
1: Fired

Keith's POV:

Keith woke up, and looked at the clock beside his bed-Shit, he was late! Work started at eight and it was twenty minutes passed! He threw the covers off him, dressed in his black shirt, jeans, and red jacket. Then, he cleaned his teeth, and put his hair in a low ponytail. It was easier that way. He grabbed his lunch he had made the other night, threw that in his cooler, along with a few waters, and ran outside, then hopped on his bike, and sped away. He knew he had set his alarm last night! So why hadn't it gone off? Had someone tampered with it while he slept? No, that wasn't possible. He lived on his own, went to work, and college, and didn't have any friends. Nor did he have enimies. So, who....? He cleared his head, approaching the restaurant he worked at, Wendy's. He parked, and ran in, cursing himself mentally. "Your late!" His boss yelled at him, crossing his arms. The boss was Lotor, a tall adult with white blonde hair, pale skin, and purple eyes. "I know, but is et my alarm, and it didn't go off-" Keith tried to explain, using frantic hand gestures. "That's the third time this week, Kogane! I can't let you slip past anymore. Your fired." Keith scowled, directly at Lotor, but he didn't seem to care. "Expect your payment by Friday." And the man walked off. So, Keith walked out, telling himself to start setting a timer on his phone instead, so it would actually go off. He hopped back onto his bike, and sped to college, knowing he would be early, but if your on time, then your technically late.

Lance's POV:

Lance got up that morning, and felt cheerful for some reason, so he decoded to get dressed. He threw on some jeans, only tripping once, and a blue collared, white shirt, then his blue converse, and did the regular. Brushed his hair, cleaned his teeth, etc. After that, he slung his bookbag over his shoulder, and greeted his mother in the kitchen. "Buenos dias, mijo, come have some breakfast." Today, her hair was pinned up in a bun, wearing her usual, red robe thst ended at her ankles, paired with her black slippers. She placed some eggs on a plate, along with a piece of toast, and set it down on the table, so he sat and ate. "Mmmmm! Thank you, mama, this is really delicious!" He told her, beaming. She smiled. "I'm glad you like it, Lance. Any plans after college today?" He downed some toast. "No. But I'm going over to Hunk's tomorrow, if that's ok with you." She nodded. "Of course. As long as your back before the street lights come on." He finished his eggs. "Deal, mama, and thank you." He put his plate in the sink and rinsed it off. "I love you, see you later!" His mother hugged him, and planted a kiss on his head before he left, then waved from the door as he walked off. Yup, today was going to be a good day, Lance could feel it.