

Makoto snailed along, bringing Akasan with her. When they made it back to the original battlefield, she fell out face first.

Makoto turned on her back. "Hey... Akasan?"


"What's next for us?"

"Who knows...?"

Something that sounded like a stampede rumbled in the background.

"Huh... what is that...?" Makoto asked.

Akasan looked out in the distance. He squinted. "I can't tell..."

Soon they could see the silhouettes of a pack of horses, being rode by a group of people.

Vera was leading the pack. "I've returned!"

The person next to him on a different horse frowned at the sight of the battlefield. "This is horrible. Ladies! We've got work to do!"

"Yes, Doctor!!" they all said.

Akasan smiled. "Carl...!"

Carl hopped off the horse along with the group of nurses. He pulled his sleeves back. His eyes glowed green. His nanobots crawled out of his arms and flooded the ground. "Swarm!!"

Vera hopped off his horse and knelt down near Akasan. "You okay?"