

The playboy lion king's lust, and a naive rabbit's innocence, strange but worthwhile to enjoy. Not an ordinary fairytale to experience puppy romance but a sinister's tale of lustful journey with dominance and terror. "If you ever think about running away after stealing something precious from me, I would love to hunt you my dear bunny" I can feel his threatening, but who wouldn't think about running away when they're the prey to a dangerous predator, "what do you want from me?" "Why don't you guide me the way to your heart?" He is cheeky once again. It's cringe! "I don't believe you." "All I want is you landing in my lap not you believing me or devoting to me" he pulled me straight into his lap, "I'm on my knees just to make you mine, I don't mind making your legs weak with my uncontrollable love." "Isn't it against the nature? Aren't we supposed to be a prey and predator?" I can't help but get surprised. "Shhh, don't make me repeat my words again and again, just obey me my dear bunny, I can be a predator for you to hunt you down on my bed naked" I can sense his hand smacked my asscheek, it's quite embarrassing yet enjoyable. "I know you want me too" his teasing increased when his hand made way to reach its destination right above my thighs "don't pretend that you don't want it, I know you're not as innocent as you appear." What he is upto? How can I stop my lustful awakening when he is around me? How can I pretend that I don't need him, when my legs turn weak while craving for him? Note : Mature theme, abusive content, strictly 18+, scary and horrific scenes, read at your own risk.

AuthorShizuka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
98 Chs


Ruby, Rosa and Jasmine are having fun by teasing Kylie, while pouting and stomping the foot, Kylie was about to return to her room, that's when she got bumped into someone making her eyes widened.

Even the trio stopped laughing, while Kylie mumbled, "I'm sorry" it's none other than Mr.Ray, whom she hot bumped into

"Did the etiquette teacher been harsh? Do you want to replace someone else in her place?" He questioned with the straight face, Kylie shook her head as no, "no, lady Natasha is so good and kind, I'm fine with her, I'll be good and learn everything."

"If he wants to be show that he is worried, why can't he say it in a gentle tone?" Rosa mumbled, while Ruby sighed, "if he is someone who can be gentle, he could've gotten married so long ago."

Jasmine tried so hard not to laugh, Mr. Ray, "it doesn't matter doing good or not, no need to push yourself hard" Kylie's eyes filled with tears, "I promise, I'll really try hard to do good, please trust me."