
Kingdom of Stars: Bad Company

Waking with the roars of bloodthirsty figures draped in flames of shadow reverberating off the halls power surges towards barely felt hands. Flames attempt to birth themselves beyond the body, dying with barely an ember. Blade swung with intent to remove head from shoulders barely dodged leaves a profuse cut upon barely covered shoulder. Power quickly adhering to the blood as it drops flames leaping between drops find their path to the ground to immolate the assailant from the feet up. Progress made towards the bridge fainting in a corner where the visions come again, starting this time with an emerald cufflink falling towards a supernova.

"Urgh... I think I drank way too much my head is killing me, how about you Nial?" Samara manages to moan out in between sips of water and her breakfast. With practiced movements Nial plated more food on the table of the cafeteria in their ship as he grinned like a fool. "My head is fine, but man did I need another shower after drinking with you two. Next time I'm going to cut you both off at a third of what you drank last night, the laundry machine will never be the same." he shivered in solace with the poor machine. Just as Samara started to blush in embarrassment at the implication Lilith strutted into the room wearing just the shirt she had been using as pajamas.

"Oh, c'mon pups you couldn't wake me up for such a delicious breakfast?" she whined as she speared a sausage off of Nial's plate with a fork and took a wolfish bite. Having teased the pair, she quickly made her own plate of breakfast and sat down to eat with them, noticing Samara holding her head she quickly passed over a medical tablet.

"Hangover cure, looks like you need it so go ahead and take it we have a busy day today. I got a message from a Mr. Cutter of the Fangs of the Asp requesting a meeting with the three of us in relation to the Derelict we are selling for today." Lilith groans out in a barely professional tone.

"I'll gladly take that cure thanks. Wait a second two things, First why are you on our ship instead of your own home? Second weren't the Fangs of the Asp the organization you wanted to avoid?" Samara questioned as she downed the tablet with a glass of water.

"I can answer the first one. You both got too drunk to go home alone and I have no idea where Lilith's home is, so we all ended up on the ship." Nial quickly answered turning a questioning eye towards the relaxing woman in expectation of the answer for the second question. In an almost uncharacteristically sheepish shrug Lilith began her explanation.

"I know I said that the Fangs were an organization to avoid, however they sent a message asking for a meeting in a professional capacity through the Reclaimers Guild, they also offered twice the value of the ship as a starting point in negotiations. It's unheard of to start at a four trillion credit price point, so as both the Guild Leader and member of this crew we need to at least have a meeting with them we don't even have to sell to them." an exhausted explanation came from the Guild Leader.

"Okay so that is one option we have for selling the Derelict. I've also found this card from the Star Splitters commerce division in my pocket as I did the laundry last night, so we can arrange a meeting with him after we deal with the Fangs." flipping a metallic silver and black card onto the table a hologram of an elegant man in a suit sprouted from it. With a bow the hologram began to introduce himself.

"Greetings to our potential business partners. My name is Mr. Hawke, and I am the general manager of the commerce division of the Star Splitters expeditionary force. We will be waiting for your contact in relation to acquiring the hardware to upgrade our expedition force. We are not wishing to buy but to lease for an undetermined amount of time." in a graceful calming countenance the hologram offered a simple transaction while proffering a set of contact information.

"Okay that is a promising option to consider. If they hadn't forced a meeting through the reputation of the Reclaimers Guild, I'd drop the meeting with the Fangs immediately to arrange a meeting with the Star Splitters." hanging her head in frustration and resignation at the difficult position she had found herself in Lilith let out a long sigh.

"We need to have a meeting with the Fangs today, right? What time and where are we having it?" Nial quickly prodded for information. Having finished their breakfast, he grabbed the dishes and began to wash them as they continued the conversation. Samara finally freed from her hangover pushes Nial out of the way and takes over finishing the dishes, having remembered the poor plates that had been sacrificed the last time he attempted to clean them. With a smirk Lilith sat watching the two's interaction nearly forgetting to finish the conversation.

"The meeting is set for three hours after lunch. It is arranged to be at the Fangs headquarters on the station in their corporate meeting lounge." came her somewhat nervous response. Quickly retreating from the room Lilith made her way to get ready to head out into the station. Following her lead Samara finished the dishes and also left to go get ready, leaving Nial alone in at the table pondering the plans for the day.

As the two women went through their morning routines Nial had his console open to an instructional lesson on atmospheric magic carefully poring over the information on the potential uses for it. Absentminded as he attempts to change the pressure of the atmosphere around the sails of an anti-gravity ship model to make them move. Showing how little practice with atmospheric magics he has the sails often found themselves listlessly resting against the mast they were mounted upon. With his thoughts drifting to the events of the previous day he fails to notice when the model drifts out of his manipulation and stops moving.

Continuing to attempt manipulating the pressure he paces around the room failing to notice the model's position until he bumped into it sending it lazily drifting towards the wall. Entranced by the sudden movement of the model Nial watches as it slowly moves away from the point of contact, only acting in an attempt to bring it to a standstill when he realized it was going to collide with the wall. Unable to properly use his Atmos magic to completely stop it the model crashes into the wall breaking off its figurehead.

"Guess I need to practice my Atmos magic more." Scratching his neck as he retrieved the model and its broken piece from where it lay on the ground. Barely noticing what he was doing magic flowed from Nial's hands into the model and its broken figurehead, as the power channeled into the pieces, they began to knit themselves back together. Before even noticing the repairs, he set the model onto his desk and left his room to prepare for the outing to the mercenary company's headquarters.

Several hours later in a private area among the docks the trio found themselves being greeted in a lobby dripping with pompous elegance. The walls were pure white with golden trim along the ceiling, stone benches lined the edges of the waiting area, and right in the center was a massive living willow tree surrounded by a solid gold fountain. In stark contrast to the elegance of the building the staff was dressed in well used uniforms of beige, seemingly designed to make the person wearing them as unremarkable as possible, excluding the executive wearing a red suit with golden trim that was three sizes too small for him.

"Greeting, my name is Mr. Cutter, I am the president of the Fangs of the Asp mercenary company. Pleasure to make the acquaintance of two wonderful Reclaimers who are hoping to sell their first conquered Derelict." the piggish man introduce himself all without taking his eyes off of Lilith and Samara. Making a motion to the group he continued.

"If you would follow me into our private meeting room, we can discuss the finer details of this purchase for our company." predatory smile quickly flashing through Mr. Cutter's face as he said private. Nial feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the man's behavior stealthily laid his hands on the knife he had hidden inside of his leather jackets elbow pads. Following the lead of this executive the trio winded throughout the halls and up several staircases until they finally arrived at a meeting room with windows staring directly at the launch lanes of the port.

As Lilith and Samara entered the room steps ahead of Nial the door tried to immediately snap shut in his face, with a seemingly uncaring nonchalance he forced the door back into its slot using a powerful gravity push. The two women failed to notice what happened, but Mr. Cutter let a grimace cross his snout for the briefest instance of time as Nial walked into the room. Smirk crossing his face just as quickly Nial sat down in the chair furthest from the executive while Lilith and Samara sat in the chairs just next to him. Plopping down in a chair that barely held his girth Mr. Cutter began to state.

"We will be purchasing the destroyer class Derelict known as the Taurus from this systems Reclaimer Guild for 2 billion credits to be delivered after these two beauties accompany me for a few nights. As for the leftover we will be keeping you as collateral inside our debtor holding cells until this transaction is complete." commanding with lust filled eyes Mr. Cutter sputtered his imperious commands at the trio before continuing.

"This transaction is non-negotiable as we are the only company even aware of you having conquered said Derelict at this time. We have also already filled the necessary paperwork with the station authorities for the sale. Just say yes and you would have made two bill-" finding his lungs empty of air and his back against the wall the company president, no, the pig in human clothing was unable to move from the wall, not that he was willing to try with the fury filled eyes of Nial seeming to spark at him.

The meeting room seemed frozen in time after Nial had cast his magic at the pig for what felt like hours nothing seemed to happen, then as if to catch up to reality alarms blared to life and armored shutters collapsed along the windows. The manic footsteps of the guards approaching the room drowned out by the slow deliberate steps that Nial took towards the pig he stuck to the wall with every single step he took collapsing the floor as his foot made contact leaving a perfect imprint of his boot. Mr. Cutter had stood before Kings and Emperors before, both benevolent and tyrannical, but not once had he ever felt a pressure so powerful or terrifying as the one coming from this young man before him. Not daring to make a motion or even let a single sound of terror pass his lips at the approach of the young man, no, the conqueror, the once proud president fainted dead away, but not before wetting his pants.

"You complete and utter swine, unworthy to the last huh." Nial directed his rage at the now unconscious pig upon the ground, with one swift kick to its stomach Lilith found the executive at her feet.

"Go ahead and render him immobile I don't care how just keep him alive. We are probably going to have to use him to clear that phony paperwork and prevent the guards from using lethal force immediately. God, I hate greedy lust filled pigs. Not only did he lie about doubling the ships value he actually cut the price to one-one hundredth of its value. He also wanted to force you two to 'accompany' him, that was my breaking point and where my patience ran out completely with no other option visible to me, I snapped." Nial spat as he prepared a barricade at the door into the room.

Without even a questioning glance at the rampaging Nial, Lilith sprouted thick cables from the ground to keep the pig immobile. Samara was franticly looking between Nial, Lilith, and the pig on the ground in an attempt to figure out just what was going on. However, before she was able to begin grasping what had occurred, she found herself rapidly pulled towards the wall hidden from the door as laser blasts passed through where she had previously sat.

"Why the hell are they shooting at us!?! Also, Nial what have I told you about using your gravity magic on me and thanks for taking me out of the firing line." Samara rapid fired her question, complaint, and gratitude in Nial's direction. Before he could begin to answer her Lilith sprouted cables in the corridor to impede the guards progress and simultaneously answered.

"First thing, they are shooting at us because this one couldn't restrain himself from beating the hell out of their boss." Nudging Nial in his shoulder to signal him to break the guards that where approaching weapons. "As for why this pup couldn't restrain his impulse was because his partner was being treated as an object and unfairly undervalued to boot. Another way of putting it is this pig was just a horny executive attempting to abuse his power to get at you and me, and even demanding a humiliating price." Samara flushed with a combination of embarrassment at being called Nial's partner and utter fury as being treated as an object. Rage building in her expression as she fully processed what had just been said.

"Oh, hell NO!" lightning sparking from the tips of her toes to the ends of her platinum silver hair Samara launches a massive bolt of lightning down the corridor frying the circuits of several security droids and stunning the platoon of guards that were attempting to make their own barricade. Lilith wide eyed in shock quickly whispered to Nial.

"Did you use any amplifying magic on her?"

"Not a bit. That is why I try to not make her angry at me, I don't want to be fried." Nial whispers back while shuddering at the memory of the last time he had broken a promise with Samara.

"Get these cables out of my way or I'm going to electrocute this whole damn building." raged the pilot as she launched bolt after bolt down towards the cowering guards. Instinctively following her orders Lilith retracted the cables from both the corridor and even the captive accidently. Noticing what happened Nial used his gravity magic to lift Mr. Cutter up into the air and follow after what looked to be a living incarnation of a lightning storm as she blasted her way towards the stairs.

"Samara time to tag-out you've rendered half the guards in this place unable to move you have to be running out of magic, even if your combat mana regen implant is working you have to be nearing empty. Not to mention we need to have a talk with some conscious employees here so we can find their database." States Nial in a calming tone while gently holding Samara's arms to her body with a hug and soft head pat. Blushing as soon as she realizes what Nial has done Samara immediately calms down. Lilith barely holding back a giggle at the exchange quickly readies her laser pistol at the sound of two sets of feet approaching them from a lower floor.

"Don't shoot we are here in good faith to negotiate with you three." comes the somewhat tired voice of a middle-aged man as he walks into view with hands raised, following just steps behind is a girl younger than Samara in what looked to be a medic uniform.

"Okay begin by introducing yourselves and your ranks/positions in the Fangs." Lilith icily commands the two.

"Okay, alright, guess I'll start. Captain Dominic leader of the guards." lazily complying with Lilith's order Captain Dominic introduces himself. Immediately following suit, the girl begins her introduction.

"Mary the captains assistant, medic in training, and first day member of the Fangs of the Asp, at your service." following her introduction with a crisp salute Mary left an impression on the trio.

"Okay, few questions for you Mary. One, do you have a desire to keep working for the Fangs no questions asked? Two, ever wanted to be part of a Reclaimer crew? Three, want to come work for us?" Nial made the offer before he even registered what he had said. Samara's face flashed with momentary jealousy then pure amusement at what had occurred and the fact Nial had made the offer.

"Hey, isn't it a little rude to poach my underling right out from under me? At least offer me a job too because we all know this is the end of the Fangs in this sector." Dominic begins his gripe with the second part being barely audible to everyone except Lilith who heard it loud and clear. Wolfish grin spreading across her face she begins to tease the captain.

"Oh, great and mighty captain of the guards of course you don't need to worry about one or two insignificant employees leaving and going freelance. Especially when one of them hasn't even got her first paycheck and any other probably won't get severance pay or his last paycheck."

"Oh of course no one who left in the middle of an emergency would get their pay but maybe they would be lucky enough to find immediate employment in an understaffed reclaimer crew with a big score already lined up."

"Maybe, depends on whether or not they know the way to the database and records or any other tasty places to score some credits during the hostile takedown of an illegal mercenary company."

"Okay, I'm going to cut to the chase cutey. Hire me as well as Mary here, who still hasn't quite processed what is happening, then I'll lead you to the archives, hangar, prison cells, and supply depot before we leave. Deal?" Staring directly at Lilith as he makes his offer, he holds out his hand.

"Two things before we finalize this deal. First only my dear pups Nial, Samara, and Mary get to call me cutey. Second, we need to hear what dear little Mary's opinion is before we hire her, don't we?" Lilith quite succinctly states to the now dumbfounded captain. Before turning towards Mary in full big sister mode.

Mary finally beginning to realize what just happened voiced a question immediately when her voice returned to her.

"Illegal company? I've only been here a day I didn't know what they did was illegal, I don't want to be arrested. WAIT, you offered me a job, didn't you? Doesn't matter I accept please hire me I won't work here anymore, let me be a Reclaimer." Nearly begging the trio Mary latches onto Samara in a sobbing hug as she begged to be allowed to join them.

"Don't worry Mary you will be recruited no matter how this deal with the captain turns out. The only persons fate who is going to be affected by this deal is the captain himself. Either he helps us out to our satisfaction, or we turn him in to the authorities with the rest of the company. So, do we have a deal captain?" Lilith gently reassures Mary while simultaneously threatening the captain.

"Lady you are one scary woman, don't know how you managed to be the least terrifying of the three of you though. Anyways we most certainly have a deal."