath.

Ako was annoyed. "Why can't we cut through him?!"

Kuro walked towards them. "His energy is too dense for us to cut through." He looked at Kyo. "We're gonna have to do the thing."

Kyo nodded.

Ryuga landed on his feet.

Kyo and Kuro spaced away from each other.

Half of Kyo's body glowed white, the other half glowed black. He braced himself. The two energies started fusing with each other, causing a crazy amount of recoil from the friction.

"He's combining two opposites..." Maki said.

The two energies fused together, turning gray. The energy cloaked around Kyo, covering even his skin and hair. His eyes still showed the Mystic Eyes. "Omega Form."

"Ooooh!!!" said Ryuga. "So you guys can still get stronger? Let's see it then!"

Kuro closed his eyes. He returned to his normal form. Blue lightning started charging from his body. As the discharge grew more and more violent, the color got darker and darker until it was violet.

Kuro's skin got darker as well, like the color of oak tree bark. His hair turned purple. Then he begun to vibrate.

"What's going on?" Ako asked.

"You'll see." Kyo replied.

Kuro started vibrating violently now, moving side to side at an incredibly high rate.

Inside the vibration afterimages, a orange fire-like energy could be seen, as if he was igniting on fire. Then the vibrations slowed until they weren't noticeable anymore, but his skin was cracked open everywhere on his body.

Purple energy was glowing from the cracks.

Kuro opened his eyes. He had black eyeballs with a purple iris. "This is Form L. I can only keep this up for about five minutes, so we'll have to be quick Kyo."

Kyo looked behind him. "Ako, Maki, Tenma, stay back on this one, sorry."

Ako flew down and sat on Maki's golem head. Tenma stood next to it.

Ryuga got giddy. "Ohhhhh man!! You guys just got crazy strong! Let's find out who's stronger!!"

Kyo immediately space skipped towards him. He threw a kick at high speed, but Ryuga dodged. Then Ryuga felt a impact to his gut.

Ryuga hit the ground and slid back. He stood up. "What just happened? I'm one hundred percent sure you never touched me." He looked at Kuro, who hadn't left his spot. "What's going on here?" he thought.

Ryuga disappeared and reappeared behind Kuro and swung a roundhouse kick to his head. It passed straight through. "What?!" Then he felt another hit to the stomach and was blown away. This hit was exponentially stronger than before. Ryuga coughed up blood.

"Okay, what's going on right now?" Ako asked.

Tenma smiled. "It's Kuro's Form L. For as long as he's like that, he's invincible."

Maki looked down to her right at Tenma. "What do you mean invincible? Like immortal?"

Tenma shook his head. "The L in Form L stands for Ludicrous. It's the name for a speed that's faster than light itself."

Ako's eyes bugged. "Wait WHAT?!! Did you just say faster than LIGHT?!"

Tenma nodded proudly. "When he stands still he can't keep his body completely calm, so he vibrates at light speed. Fast enough that he looks like a normal target just standing there, but really he's moving too fast back and forth. The world goes in slow motion for him right now, so anything slower than him, might as well be a stagnant snail. He can move from that spot and hit Ryuga and you'd never see it happen."

"T-Then why doesn't he just charge at him and get him? If he's that fast he'll win surely right?"

Tenma nodded. "Yeah, he would. But you see how his body is cracked? Form L tears his body to shreds. The energy needed to perform a feat like that would need infinite energy. So it feeds off of him while his body's energy tries to repair itself. He can only sustain that for five minutes tops."

Ryuga flew back onto the battlefield. Kyo appeared behind him. The two exchanged blows, then Ryuga felt a hit in his back.

Ryuga looked at Kuro, he saw a flicker. "So that's what's going on!"

Ryuga was knocked into the ground, making a crater.

Kyo then threw several Mystic Storms at him, creating an explosion.

Ryuga quickly flew up out of the hole and sat on some flat ground.

Kyo was confused. "What's he doing? I'm sure he knows that Kuro can hit him at anytime, why is he leaving himself open." he thought.

Kyo dashed forwards.

Ryuga smiled.

Tenma screamed. "IT'S A TRAP!!!"

But it was too late, the second Kyo stepped close to Ryuga, a white circle appeared on the ground. "God Art: Ring of Judgement!"

An explosion shot up into the sky. A white light filled the air.

Kuro stumbled. "Tsk, my time, is up..." The purple glow faded, and Kuro's hair and eyes turned normal. He fell face first to the ground. Black cracks were all over his body.

The white light in the air faded.

Kyo's vision was blurry. He was blinded by the light for a second.

When he regained his sight, his heart immediately stopped.

Tenma was hugging on to Kyo's waist, but Tenma's entire lower body was gone.

Tenma looked up at him and made an expression that was half grimaced and half smirking. "You're... not supposed to fall for things like that... looks like... this is it... for me..."

Tenma's grip softened as he let go. He flumped into Kyo's lap as he lost consciousness.

Kyo let out a blood-curdling scream.

Ryuga stood up and scratched the back of his head. "Why would he save you? I don't get it. He knew he would die if he did that. Think about yourselves for once, sheesh."

Kyo was still screaming, tears running down his face. He desperately hugged what was left of one of his best friends.

Ako and Maki were crying as well, but they screamed out in anger instead, trying to avenge Tenma.

The two of them charged at Ryuga.

He waved his hand, blowing them away with ease. "Fun's over girls."

Ryuga walked up to Kyo and bent down. "Hey. You know there's no point in crying right? He's dead. Crying won't bring him back. I'm supposed to kill all of you anyways."

Kyo said nothing. He was still crying silently, staring at Tenma.

Ryuga crossed his arms. "So you won't even get up? Fine. You can watch this too then."

Ryuga disappeared and reappeared by Ako, who swung her foot around.

Ryuga dodged and punched her in the stomach, bringing her to her knees. "Hm. That's a good look for you."

Maki charged at him as well with her golem.

Golems were slow, so Ryuga simply dodged and made a white shining ball of energy in his hand. He forced it through the chest of the golem, breaking it apart. Then he grabbed Maki and slammed her into the ground face first. He grabbed a hold of both her arms and put his foot on her back.

"Kyo..." she said softly.

Kyo looked behind him.


Horrid screams echoed the wastelands as Ryuga forced his foot through Maki's chest, crushing her heart.

"Two down." Ryuga said.

Kyo grabbed his head with his hands and started hyperventilating, tears pouring down his face. "What is this? Hell? Am I in hell right now? Why didn't I save her? Why didn't I MOVE?!!! This is war? This is what it means to put your life on the line? NO!!!! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ANYMORE!!!!" he thought.

Kyo was shaking now. All of his will to fight was completely gone.

Ryuga put his hands on his hips. "Now this is just sad. You actually watched me kill her."

Ryuga started laughing. He looked at Ako. "Alright, now for you." He walked towards her.

Ako stood up with tears in her eyes. She swung her axe constantly out of desperation.

Ryuga grabbed the axe and crushed it.

"I hope you die!!! Die!! LEAVE US ALONE!!!" she screamed.

"Hm. Maybe I misunderstood humans. You should've pleaded for me to leave before you tried to kill me." Ryuga made another ball of white light. "Don't worry, it won't even hurt this time."

Ako's life flashed before her eyes. She fell backwards as her knees gave out from fear.

She watched as a blue blur came into her peripheral vision.

The sound of blood gushed.

A blade pierced through Ryuga's side with a bright blue energy that burned like fire.

Ryuga let out a grunt as he looked to his right.


Akasan pulled his sword out, he'd joined the battle.