

Rerin thought she was the typical type of human waking up in the novel she reads but journey after journery, it wasn't. Turns out she comes from the books itself and mystical being living on earth for years of life. Reborn and send to the earth by the Kitsune Clan after wars of love, power, politics, and peace between three top clan of Aurosia Wyris. Between Kitsune, Werewolf, and Pheonix who will win the love of fairy? Waves uncommon story begin.

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17 Chs

Days at Palace Mansion

It's a one-floor mansion but the window is high, grunted Rerin. After waking up, resting a few minutes, hands tossing the blanket away because it was moderately half hot and warm, her way is to the window. Taking the same stool she used to climb onto the window sill in an earlier chapter, Rerin sits on it. While daydreaming, her head rests on the elbow on the window sill looking out. The green scenery of mountains and hills gives natural healing asking her to sleep more. Well, she could count the napping times she has while looking out. Deprived sleep yawnings, why the reason wonder?

An answer will come after a little more napping. The windy breeze at brunchtime is comforting. The stomach has missed breakfast. She should wake up hours ago to have breakfast but the chance has blown away the breakfast meals. It's not late to have brunch but the eyes want to sleep till noon. No sleep at night, none of the daytime matter in the head.

Day busyness, she won't have to deal with it. She'll wake up at her own time, make brunch or lunch, dress in a casual styled, legs taking her roaming aimlessly around the town, see townspeople on window shopping excuses, and at the end of the day, she'll be back home tiredly, taking shower, making dinner, sleeping soundly with the happiness of extremely fulfilling and good day. She'll be very happy to do those things without a care.

Napping time on the window sill worked well for the mind.

Then, who would get in her way of having a smooth sailing day? ...Sailing? A ship?

Luffy? She always sees the manga cover with his big ship along with the crew. Busyness as an adult didn't earn her time to watch it fully. The library at the home has a great manga collection and CDs.

Where to find those in town? Does she wonder if the illustration and drawing same? Different people and different drawing styles. The way a person holds a pen, learning experiences, and sketches styles.

She aims to go to bookstores but will she never understand the content or what was written?

She didn't find a book in the mansion palace, except for one notebook without a key on her bedside table. Come to mind, the 'she' previously didn't read or write, probably? What else, then? The locked thing is an enigma. The obvious temptation of deliciousness without being conscious of it.

The one letter she can't understand the content. Glovisa's reading it leaning at the bedside table to her while her lying down on the bed. Its content was explained.

It's in one lazy evening, with the letter coming back in the hand. It was the day after day after she come back from Glovisa's little brother's palace. She will see a newly built palace at His Highness The Excellency Asch's home soon. It will take a loaded time to care for sweeping, cleaning, furnishing, and furbishing. When it'll be finished?

A wonder.

Asch have forgotten it the moment he heard Glovisa's words but she was by one of the royalties of a noble and Yoseiminn. He shouldn't take out the weapon in the next Royal Fairy Princess's presence.

The Ohami fair's raging mad eyes she'll want to see again on the day they meet about the black heart termination contract discussion after so long.

The little brother should know it's not through her husband's wipe and clean, her wish is one in her own hands. She could do it without bothering others. The golden thread shattered pieces broke Asch's thin sword made in shadow, light, and fire. A convenience tool for those binding blindly to royal. Her graceful chain bound to royal and noble. Ultimately, it comes conveniently to chain back those barking dogs of royals.

Luna and Suna on their kneel recognizing the master of the house. The witch has left Ohami yet they conserve witch authority. Should she visit Ohami in her spare time? She belongs to Kitsune by vows and tie but is a half-witch descendant of Ohami founders.

The witch progenitor of three. Born her, the witch in the Yoseiminn clan. How will she be called off? The Yoseiminn of purity and cleanness, in her eyes, shows the great discrepancy the other day, wasn't so. It was more silhouette dissension of the black shadow. Kitsune and Ohami, in the dream of the night, the hands feel the snow soft and fluffy falling in her hand. The trees are made of crystal, frozen icicles, and glittering sparks diamonds. A woman wearing a red gown leaned on the kitsune, resting her head on her hand on it, sleeping tight. Wavy long haired soft glossy hair, a white tiara on the head, and a clump of thin and sharp needle-like at the side.

In other dreams, she wakes up to see her in a black gown, ohami beast's eyes soft yearned for her eyes deep. Her quick light kiss on the cheek to the dearest one.

The temperature never changed to the warmth between the two. More bewildering for her as the queen and wife of Kitsune's king.

The thinking mind of men by title Kitsune King and the Ohami Crown Prince. It's the title, not the men themselves. Ah, the witch cares no men but what they gave.

She would be minding meddling soon on belligerent acts for the playtime between siblings running back in childhood time.

On the day, she wonders about people. No one in sight. Glovisa's kitsune, though they're a milestone away, the other could taste a bit older twin's powerhouse.

On a showy evening, the old lovers' game finds a reason she's one play center between the clans. Foreseeing, little pretty green scenery will be pretty ruined. Excluded herself, Glovisa, and Asch, people would want to see the peace and greenery. An irrefutable demand in peace showtime.

An irritation and jealousy, why does Glovisa don't show he knew who she was in front of his little brother?

What's there to show off? It's maddening and wasted an accomplice alliance. Your old and precious lover is persistently stubborn dangerously than I am, wife.

He's talking.

The letter invites her to the ball. The embarrassment she can't read it. Everything going the plan. The people know she's living here. The naughty little witch. Probably. It's only a guess. Maybe it's all.

Napping time by nature works well till she's dreaming of the past.

The truth of not the truth is the night being is always an appetizing meal to gobbling it whole over and over again. What's part of Aurosia Wyris she's not the one? The beautiful delicate art in Aurosia Wyris is her.

Documents in the hand registered about Kitsune and Ohami are in grain whole. The red Funirishou is the next target. The Queen ruler of Yoseiminn is Melvisa, Asch and Glovisa's, mother.

The day of the ball came more quickly than she expected.

Declaration by Melvisa at the royal ball is an expectation. She and Melvisa accord a dovetail of what to do as wishes. The flower crown tiara, where's the exquisite compared to Errin's tiara? One would question it. Rerin's question is not about the tiara thing. The question is more about fairness by the fair creature in Aurosia Wyris.

The fairy is not fair themselves, where the belief she can be in the clan without prejudice and predominant?

Wearing a lightweight and not too noticeable tiara is a barrier she'll be dormant from light. She'll have more pastoral time and days at the palace mansion. No the place in the royal house belies for long and not being second career stilted actress on the set.

Canvassing what's coming next is easy peasy. It's the same plot and setting in most narration and stories. Dared people to her complacency at royals ball no longer surprising bet the wall halved because of anger and wrath.

It was testing a bit of power yet it comes to it.

Melvisa's raising up silver chalice pearls after it is admirable to the sea of people. Melvisa's in her own arrogance. She's the mother clan and Aurosia Wyris despises her in her eyes. So well the birth mother. Yoseiminn's Queen gives people the liberty to think out of the box-driven to corners once again.

She almost refrains from laughing in front of her mother-in-law's face to virtue fatuity steadfast which is an evil being and the devil at the side is the Ohami.

Right away, she's the forgotten creature created in the dark. Witch and Devil. She and Ohami. Asch and the past self.

Both are compelled by each other. The witch is of no clan. Their existence is sacred for thousands of years once. Because they're alone. Furtive, they have many ways in each clan adoringly till no end to worship. Seems wars before years ago, bestow vista turning point of how witches were treated fallen on her shoulders from the modern time witch.

The caterpillar hasn't become a mature butterfly to bind the eyes. They fixed his heart but vagabond eyes everywhere created sacrilege affront themselves.

A vagabond butterfly most glorious and luxuriant free in time to be black hole sucking, everything is in.

The Queen tarnished the new Royal Fairy Princess declaring to Yoseiminn, not to be accepted by them, and told the people, royals, and clans, 'YOU'RE NOTHING BUT THE WITCH.'

It's an adventurous play by a child. Queen of Yoseiminn retentive over regaining the King of Kitsune and Royal Crown Prince of Ohami? Dear Royal Mother-In-Law, witch's no interest in your spoiled tantrum, should be asking her mind not to get in the way?

The mother clan or the royal queen's driving her into the dark shadow once again, but dear real parents' loves stand at the side ceremony, none she received of it.

Royals and nobles, what's them to her eyes? The cold icy parents thrust no warth as same they're beastly creatures to her.

Same, as the expressionless husband did with his eyes to her sister, a silent mazing stare from precious and previous what's of it, has not made the royal carnival is a permanence madness carnival celebration witch queen revival?

Ah, as the thought. She's really the protagonist. The awakening as an antagonist in books does do helping in bits. Which of them is inimitable? The answer is none. Since it is the kind of celebration, people bid the time in the present time, near time, next time, and soon to be coming time waiting havoc and ruckus. They're really throwing in a dungeon swirling twirling vines locked up her high and mighty in the maladroit way. The only problem is she has courage inside mustered together not be submissive.

Her eyes to Glovisa. The predator had enough sight of the prey now pouring blood into a cup. No, mistaken. It's just an ordinary juice made fruit red colored fruits. Ah, it's helpless without a filter to think because she's insubordinate to royals and clans.

By the so, the next plan till she satiety is crushing royals. "See the plans with your own eyes." is what Glovisa's said.

They're knowing to no end grueling battles because ingenuous Yoseiminn on the throne wearing the crown masking taping no reason countable to her. Does swan fiercely guard their cygnets? It doesn't look like one. Glovisa looks like he's parentless. Not even Melvisa was in his sight. His attention and eyes are on Errin. Well, the name twin sister out of the mouth casually, what's there to be surprised about? Not the previous lovers, come the present, they'll be the one?

What else she could get flamboyant on the welcoming home red carpet? Melvisa, Glovisa, Asch, Errin, and the parents. Lined up together the main characters. She wants to see side characters that are vigile and crucial to the part. None of the main characters will move without them.

The royals and the gang really excoriate about the fistball. Yeah, the farms' cottages and huts are in her head. Ah, she missed the townsfolk people and kids running in the streets. People of no status. They're bonhomie out of struggle and power.

A plastic. The mask is made of plastic. It's not from wood or metal. That's why it's light. Light to put in on their faces. Where could she find amusement from one say?

Errin not budgeting an inch when the announcement was made. Wasn't she the antagonist trying to be the protagonist while she's the protagonist and to stay as one? Errin's melancholy eyes to the tiara on her hand waiting for the Queen of Yoseiminn to put it on her head and declared as one fascinating.

Moreover, Glovisa's eyes on her were cut off the moment Errin was out with the queen standing at the imperial staircase.

She should slaughter the husband after back at the home.

Asch's applause broken spellbound held by witched Yoseiminn veiled by graceful nature and gentle.