
Unfolding of Events

[Hours later]

Clouds of flames and smoke were in the air all around the northern coast of Hampton.

Akasan was making his rounds, going from plant to plant, taking out soldiers and guards then freeing the slaves.


Another factory went up in flames. Akasan jumped out of the fire and landed on solid ground. He was standing in front of half a million demihumans.

Hanami was doing the same thing on the other side of the country.

A girl in a brown shawl with the hood covering her face slowly walked forward. "What... what is this?"

Akasan looked her way, and she started shaking.

< "Huh? Friend? Did you mean that? Do you really consider me a friend?!"

"Yeah of course. You're a super nice person, you offered to help me even when you knew that I was a foreigner, and now that I think about it, the rabbit ears are actually cute on you." >