
kisses and murders

Nicole and Jude team up to catch a serial killer who is only interested in mutilating beautiful ladies, only for them to find out that they destinies are intertwined with the killer

Chioma_Dominic · Derivasi dari karya
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the calm before the storm

you have what ? she said trying her best not to scream ,

I beg of you please don't hurt me,

I won't, don't worry I won't ,he gave her a reassuring smile,come closer he said and she did,

Julian had met him at a local restaurant and they befriended each other, he seemed nice and she thought she had found the one with whom she could spend her whole life with,the only thing that bothered her was the fact that he never introduced her to his family nor friends,that aspect of his life was unknown to her,she thought maybe he was an introvert who didn't like associating with anyone,and they continued their relationship without anyone knowing about him ,he seemed nice not until today when he told her a secret,a secret which he made her promised not to tell anyone,he was different today and the air around him was dangerous,she could feel it,she could smell it,

his eyes were different and showed no emotions,he moved closer to her ,

have I ever told you why I never introduced you to any of my friends and family or let you introduce me to your friends and family?,

No , Julian said ,

her hands were shaking,he never did anything to show that he was going to hurt her but her intuition kept on telling her that he was going to, she would have scream but she lives in a bungalow at a remote area which was being developed,

I thought maybe you don't like social interaction ,

come closer he said ,

I don't want to ,am close enough,

he signaled her to come closer and she did, she came closer and he whispered into her ears then bent forward and kissed her

**** *************

Nicole P.O.V

I woke up at 10 am and was so angry at myself for waking up late ,I quickly rushed into the bathroom,took my bath and got dressed , I got in my car and switched on the radio, oh sing for joy by don neon was playing on the stereo,

I got to work at 11am since it was only a 30 minutes drive and the road was free,

good morning I said to my surbordinates ,who were sitting at the front , they replied back ,I saw Jude and walked up to him ,good morning

good morning to you too ,are just resuming for work,

yes I am , I woke up late ,

well am on my way to Adebayo street,

what happened?

walk with me and I will tell you ,

I dropped my bag and told one of my colleagues to keep my bag and rushed to catch up with Jude who was at the door ,what happened ? I asked again,

we got a report from an anonymous source that a dead body was found at Adebayo street beside the filling station,

oh God that's bad,

yeah , Jude opened the door to his car , I got in and he drove off ,

I kept on asking him question, was the body mutilated ,do we have an I.D , is it sucide or murder ,I asked Jude ,

I don't know Nicole ,we would know once we get there.