
Endgame, Pt. V

Flashes of orange and blue lightning covered immense distances.

Inside of the Mirror Plane, Akasan and Tekkyon didn't have to worry about restricting their own power. And also, the Seventh Sense was useless inside.

Akasan currently had the upper hand. He punched Tekkyon in his face. "Fifth Quasar!!"


Tekkyon let out a grunt as he was shot away. He raised his hand. "Magnetar."


Tekkyon was now holding a magnetic star several times larger than the average planet.

Akasan had to squint, as the brightness was coating his entire vision.

The Mirror Plane was a place without gravity or atoms of any kind. A place without matter. So the fight between these men were essentially slowly creating a new universe, star by star.

The gravity of Tekkyon's star was warping the Mirror Plane, repelling the layers away.

However, around Akasan, the layers were spiraling towards him, as he held up a black hole. "Zero Point Quasar." It grew to the same size as Tekkyon's.