

Rerin thought she was the typical type of human waking up in the novel she reads but journey after journery, it wasn't. Turns out she comes from the books itself and mystical being living on earth for years of life. Reborn and send to the earth by the Kitsune Clan after wars of love, power, politics, and peace between three top clan of Aurosia Wyris. Between Kitsune, Werewolf, and Pheonix who will win the love of fairy? Waves uncommon story begin.

nhscl · Fantasi
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17 Chs

Palace Mansion

Rerin can't remember whether in 29 years old life, did she ever have breakfast in pyjamas? Her eyes looked again at the dress. No, it's not pyjamas. Pyjamas are very much different from what she wears right now. The sleeping dress in her eyes is like a dress for an evening dinner. The material made is satin, the hem and sleeve ruffled embroidered floral lace and dressing a few jewelry stones.

The thought she was the bride is her naughty thinking too much but she could go for bridesmaids in looking like the dress. The first is, that she wears a sleeping dress at the breakfast table and the second is, on top of not washing a single corner of her face. To dunk foods and drinks is unthinkable. Minutes passed with only one sip from a cup of green tea juice. An embarrassed wall built up between her and the meals. Flashing the scene back, Rerin but not have a little bit of shame or she was too carefree in her own will.

Back to a few minutes ago, ...

"Yes?" She was hesitant but answered to overcome troublesome obstacles in the upcoming events.

"You're late."

How to answer next? Still, yes? Losing is the choice, "Yes, I'm". The answer, for now, is none than 'yes' and 'not'. The idea won't come to respond accordingly. It's tingling ticklish but pricky embarrassment. Moments go by, why the door hasn't opened yet? The door should be opened by now and the maid will come in. Isn't it how it always played?

It's the type of door she needs to open by herself? Instance, people won't open the door unless she opens it by herself.

Why does pushing down the door handle feel like she was doing weightlifting? The sport is always very heavy the look. An exhaled breath, and fisted her left hand, mind couraging, 'It's people same as her beyond a shadow of doubt taking care and obeying her.'

Remembering any scenes from books, a smile is crucial whether it's wicked or sincere, right? A few things could go slide down differently from then.

"Why aren't you coming in?" The question sounds weird, especially inviting workers to enter the room on a whim. The casual manner is vulnerable and can never be applied to this type of world. Make yourself as easy prey as it's.

By that time, she'll get her tongue and mouth fixed as soon as she's used to everything. The hand is still tight on the door handle. See people after moment waking up in book world, she reads but doesn't finish it is nerve-wracking but others, not monsters while she's the only human being here, right? Want to laugh at childish remarks, launching the door wide open?

"Rerin … wake up a moment ago?" The young king doesn't need to guess the morning face he saw almost a week now.

She's used too much to seeing handsome men in 2D or 3D that's incomparable to living ones, now the one in front of her, breathing, living, and coming in human form. Rather than most other concerned things, a human-like her gives a very relieving pace to Rerin. Seeing one is enough to appease her mind and heart. But there are a few things that are a little different about the young man in front of her. Losing words for a handsome-looking young man is normal. So, she's normal.

"Oh, … ah, … yes..."

"I see you're not overslept. Shall we go now?"

"Go where???" Where's the man want to bring her? Shocked hasn't loosened up yet.

"Breakfasting. It's time for it," giggled Glovisa. Why is dear fiancee asking such a question in the morning?

Breakfasting? 7 a.m, it's morning. It a breakfast time. Losing the mind because waking up in a book world will make different times as well as day and night, it's not? Then, a moment. "Right now??? I'm going to breakfast like this?"

"Yes, it's."

"It's... it's... okay?" Wanted to say, should she clean herself first or at least wash her face and gurgle up a bit? Or should grab the chance now to discover how is her other half Rerin living?

"As usual, you are going straight to breakfast after waking up. Today I guessed it the same as other days."

"Let me have time in the mirror a bit. I should as the lady before going anywhere." It sounds a little bit unconvinced.

"I'm fine how you're now. Your hair not getting crumpled and entangled everywhere is good. There're times worse than this? Have you forgotten it?"

Worse than I'm right now? SHAME! How worse it's that she goes straight to the breakfast table without one drop of water on her face and her hair messier enough as she sees it? "Oh, …" Want to say something but only a long pause comes.

"You're not sick anywhere? How about I'm carrying you to the breakfast table?" A dejected answer coming soon from dear fiancee.

Carry her? She didn't learn how to punch a man previously. Otherwise, she'll in wilfully manner punching the man's face right now. First nonsense to know is carrying a woman at first sight meeting? On second thought, she's the one who's not familiar while the man in front knows her long enough, precisely it's Rerin before.

"How are you? Are you still going to have breakfast or not?"

Let's have breakfast first. Under any circumstances, she's, fighting against the odds the stomach needs to be at full brim level especially for now since she's just miraculously waking up in a castle-like place. "Let me apologize for my appearance. Just once in a while."

"Yes. No need to next time. It's time for food to get warm. Let's eat it." A voice that's a little bit cold in the cold morning.

The eyes to the white marble tiled floor. Words transmitted warmth to her whole, especially her cheeks. She won't fall in love as soon as possible, right? But it's, the words are kind and gentle. Never falling with a person but with words. Believe love comes from words first regarding anything else. "Where's the served breakfast?"

"Do you want it somewhere else today? The garden might come a little bit..." Preparation can be done to your wish, queen.

The garden? Not the kitchen? No, it's the dining room. Scoffing, it's a hall everywhere in the house called 'mansion' though she doesn't know how big and how many halls this 'mansion' have. "The usual place is good. Let's have it there. You have prepared it long since."

Never go against the stream of water flow otherwise going against hurdles soon might prove hard.

Now, there she's at the breakfast table, unable to eat or drink because of shame. "Oh, right, you said I usually oversleep a lot?" Wrong sentences and crooked ones.

Learning about Rerin is what she should do as much as she can right now. It's her right now. Learn the other half of her and have an examination later. It will come whether without her calling or not.

"You're not. You'll wake up in an earthly hour to stroll around until the sunlight started to get warm. At times, you'll watch the sunrise far from the horizon. Paused sentence. Glovisa takes the drinking. He feels the water smooth flow running down his throat. So much thirst in the morning. Working hard at night sure is refreshed in the morning. "It's sun basking, I'd like to say."

"I see." A habit she half liked and half hated. Half is because she likes to spend time caged somewhere with books.

As for strolling around, the vast garden that's like far wide like a field, self-growing wildflowers or planted from seeds flowers commonly she sees bit there and here is healing beauty nature. She gets passionate compassion for them. It's not a shame to live here.

Shame because she thought it was a building with three or four floors but the house didn't have didn't even have one floor. The house was built on the ground floor only. Image thoughts she was grand noble something was smashed to pieces. The room interior casually gives her an impression misleading her of the female lead character. She thought she could do some kind of yelling and screaming from the top floor of the building that belonged only to her. The entire floor, isn't it?

Of course, imaging was all in her head. Nevertheless, she wants to think of herself as one. That's how she'll live from now on. Isn't one waking up in novels usually female leads? Amusingly ridiculous though, they get it in a way became an antagonist character. Silently giggling in her heart but with a beaming smile on her lips.

There are no stairs to climb. Going anywhere, she just needs to walk in the same space turning right and left always. It's not much better than her apartment but only the journey going to the room after room is quite distant. You could do a walking exercise for 30 minutes. Despite that, it was a luxurious-looking house. She couldn't explain the made materials but one could see by going to the wealthiest person's house. Now, the saying acknowledges and recognizes herself as one.

Who else is in the house? She didn't see anyone on the way there. Living here all alone? Rerin's coughing a few times. A left hand quickly to the mouth in form like a fist. She seems can't to let go of her right hand from holding the cup handle. It is glued there. Felt like she must hold onto something in balance herself otherwise she would be uttering nonsense as well turn everything messier like garbage in place looking for the cause.

It's urging her to have the confidence to act as she wishes because this world owns her unpayable debt without asking her permission first when she wants to wake up choices.

A direct question or a roundabout question? Both have been displayed in her mind for quite some time. Direct asking is... impossible to have amnesia overnight, right? Rather than knowing herself, it's better to pile up information whose enemies whether she uses them or discards for one's useless.

Common etiquette, a non-familiar gentleman would never have breakfast together with a lady.

"It only us at home?" Trapped like a question.


"The maids haven't back from the market yet. They're going to market after dawn and till now they do not back yet means you've your fill late today."

Fill? She's going to eat again? "Market? Fill?" She couldn't link words in sentences but those two words are strong in her head. You would buy only foods and kinds of it in the market.

"The one fruit you like so much after first taste on a trip to the neighborhood. I see the seeds of that one fruit you're planting, a sprout growing from it."

"Ah, yes." Too much information and the stomach is like an empty cup. She begs to differ a big opposite by way of looking at filled to brim cup. No strength to defragmentation all of it.

Young king's eyes to the Rerin's cup. Prospect she was late to breakfast as he heard Rerin having trouble sleeping at night is none. Glovisa looking at his own shadow in the cup. The last night as well.

She wakes up earlier than him most of the time spent here. Rerin has a seat on the garden wooden bench or sees her somewhere around the house corner, doing what she wants to do is the usual sight after he wakes up, and he sees an outside view through tall glass windows along the spacious hallway.

Silent and cup left untouched. Taking one or two sips doesn't count. The king after staying soon to be the queen could give the title to himself as the butler of the house. He sees her for almost a week and the person having gorged on breakfast time is in serene mode today. Was something wrong last night?

"Are you having something last night?" He never sees a princess without food at hand most times.

"I don't. I didn't have dinner. Going go straight to bed after the meals. Mother … I ... oh …" Last night reminiscence from the 'earth world'? First world? Since this is the second world? That's the happened last night. She's unwittingly letting it out. It's not here. How should she know? She's not the one here. How much she wants to laugh right now but not brazen of craziness in the morning so soon. Was stuttering too much?

"You can laugh as you wish as wishes ought not to let it down. It's so much pleasing to see what you want to do heartedly. It's one of the healing types being here with you."

What it's? A confession but it's not? "Can I do as I wish?"

"Do what you want to do is you. That's how I see you. Chain of restriction is none." It's the guess of what has gotten to you while why you're living on this land.

There's will be a regular updates on chapters. Please revisit it to read a revised of new one. My apologizes for troubles, dear readers. Still improving, please be patient with me.

Thank you very much.

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