

Greetings, my adorable cupcakes,I am taking a short leave for this month(Actually,it is not that short but a break for the whole month).I have exams this month.For that I need to prepare really well.Hence,the absence. I will be back the next 1st November.

I was gazing at him by the corner of my eyes remembering everything all that happened . Our positions are the same as before but I cannot look into his eyes feeling all the shameless emotions of just a bit ago.Lust and desire for Drake had taken over my spine.

Drake :I sense her hesitant glare and her timid facial expressions after the hot make out session of ours.

Hey, listen.....I spoke diverting her attention to me.

I nuzzle her chin lightly with my finger tips.He rosy cheeks and swollen lips were giving me a sense of accomplishment that was making my inner beast growl in a conquering tone.

She is no one to me.

I said the sentence and her eyes shot up to me.