
Knight of the Villainess

Caleb, a young boy of 6, regained memories of his previous life. Despite being reborn in a strange new fantasy world vastly different from his previous one, he strived to do his best nonetheless. However, one day, he was tasked with becoming the personal knight of a certain duke's daughter who seemed eerily familiar to him. It turned out she was a character from a game he had played in his previous life, known as a villainess! "She is Valencia Asterlight, the eldest daughter of Duke Asterlight. From now on, you shall be assigned as her personal knight." Although taken aback by this sudden revelation, he felt no sense of urgency. In the main story of the game he had played, he was merely a nameless knight who aided the main characters by betraying the villainess. Yes, he felt no sympathy towards this girl before him, as she literally possessed no redeeming qualities and deserved everything she got. Feeling no need for interference, Caleb continued to live his life peacefully, doing what he wanted and only putting in the minimum effort required, eventually leading the story in the direction it should go. Unless...?

Squid_Soda · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs



One morning, a flood of memories familiar to me suddenly overwhelmed my mind. These... memories... are from my previous life?

I was a normal college student aspiring to become a professional basketball player. I was about to attend the ceremony that would determine if I could turn pro, but the last thing I remember was... nothing? I don't recall anything at all! Did I actually... die?

Ahh, there's no use dwelling on that anymore. Despite these new memories, I still clearly retain the memories I have in this world. I am Caleb Wulvian, the eldest son of the Dukedom's Knight Commander. We're a family of knights who have served the duke for centuries.

I still have no idea why I regained memories from my previous life, but I have no plans to wallow in sadness. What's done is done, I guess? The important thing is that I'll live this life to the fullest, not taking for granted the second chance given to me.

But still, this body of mine is very different from what I remember from my previous life. I guess it's expected since I'm still a literal child now, but I suppose, as someone who will inevitably become a knight in the future, there's nothing wrong with a bit of training!

Back then, training every day was routine for me, aiming to become a professional athlete. I may not be able to do strenuous workouts for now, but I guess jogging would be enough to clear my mind of things.

I changed into outdoor clothes and started running towards the courtyard. This place is where my father usually trains by himself when he's at home. Right now, it seems like no one's here, so I immediately started my jog.

"Oh? Young master! So, you were here! I was looking for you since you weren't in your room earlier. I was going to call you for breakfast!"

Before I reached my third lap, a kindly old man beckoned towards me. He is our family butler, Jarvin. I wiped the sweat from my forehead before running towards him.

"Hello Jarvin! I was just trying to get a bit of exercise in since the weather seems splendid this morning!"

"Oho? Is the young master finally starting his training to become a knight? I applaud the enthusiasm! But for now, let's go to the dining hall since your parents and siblings are waiting."

With a nod, I followed behind Jarvin until we reached the dining hall.

"Caleb?! What happened?! Why are you so sweaty this early in the morning?!" an elegant-looking woman gasped in astonishment as she saw me enter the hall.

This elegant woman is my mother, Selena Wulvian. With cherry-blonde hair long enough to reach her slender waist and eyes that sparkled like crimson rubies, she was once considered a high flower in noble society. And the man who was able to pick that flower was...

"Oh? Caleb! Have you finally decided to start training? Were storybooks and wooden blocks too boring for you now? Hahaha! You're really my son! You've got the Wulvian blood flowing into your knightly veins alright!" happily exclaimed the man who is my father.

Severim Wulvian, this bear of a man with grey hair and dark brown eyes, is the current commander of knights in the dukedom. With his imposing stature, he strikes fear into the hearts of enemies and allies alike, or so I've heard. When at home, he's always kind and gentle towards everyone in the mansion.

"Bwo ish knight?" "Ish a knight?" mumbled by two kids accompanied by their respective maids.

These two angels are my twin brother and sister, Cole and Celeste Wulvian. They're 4 years younger than me, and I absolutely adore them.

"Greetings! Mother, Father. When I woke up this morning, the weather seemed perfect for exercise. Sorry for this sloppy appearance; I was not expecting to sweat this much."

"It's fine! Come and eat since the food will turn cold. We've already started without you since Jarvin said you were not found in your room. But it's good that he actually did since it's a rare moment for us to share breakfast with each other, especially since your mom and I are usually busy with work."

That's right. Usually around this time, Father is busy training the knights, and Mother spends her time attending tea parties by various nobles to maintain connections and acquire new information about the current situation in noble society.

I usually spend my time eating breakfast alone since my younger siblings would be fed by their maids in their room. We usually only have time to eat together during dinner.

Anyways, I took a seat in a vacant chair beside Mother and began to eat. Breakfast proceeded as usual, with a few conversations sprinkled here and there.

"So, Caleb, seeing that you're willing to start morning exercises, I take it you're also willing to commence your knight training?" my father inquired, not letting the topic go.

"Well, that's what I'm planning, I guess?" I replied.

"Isn't it still too soon? You've always been too smart for a kid, so you might've matured earlier than usual, but I still think you should enjoy being a kid a bit more," Mother interjected.

"Oh, come on! I know he's got your brains, but I bet he's also got my brawn! Hahaha!" Father replied heartily.

After a while, everyone finished their meal and went about their own business.

As for me, I returned to my room to contemplate and ponder my future. If my memory serves me right, I'll have private lessons three years from now before attending the Academy when I turn 13. I don't know much, but apparently, noble children are highly encouraged to enter the Academy.

Of course, one can skip the Academy altogether, but the benefits of graduating from it outweigh any alternatives.

But those matters are still far off for now, and I'm uncomfortable doing nothing either. Maybe I was fine before regaining my memories, but now I feel restless without being productive. Back then, I was busy my whole life trying to balance academics and sports.

Since there are still years before I can get a tutor, the most I can do for now is train my body to be ready for more intense training, I suppose. Yup, that's it! Time for more jogging!


Time flew by, and three years passed. After regaining my memories, I began jogging every morning. At first, I wasn't accustomed to getting tired after a few laps since, in my previous life, I was known for my immense stamina. But now, I can finally feel my stamina approaching what I had in my previous life.

However, jogging wasn't the only thing I did. Well, it was at first, but one day Jarvin saw me and suggested practicing swinging a wooden sword too.

And so, I did. Additionally, when Father practiced at home, he would teach me correct posture and stance while nodding approvingly.

Days like those passed peacefully until finally, the day came when I would need my own tutor. Apparently, I would have two tutors, one for basic swordsmanship and one for basic academics. Mother would teach me basic etiquette, but Father was busy training the Knights Order, so he couldn't be here as my tutor. But he did say he would definitely stop by sometimes to train me personally.

"Don't worry! The swordsmanship tutor I've assigned for you is someone I trust! Although retired, he was once a comrade I entrusted my back to," Father assured me.

"And your academics tutor was also my junior back in the Academy. I know she'll do her job brilliantly! But I'm more excited to see her face when she realizes how smart you are!" Mother chimed in happily.

At least, those were the words they said during the dinner we had last night. For now, I'll trust their words.

Right now, I'm doing my regular laps around the courtyard. Jarvin said that my tutor would arrive soon, so I decided to at least warm up before we start.

"Ohh? What a lively young fella! So, you're that wolf's kid, huh? I guess bear fits him more, but you get the gist of it!"

I immediately stopped in my tracks to look at the source of the voice. There stood a man looking roughly in his late 40s with a huge scar slashing through his right eye.

I assume he's the tutor sent by my dad judging from his well-built body. His overall stature really signified his knightly aura. I can totally see him being my dad's comrade-in-arms.

I then proceeded to swiftly walk towards him before correcting my posture.

"Greetings, sir! I am Caleb Wulvian! I assume you're the tutor my father sent to mentor me in swordsmanship?"

"Aye! I'm Geovric Hammerborne. I once had the honor to fight together with your father on the battlefield! And now, I once again will have the honor to teach his kid!" He introduced himself with a big grin on his face. I'm immediately relieved to see his friendly demeanor. But I bet as a knight, he's still as strict as my father, so I need to do my best.

"For now, show me your basic strikes, will ya?" He said while pointing to a training dummy I usually use when training by myself.

I performed a few combinations of strikes that had become routine for me. And speaking of routine, I'm quite confident in my routines since I'm used to doing things over and over again in my previous life. Being a former basketball player helps me with my footwork and ease of movement. Although I enjoy training, I also miss playing basketball.

"Woah! It seems you've already got the basics etched perfectly into your body! I assume your father taught you those movements?" My thoughts snap back to reality when sir Geovric commented about my swings.

"Yes, that's right, sir."

"Good! If that's the case, all you need right now is sparring experience! Come now!" Sir Geovric grinned. Thus, it became part of my new routine for the next few years.


Another three years have passed since then. I've been training with Sir Geovric as usual, but that's not the only thing that changed in my routine. Right now, I'm sitting in a room together with a gorgeous, bespectacled half-elf lady.

"This is absolutely astounding! You've perfected the exam I gave you last time! I guess the apple really does not fall far from the tree," the lady beamed at me while holding my test papers.

This lady is the one my mother invited to tutor me in academics. She's Folia Evergreen, a baroness and part of the Royal Mages that serves the King. She took a break in her duties to accept Mother's invitation to be my tutor. Apparently, not only were they close, but they were also rivals.

Miss Folia entered the Academy exceeding everybody's expectations. She was always at the top of her class, that is, until she took part in academic contests against the senior years. No matter how hard she tried, my mother always won against her academically.

That rivalry is what made them close. But even though Miss Folia always loses against Mother, there's one thing Mother can't win against her, and that is Magical Power.

Yes, apparently magic exists in this world, which is vastly different from the world in my previous life. Unfortunately, my mother has no magical talent despite her being a genius in other fields. But maybe that was the exact reason why Mother excelled in those fields, to compensate for her lack of magic.

But despite that, I do feel a bit guilty right now. Miss Folia remains staring at me, with her eyes shining with great expectations.

Unfortunately, I really don't think of myself as a genius. I doubt I've inherited my mother's intellect; it's just that these topics are literally for kids. I'm fairly sure my academics would deteriorate as I become an adult, and for that, I'm filled with guilt every time they praise my intellect.

"Ah, but it's still such a bummer. Not only did you inherit your mother's smarts, but also her lack of magic... I guess it's only given since your father also lacks magical talent. But still..." Miss Folia grieved softly, almost seemingly not wanting me to hear her words.

But really though, I'm not too affected by it. I mean, yeah, magic seems cool. But I'm not really interested in things like that. Just like how back then in my previous life, even though I think the latest gadgets are cool, I never really took an interest in them, unlike my younger sister in the previous life.

Before Miss Folia wallows in sadness, sudden loud knocks echoed throughout the room. Our attention immediately went to the source, which is the door, before it was opened quite briskly.

Following that, a young girl entered the room energetically before arriving right in front of us.

"Bro! Father called for you! He told you to quickly prepare since guests are coming!" The girl, who is also my sister, exclaimed.

"Cel! You're too energetic! S-sorry for that, Brother Caleb!" expressed the twin brother who is apparently peeking behind the door.

"Oh, come on! It's just how we Wulvians are!" Celeste swaggered.

"Only you and Dad are like that though..." Cole murmured before Celeste looked at him sharply.

"Haha, come now. It's fine to have a bit of energy. Thanks for telling me, both of you. Please inform Father that I'll be coming right up."

The twins then affirmed and quickly left as they came. I then excused myself from Miss Folia before going to my room to prepare.

Guests, huh? It's been a while since we've had guests here. We're usually the ones who get invited, so it's really unusual for us to welcome guests here.

After my preparations, as if knowing I was done, Jarvin knocked on my door before saying, "Young master, if you are done, your father has instructed you to go directly to his study."

As such, I immediately went per his instructions. I knocked on the door before hearing my father's voice telling me to enter.

Inside the room was my father standing in front of his desk, in front of him was a man with a stern but dignified face, and a young girl that seemed to be around my age.

Then suddenly, my whole body stiffened in surprise, my eyes fixated towards that girl. No, it's not her uniquely enchanting golden eyes, nor her long jet-black hair that caught my attention. Neither is it her suspiciously familiar face, but rather the reason that confirms my immediate suspicions.

There, just inches above her head, is a transparent status window that hovers silently.


[Name: Valencia Asterlight]

[Title: Duke's Daughter]

[Lvl: 2]

[Skills: N/A]
