
Kingdom of God : The Rise of The Tempest Kingdom (English Translation)

What if God becomes bored with the world because your world is peaceful without any conflicts or crimes? Rifki and the people in his world are forcibly reincarnated into a world where chaos and warfare occur more frequently than a child crying. Armed with the Kingdom of God game system from their previous world, Rifki and the people from his world strive to survive in this tumultuous new world. War, diplomacy, trade, robbery, construction, destruction, betrayal, trust, and various other things adorn Rifki's journey in this chaotic world. Can Rifki and the people from his world endure in this tumultuous world?

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A 5-meter tall statue of a man around 35-40 years old stands in a museum located in the city center. Underneath the statue, it is written, "Winner of the International Kingdom Of GOD Tournament: Rifki of the Azure."

This museum is a place for the winners of the Kingdom of God game. Next to Rifki's statue, there are five identical statues.

During the day, a middle-aged man comes out and removes a clip-on from the back of his head. He walks towards the fridge and grabs a soda.

He then goes to the kitchen and takes a clip-on from the wall next to the door, placing it on his head. A voice is heard, "Good afternoon, sir. What food would you like for lunch? Here are the menu options."

After that, a 3D light image appears from the side where he took the clip-on, depicting several food menu options. He chooses some main dishes and desserts.

Shortly after, a voice comes out from the left side table, and there are several boxed packages with the chosen menu images.

After finishing his meal, he walks back to his special chair, and after sitting and positioning himself half-asleep, he clicks a button on the chair's handle. A clip-on appears from behind the chair, attaching to the back of his head.

Once the clip-on is in, he closes his eyes and re-enters the game.


In a dark world without light, a pair of eyes suddenly appear from nowhere. The eyes seem confused, wondering why they are suddenly here. The last thing they remember is exiting the game to eat and entering the game again.

Supposedly, after entering the game, they should appear in the last room they logged off from. However, suddenly, they find themselves in this strange dark place. "Is this a bug?" he thinks.

"What happened?" he mutters. Then he realizes that his voice has changed. It has become softer. He remembers this voice from when he was young. "What is happening?" he wonders.

Suddenly, a beam of light appears in front of him, causing his eyes to hurt. He looks around and is surprised to find himself in an open place with only an endless blue sky and a floor that looks like white clouds.

He raises his hands to feel his face and body, discovering that his skin has become firm again.

"Am I young again?" he thinks. He tries to bring up the system window to check his character status, but surprisingly, he can't access his status window.

"What happened? Where is this? Where is my kingdom? Where is the log-off button?" he begins to panic and thinks hard about what is happening.

The appearance of this person is very handsome. He has a well-built body and above-average height, and every muscle in his body is well-maintained. If he were in a crowd, he would easily attract attention from the opposite sex, and even the same sex would feel inferior in his presence.

This appearance resembles the statue in the museum that features the winner of the Kingdom of God tournament. He is Rifki of the Azure, the winner of the Kingdom Of GOD game five times in a row without defeat.

After his fifth victory, Rifki decided to retire from the International Championship and continue the game, focusing on developing his kingdom further.

After the surrounding area becomes clear, a voice is heard from above his head.

"Welcome, O humans. I am what you believe to be God. I have moved all of you humans to another world. Your original world has been destroyed by me," says the voice that emerges from the sky.

As Rifki looks up to check the source of the voice, he only sees an endless blue sky. Rifki finds it difficult to process what is happening.

"I am bored of seeing your peaceful world like that. No wars, conflicts, resource struggles, or anything else. And strangely, you moved all of those things into a game?" the voice is heard again.

Rifki becomes even more confused. What is the voice above the blue sky saying? Indeed, the world where Rifki lived no longer had any wars. Everything was peaceful; there was no more hunger, war, territorial disputes, or power struggles.

Due to highly advanced technology, everything was provided for free by the government. Food, medicine, housing, daily necessities—everything was given for free. All resources were managed by robots under government supervision.

Although everything was free, human nature's thirst for war could not be eliminated so easily. Eventually, the government released an official game to handle the human craving for war. With technological advancements from the government, a technology called Link was created. Link could transfer humans into a parallel world.

With this technology, the game named Kingdom of God was born. It became a second world for humans.

That's how the world became peaceful. Suddenly, this event happened. From the information Rifki heard earlier, all of humanity in his world had been moved to this place because the voice claiming to be God was bored with the peace in their world?

"...???????." You must be joking. Rifki thinks.

"I will move you to a new world, but since you are a weak race, I will give you your game system in that world. Gradually, I will remove that system little by little."

"In your new world, there will be many surprises waiting for you. So enjoy and explore your new world. Enjoy the game. And let the game begin."


Then the voice disappears.

Suddenly, in front of Rifki, a red 3D text appears "Welcome." After that, it disappears and the text appears again, "Which job would you like to choose?"

"Lord" or "Adventurer"

After digesting the information from the voice, Rifki ignores it and focuses on what is in front of him.

"Hmm, this is similar to KoG during character creation," Rifki mutters.

In the KoG game, players were given the freedom to develop their characters. The options were Lord or Adventurer. Lords were required to become lords of the territories they chose and were required to develop, competing with territories established by NPCs. Meanwhile, Adventurers were required to develop their characters in NPC territories. There were no specific jobs to choose from when creating a character for the first time. All characters had balance, whether in HP, MP, or SP. Lords would focus on developing territories and expanding them, while adventurers would increase individual strength and make their names or guild names famous.

Without hesitation, Rifki chooses to be a Lord. He was a Lord player in the past. He is more familiar with this job than having to start from scratch as an Adventurer.

Even in his previous world, he chose this job and as a result, he won the international tournament five times in a row.

After that, another notification appears.

"Are you sure?" "Yes" or "No"

Without hesitation, Rifki chooses "Yes". After Rifki chooses, his body is filled with dazzling light, and he disappears from where he is standing.


When he opens his eyes again, Rifki arrives in a place with many tall trees reaching towards the sky.

He then commands his mind to check his status, and it appears.

Name: Rifki Azure

Race: Human

Occupation: Lord

Lvl 1 (Exp: 0/100)

Hp: 100/100

Mp: 30/30

Sp: 50/50



Str: 5

Agi: 5

Int: 5

Dex: 5

Psy: 5


After checking his status, Rifki then looks at what items are in his job ring.

In the ring, there are three items. The first item is, of course, the territory establishment item. The second item is a paper with ancient writing (summoning item). The third item is a regular sword.

After looking at the three items, Rifki takes out the second item (summoning item) and looks at its description.

Summoning Paper: God

Normal Tier: A summoning paper that can summon random gods ranging from C to A tier. Rifki already knows this item.

In KoG, players could summon gods from mythologies such as Zeus, Odin, Ra, or Asura. And various gods from various other mythologies. These gods could be made generals or ministers for lord players. As for adventurers, they got a similar item. But they could choose to merge their summoned gods into their bodies to gain their powers or make the gods their assistants.