
Kings Of Speed

Maja Piwonska is the daughter of a former rally driver. You can say that the bent for fast cars is in her blood. Of course, after the girl learns that illegal races are taking place in her area, she decides to go watch them. But how much fun can give watching? She takes mother's Ibiza and goes on tour. There he meets the kings of the surrounding routes - the Olszanski brothers...

Alex_Ritter · Seni bela diri
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"Maja, you should slow down," her mother says.

"I'm driving right."

The car on the meter has 90 km/h. They were traveling through the forest, so everything was correct.

"But it's already dark. Any deer or other moose will jump on the road."

Majka was aware of this, but she would love to speed it up. The empty road tempted her greatly. Just over a year ago, fast night driving was everyday life for her. Only then did her mother sit in the passenger seat, only her father. When his health deteriorated, he sold his Evo, which the girl drove. Now she was sitting behind the wheel of mother Ibiza. Of course it was slower than the previous car, but it couldn't be called slow. Majka already had a chance to find out. Most importantly, she was inconspicuous and Mrs. Piwonska did not decide to sell her.

They were coming back from Aunt Boguslawa's name day. Were it not for the fact that Majka managed to collect the driving license the week before, they probably would not have gone. Maria Piwońska does not like to drive a car. Six months after receiving her license, she went shopping with her friends to the city. In the parking lot in front of the store, she drove her father Fiat 126p and drove back to a well-parked Polonez. Since then, her parents never gave up driving, although later they laughed that she had done it on purpose. Her future husband turned out to be the owner of the damaged car.

A car finally appeared on the empty road. The girl saw the light in the rearview mirror.

The driver following her sounded the trumpet.

Majka looked in the mirror again. He notices one more pair of lights. The car behind her was ahead of her. Another car also began to overtake. They were approaching a sharp turn. Lights were coming from the opposite vehicle. Moments later the car appeared. The car that overtook Ibiza drove evenly with Majka. The girl is braking. The car completes the overtaking maneuver accompanied by horns, Seat and the car from the opposite direction. If Majka did not start braking at that moment, then probably at the end of the overtaking maneuver, a dark car would have hit the front of Seat.

"That's why I'm telling you to drive slowly" that's how Mrs. Piwonska commented on the whole situation.