
Knight and Death

This is the era of Knight and Death. Ancient virtues are buried in the dust of history, and civilizations and traditions are burned to ashes. Struggle and slaughter are everywhere, the old order is buried in blood. But Maetos, a man riding a dark horse, and he said, 'I came not to send peace, but a sword.'. A new immortality begins here.

leede_belatia · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Tulip Manor

"The Tulip Manor is ahead, and once we get there, everyone can rest well. "As Maetos quickly passed by a mercenary team, he heard the conversation of these mercenaries.

"Tulip Manor? "Maetos couldn't help but frown and ponder. If he remembers correctly, this Tulip Manor is the gathering place that the old butler told him.

With some thought in mind, he immediately took out the map from his bag and looked at it. After some identification, he finally determined that he was very close to Tulip Manor now, and if there were no accidents, he would have arrived at the Manor before dinner time.

Thinking of having a stable sleep environment and being able to resume their training after arriving at their destination, Maetos couldn't help but urge the warhorse to speed up once again.

The horse's hooves are kicking and the nose is buzzing. Along the way, besides giving the horses a break when necessary, Maetos even ate lunch on their backs.

As dusk approached, with Maetos' rapid journey, he finally arrived at his destination: the Tulip Manor designated by the Governor General.

Although Maetos heard a lot of information about this Manor along the way, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise when he actually saw it.

This Manor is really too vast, and its area is much larger than Sherya Town. He know that Sherya Town has over 10000 residents and can accommodate over 20000 tourists to stay there. The size of this tulip Manor is likely to accommodate more people.

When there were still hundreds of meters away from the manor, several cavalry soldiers greeted from a distance. The first person has a well proportioned body, and although they are ordinary in appearance, they have a murderous aura intertwined between their eyebrows and eyes, indicating that they are soldiers who have killed people.

"This is Tulip Manor, only hosting some special merchants, mercenary regiments, and people from Knights Manor. Who are you? I think you should show your identity. "The cavalry soldier, holding a long gun and looking at Maetos with a wary expression, exclaimed.

These days, with a large number of mercenary groups and merchants, as well as Squires gathering in the Castro area, the Tulip Manor has become chaotic. People often engage in fights here, so the owner of the Manor dispatched these cavalry to maintain order and receive visitors.

"I am Squire from Sherya Knight Manor, following the order of the Governor General to gather here and strangle the rioters. "Maetos shook his head, his thick neck making a crisp sound of friction, and the scars on his face trembled with his facial muscles, appearing extremely ferocious.

"This is my proof, "he said, taking out the sheepskin roll given to him by the old butler from his arms and submitting it to the cavalry.

He has gone through this program three or four times, so he is very clear about the purpose of the other party's actions.

The identification test was very rapid. After carefully reading and recognizing the text and seal on it, the cavalry officer nodded and smiled at Maetos with great friendliness, saying, "Follow him. Someone will arrange your accommodation and meals at the manor. I still have to be on duty here, so I'm afraid I can't see you off."

"Haha! I see. "Maetos laughed heartily upon hearing this. He knew that among these cavalry, perhaps only the one in front of him could recognize words, and no one else could, so he asked the others to guide him.

A cavalry soldier was ordered to turn his horse and lead Maetos towards the manor.

The closer he is to the manor, the more people he meets. Many small vendors place their pallets and cargo racks on the ground for customers to choose from. A large number of mercenaries flock to choose suitable items from these goods to enjoy or arm themselves.

Many Squire even took their servants to wander around various stalls, buying some small items to please the women in the manor, or searching for equipment suitable for their own training to increase their strength.

"More than twenty thousands people have gathered here now. You should be careful here, and it's best not to have conflicts with others. Some people here have a bad temper, and they often fight with people for small problems. "The cavalry who led the way lowered his voice and explained to Maetos about the things in the manor.

He had originally not intended to pay attention to Maetos, but seeing his fierce face and scars all over his body, he remembered the orders given by the Manorowner and reluctantly explained these things.

"Fighting in this manor, no matter which side dies, there will be no one preside over justice."

"How long do I have to stay here before I can go to the battlefield? "Maetos chuckled grimly as he listened to the cavalry's words and became dissatisfied with the owner of the manor.

"I don't know, there's no clear time yet. But it probably won't take too long! I heard the mob has colluded with the savages of the barren ice fields in the north and is advancing towards this place. "The cavalry furrowed his brow and realized that the Squire next to him was not easy to get along with, so he became even more determined in his idea of obeying the orders of the Manorowner.

During their conversation, the two of them walked several streets and arrived at the northernmost end of the manor.

There are no numerous vendors or groups of mercenaries on the streets here. Occasionally, pedestrians pass by, either ferocious or uneasy.

"It's very quiet here, "Maetos leisurely looked around at the two story stone houses that were almost identical, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, the rooms in other areas are already fully arranged, and only they are still available. Here, you can own a house alone; in other areas, you can only own one room alone, and even share a room with a few people. "The cavalry smiled at the words and led Maetos through several alleys before quickly appearing on another street.

The houses on this street have three floors, all of which are built on the strongest black rock in the Kastu area. Houses are adjacent to each other, and five sturdy Squires are bored walking along the street. When they saw Maetos' arrival, their eyes lit up and they subconsciously walked towards Maetos.

"This is your residence now, I hope you have a pleasant stay here, "the cavalry pointed out a house to Maetos and said. Every day, someone brings you food. I think if you don't mind the trouble, you can tell me the food and quantity you want to eat, and I will tell the servants to bring you enough food and other necessary items."

Maetos nodded upon hearing this, quickly stating the amount of food he needed, while squinting his eyes to carefully examine the five Squires walking towards here.

On this hundred meter long street, only five of their sturdy Squires appeared here, making Maetos alert when no one else could be seen.

"I think if you have time, you should also explain to me why this place is so quiet. "After scanning the cavalry and seeing that the other party was listening attentively to his words, he suddenly changed the topic aside and asked.

"The guests here have a bit of a bad temper. They like to fight and fight, and many of them can't bear it, so they leave here to live with others. If you can't bear it either, I'll find a way to find you another place to live, but the environment there may not be comparable to the environment here. "The cavalry soldier secretly worried, afraid that the person in front of him would get angry because of this.

Of course, if it weren't for the manor owner's command, he would never have led Maetos here, and even if he had brought him here, he wouldn't have answered like this.

"You can leave now! "Maetos turned his head again, jumping off his horse and tearing off his cloak and throwing it to the ground. "I think I have some other things to deal with here, so I don't have time for you to slack off here."

"Woops! Then I'll go. "The cavalry saw Squires getting closer in the distance and quickly chuckled a few times before turning his horse and galloping towards the distance.

"My memory is not very good. I'll quickly inform the servants to save you from forgetting the amount of food you need."

"Bah! I didn't expect this softie to bring another dead person. Not bad, I seem to have some fun again. "Among the Squires walking in the distance, there was a Squire who was 2.1 meters tall. He has short red hair, and his personality is like his hair, full of fiery irritability.

"Are you talking about me? Boy! Don't casually call me a dead person, I don't want to die yet. "Maetos laughed heartily at the words, and he took the Oxhorn axe from his waist with his back hand and waved it in his hand for a few times. Axe waved, creating a powerful wind.

"Haha! Are you calling me a boy? Hmm! It's so ridiculous that someone should call me a boy? How many years have passed, let me think about it, how many years have passed since no one called me a boy? "The red haired Squire covered his head and giggled strangely. He forcefully tore at his own hair, and his nose and tears flowed down his mind, pacing quickly in place like a madman.

"Are you trying to fight me? "Maetos wield his axe, "If you want to fight with me, then don't waste time. Go and bring your weapons. I fight with people, and I never use fists. "

Maetos narrowed his eyes and roared loudly," I crave blood. Only the blood brought by weapons is enough to satisfy me."

A huge roar echoed in the empty street, and in the next breath, there was only a sound of the door, and dozens of fierce Squires suddenly appeared on the street.

These Squires are diverse, ranging from those wearing armor and carrying weapons to those barehanded and unarmed. Even the shortest one among them is two meters tall, tall and even comparable to Maetos. The tallest one is a huge fat man.

This chubby man is also bald, with his upper body bare and only a short cowhide skirt around his waist. He is two cubits taller than Maetos, almost three meters tall.

If it weren't for his fat all over, I'm afraid everyone would think he was a savage in that barren ice field.