
Kingdom of The Stars: The Awakenings.

Waking up in the cold is usually not a great sign when you were born on a space station, it's even worse when you've recently been locked up in a cell near the engines of a military cruiser. If you give me a few minutes to avoid my impending erasure, I'll tell you how we got locked up here. Now be sure to watch my hands, weren't they handcuffed just a minute ago could've sworn they were. Eh no biggie wouldn't have held a gravity mage long anyway, where was I, right making sure the engine on this ship wasn't going to go pop. I'll tell you everything the next time we meet but for now I need you to go to sleep and forget about all of this for a while hopefully.

A second later everything around goes dark, and a thud of a body collapsing to the floor echoes around you as pain shoots through your body until you lose consciousness. It seems as though hours pass by as no sensations spread through your body, however slowly you start to feel pressure build slowly and comfortably in your core. As the pressure increases an almost painful heat starts to spread from your head throughout your body gradually building until it's nearly unbearable. Suddenly the heat explodes from your body accompanied by a single phrase.


It's been several weeks since the Tartarus military command ship disappeared in the system of unclaimed Derelicts as it was transporting two extremely dangerous prisoners. An established C-Class Gravity mage with a record for escaping capture, as well as the dormant SS-Class Flame/Gravity mage Mercurial the 10th prince. These two mages have gone missing from civilized space alongside the crew of the Tartarus. In other news an unexplored B-Class Station Derelict has come into being next to the commercial system of Sigmall every Reclaimer guild is expected to send at least three crews of reclaimers in an attempt to capture the resources it could provide.

System wide news stations play overhead as a pair of new looking mercenaries walk into the guild.

"Damn Nial, a ton of stuff is happening right as you come to test to be a reclaimer. Don't worry I got your back." an energetic young woman speaks to the scrawny teenage guy beside her.

"Samara, you know you don't have to try so hard; a reclaimer is worthless without a pilot they can trust. That being said you are the only person I could ever trust to fly the frigate my parents left me." Nial replied while slapping her on the back.

"Are you sure it's not just because I'm the only person you know who can fly that monster." Came Samara's response as she innocently placed her index finger on her pouting lips.

"Well, that's one reason the other reason is you give me incredible views." with an appreciative look over his companion Nial teased back.

"Aw your so cute. Now let's go to the counter so you can register as a reclaimer so come on let's go." barely hearing the first part he was dragged by his blushing hyperactive companion into a large building near the port. Exuberant talking and the noise of planning assailed their ears as soon as they walked in. Continuing on unphased Samara dragged Nial to a small counter nestled into the corner of the room, this counter was labeled as reclaimer registration and had a bored woman with an eye-patch manning it. As the duo walked up, she took out the candy lolipop she was sucking and quickly appraised the two of them.

"Been a while since we had any new applicants to be a reclaimer come from this system, and you're bringing your own pilot and ship, impressive little pup." she lazily said with a smirk as she stared directly at Nial before continuing. "So, I take it you are here to test for the low-rank beginner reclaimer test with her as your pilot. Am I right?"

With a quick nod Nial responded "Yes, you are right Mrs. I want to start out as a reclaimer and heard it's best to have your own ship and pilot for cargo."

"Information gathering and preparation skills A+. Now all you have left for your five tests are Combat, Practical skills, and Magic testing. Follow me and we will get your magic test done." standing up as she casually assessed him Nial was shocked by her muscularly lithe build reminiscent of a panther.

"Now don't get too distracted or your partner over there might get jealous. Follow me too the magic tester." she led them down a hallway to a room almost entirely dominated by a single machine. Without saying a word, the woman grabbed Samara and put her into the chair indicating for her to grab the sensor bar. Quickly pressing some buttons, the machine whirred to life and started displaying information on the monitor.

"Now little missy start passing your mana through the machine it will tell you what magics you have an inclination for, and before you ask all pilots for reclaimers have to have their magic tested." The staff member instructed.

A little hesitantly Samara started passing her mana into the machine which started to whirr even faster as she did. Several minutes later the machine made a ding and displayed the information.

Samara: Pilot

Magic Energy: 200 Units (spell cost 5-10 units) Regen 5 Units per Minute.

Magic Talents: Navigation, Communication, Clairvoyance, and Lightning

Class Rating: Pilot C+ Class (SS potential), Combat D Class (B potential)

"Woo-wee that's one hell of a rating on your first run through. You have all the skills of a top-class Reclaimers pilot. Also, most SS-Class pilots only have a C-Class combat magic rating, so you'll be on the high-end of the scale." the woman quickly helped samara out of the machine while quickly breaking down the information she was provided. As she finished, she motioned for Nial to get into the machine. He quickly did as he was instructed and prepared to cycle his magic through as well. After a quick recalibration he was given the signal to start cycling his magic, once several minutes had passed, he heard the ding meaning the machine was done. His information came up in the same format as before.

Nial: Reclaimer

Magic Energy: 400 Units (spell cost 5-50 Units) Regen 8 Units per Minute.

Magic Talents: Atmosphere, Gravity, Repair, Synchronization, and Amplification

Class Rating: Combat C+ Class (SS potential), Support C+ Class (SS potential), Conqueror H Class (??? potential)

"Atmosphere and Gravity magic makes you a perfect Derelict Reclaimer, no classical elemental magic works in a Derelict without an Atmosphere Mage or Atmos Mage for short to provide the medium necessary to conduct them. Repair magic is pretty self-explanatory it repairs things that can be repaired even if you don't know what's wrong. Synchronization and Amplification magics allow you to support the magics of your teammates. Now you have the skills and potential to be a Reclaimer team leader as an allrounder type with SS potentials. As for Conqueror Class this is the first time, I've seen one but the fourth I've heard of." came her quick explanation before she stopped as if she realized something.

"I forgot to introduce myself, it's been so long since any potential Reclaimers came to apply that I forgot how to interact with new people. Anyways my name is Lilith an A-Class Combat reclaimer/Guild Staff. I currently don't have a team, but we need you two to go through the last test supervised. You are going to be attempting to Reclaim the F-Class Ship Derelict Tarus." Lilith recited with a conspiratorial grin to the pair. A quick flick of her wrist caused the machinery to start putting itself away as if it was alive. Flashing a bright smile towards the surprised couple she started to saunter out of the room heading to the exit giving only the smallest indication that they should follow. Samara was the first to regain herself from the shock of watching machinery magic cast with such ease and minimal warning, she quickly grabbed Nial and dragged him after Lilith. After being dragged for several minutes, he recovered enough to realize they had made it to the hangar bays of the port.

"Okay pups, lead the way to your ship. We have places to be."

"But Mrs. won't you get in trouble from not being at your post?"

"Don't worry about me little missy I won't fire myself, after all big sis is the Reclaimer Guild master for the system. The only reason my counter and machinery are in the Mercenary Guild is because the rent is cheaper."

"Over here hangar 2F-13, this is where we landed our Frigate." Nial obliviously directed having missed the conversation the women were having. As he opened up the hangar doors Lilith whistled appreciatively at the sleek 500 ft long ship that commanded the space it occupied. Gunmetal accents on an iridescent green metal plating showed it carried heavy anti-ship weaponry. The body of ship had enough room to house a crew of around 30 with extra facilities and cargo room.

"Unfortunately, the Green Dawn here isn't fully staffed yet. Good news is it was modified by Nial's parents to be ran by a crew of two for non-combat situations, it can still be used to defend itself with only two, but a lack of gunner makes the ammo waste unacceptable outside of a defensive situation." Samara said with a mixture of pride and sorrow.

As Samara broke down the pros and cons of their ship Lilith could barely repress a predatory grin. If they had been paying attention to her the pair would have sworn that they could've seen a bushy wolf's tail lightly swaying back and forth.

"Are you saying that you need a gunner then? Maybe after this test I'll we can see about getting you guys one along with a few other crewmembers." Quickly boarding the ship while hiding her excitement Lilith followed the two into the bridge of their ship where she quickly sat down and entered in the coordinates for the Derelict that they were heading to. With the navigation plotted out Samara deftly took the frigate through take off procedures and set course.

"Now pups, the Derelict we are going to explore as your test is a Ship Type Military F Class Derelict. Meaning it is at most the size of a Capital ship or more likely a destroyer. Ship class Derelicts are smaller than Station class Derelicts, however they are often more dangerous due to lack of interior armor and probability of puncturing the structure if you attack recklessly. As a Reclaimer, particularly an Atmos Mage, you need to understand the two types of Atmospheres that a Derelict can produce and have. First type is the standard type of atmosphere which is the same as any life supporting planet in our universe and allows elemental type magic to be cast. The other type is simply known as Derelict atmosphere which provides everything necessary to live but lacks magic conductive particulates which eliminates all elemental type magic from being cast."

"Do we know what kind of atmosphere this Derelict has? As for why you're telling me this is it because as an Atmos mage I'm able to introduce magic conductive particulates to Derelict atmosphere?"

"That's right, an Atmos mage's most important job on mission with other Reclaimers is to make sure they can use their magic. As for the type of atmosphere that we are heading to I'll just say only Station Class will have Standard atmosphere. There are a few more surprises about the atmosphere restrictions but I'll have you find those out through experience so that the lesson sticks. Now go get ready kid we are almost there." quickly waving off Nial without further explanation Lilith walked up to Samara and whispered into her ear and walked away leaving the pilot furiously blushing. Having nearly walked out the door Nial didn't hear what was said, instead he walked into the ships armory to grab his gear.

With practiced ease he grabbed his two fixed blade Karambits attaching them to his belt then quickly donned his synthetic leather torso armor, shin guards, and bracer. He began to walk away then as an afterthought took a low-power laser pistol as well. Once fully equipped he went back to the bridge where Lilith was waiting. As he entered into the bridge a massive metal monstrosity nearly eight times the size of the frigate they were on, came into view commanding the attention of anyone looking out the view ports. Scorch marks along its outer armor and a missing section near where the engines should have been the only indication it was a Derelict and not an active destroyer.

"See the name on the side of the Derelict? About 100 feet left of that mark is one of the two frigate hangars as well as the closest one to where the core is likely to be. So little missus go land us in that hangar then the little pup and I will conduct his test on board, as an attempt to claim this Derelict. Once you land us you will officially be a C-Class Reclaimer pilot which is the highest starting class we can give."

Following the directions given to her Samara aimed the nose 100 feet left of the Tar***us marking on the hull of the Derelict and carefully landed inside of the hangar. After running checks on the atmosphere, she gave the "all clear" sign indicating a livable atmosphere upon the Derelict. Exiting the ship Nial quickly looks around the hangar searching for potential enemies, the only thing he notices are small broken robotic claws scattered around the entrance further in. Casually following behind with graceful steps Lilith with hand on her longswords hilt never lets him fully out of her sight as she judges his every move.

"These claws are mechanical and quite obviously robotic in nature, so why are the connector ends covered in blood and flesh not just the blade end? Unless. Lilith do Derelicts recycle biological and mechanical material into their systems?"

"Most every Derelict recycles biological material to create the monsters and atmosphere that inhabit it. However very few recycle mechanical material, those that do create a cybernetic version of the monsters that occupy it, those types are called Defiled Derelicts."

"How much higher up the ranking would this Derelict be if it was a Defiled?"

"On average a Defiled Derelict is 2 Stages higher so if this was originally a F-Class Derelict it would be a D-Class Derelict with a three-member party recommendation, why what did you find?"

"From the looks of it, Cybernetic Kobold claws likely meaning from what you're saying is that we are on a Defiled Derelict. Are we still going to attempt to a capture?" a visible excitement radiating of him, Nial asks for clarifying information about their plans. With a resigned shrug Lilith motions for him to lead the way before saying.

"Additional information gathering and adaptability are necessary skills for Reclaimers. We continue on so long as we don't encounter anything beyond our ability to defeat. The moment I detect something beyond our ability to handle I will collapse that section of the Derelict and force a retreat got it pup?"

"I got it, I've also turned on my optic recorder implant. Any information we collect will be sent directly to the Green Dawn's database." once he had confirmed their plan Nial began go through the empty halls towards the former bridge of the Derelict.

Easing through the halls slowly moving towards the bridge as well as the unnerving clink and whirs of rudimentary machinery and claws hitting the ground the pair exploring the ruin had yet to encounter any enemies. As they approached the largest room before the bridge Samara sent a message via her communication magic.

40-50 Regular Kobolds being led by 5-10 Cybernetic Kobolds waiting in the next room.

Quickly making sure the other person had received the same message Nial and Lilith quickly form a plan to take on the mob of enemies on the other side of the door.

With the lithe motion of a panther Lilith tore the blast doors from its bulkhead using her command of machinery, the moment it was loose Nial used his gravity magic which he had amplified to launch the door into the crowd of regular non-cybernetic Kobolds. The door hurtled through the poor lizard like creatures splattering 30 of them against the opposite wall turning them to paste once it connected, the remaining regular Kobolds seemed to all be missing limbs rendering them incapable of fighting the intruders. Before the Cybernetic Kobolds could register what had happened three of them were missing their heads Nial's knives having relieved them off them as he dashed through the monsters. Two more of the cybernetic Kobolds had been bisected by Lilith's graceful swordplay, leaving only one more cyborg to deal with.

Having finally registered that it had been attacked the Kobold tried to launch a fireball at Nial only to have it fizzle out before it could be cast. The Kobold stared at its hand dumbfounded at what had happened, with a pitying look on his face Nial curb stomped the Kobolds face into the wall ending it. Having eliminated the immediate threat, the two explorers set about finishing off the regular Kobolds that hadn't quite died yet.

Once they finished that chore, they made their way towards the Bridge where the core was likely to be. They reached the bridge with no further troubles never detecting another life sign on their way there. Before they entered the bridge, they stopped to collect themselves and review their information.

"Is it normal for there to be so few monsters on a Defiled Derelict? This seemed a little too easy." Nial said with slight apprehension.

"Also, why did the Kobolds spell fail?"

"This is normal when it is still in transition from a normal Derelict. We probably interrupted the transition of power after the Defiled had established dominance by culling the weaker and more disobedient. As for why the spell failed, I told you elemental magic doesn't work without an Atmos mage this also applies to the monsters. Now let's see what the bridge has in store for us." Lilith said while placing her hand on the sensor to open the door.

The door opened quietly without fanfare, but as soon as it was open a shadowy silhouette blocked them from the core console and waved its arm towards the two launching a wall of flame at them. Lilith stood there doing nothing while the flames washed over them and Nial flinched as it reached him. However, he quickly realized that the flame had no heat. Once the flames had passed over them the silhouette collapsed and vanished.

"Holy Hell, a Remnant of the Derelicts creations. Those are incredibly rare only one in one hundred million recorded Derelicts have ever had one. Now Nial go see what the core console is displaying so we can capture this Derelict" Lilith casual demeanor slipped for a moment once she realized what they had just witnessed.

Following her directions Nial went to see what the console was saying, the monitor displayed following information.

Tar***us Destroyer Class Derelict

Ownership: None

Claim Ownership: Y/N

"It's asking if I want to claim ownership of it." Nial informed Lilith

"Go ahead and claim it, once you do you pass as a C-Class Combat Reclaimer." She encouraged him. He quickly confirmed his acceptance on the console, once he did a new message appeared on the console. He stood shocked still at the message reflected in his eyes.

New User Registered: Holder of Skills Amplification, Synchronization, and Repair Confirmed owner of Derelict.

QUERY: Do You Wish to Restore Tar***us to Original Form?

ACTION: Inject Magic to RESTORE?...