

Upon obtaining the Kingdom Building System, Williams Reid immediately recognizes the immense potential it holds. He ponders the various paths he could take with this system: should he create a fortified kingdom and amass an invincible army for protection? Or perhaps aim even higher and strive to rule the entire world? Alternatively, he entertains the idea of becoming a laid-back king, indulging in a life of leisure and enjoying the company of numerous beautiful companions. However, a glitch in the system unexpectedly grants Williams an unlimited amount of points, presenting him with a unique challenge. Now, the question arises: how will Williams utilize this newfound ability to construct the most formidable kingdom the world has ever seen? Join us on this journey as we explore the fascinating possibilities and choices that lie ahead for Williams Reid.

CODEFREAK · perkotaan
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19 Chs


The next day 6 am sunday williams woke up alone feeling kinda depress he stood up and washed.

walking in to the living room there he saw the ladies still walking to each other as if they never slept.

seeing him coming charlotte said "good morning honey"

followed by camille, melissa, tifany, alicia and other ladys "good morning husband"

hearing the pleasant voices of his women he unknowingly have a mysterious energy welling up so he laugh pleasantly.

he then said "are you ladies have already ate?"

"not yet we're waiting for you to wake up" charlotte said

"is that so well let's go and eat" he then lead everyone to the dining table and ate a sumption.

after eating they all came back to the living room and talked "husband... well last night we talked about some rules to be put in the household cause we feel that an household will not continue without rules so we brainstormed last night to get some rules and show it to you to see if you agree." charlottte hesitatingly said.

Williams look at the girls with shock face cause he did not think that they will do it themselves without him and just ask for his agreement seeing them doing their job as misstreses of the house he felt happy so he said "all of you are the misstresses of the family of course i will agree to your approach after all as misstresses it's your responsibility to keep watch of it whenever i'm not around"

hearing his response the ladies are much more happy and firmly decided that they will all do anything their want them to do and manage the household and the family well.

"well here's the list of rules we came up last night including the benefit and punishment of servants and the do's and dont's of the family" camille came to the left side of williams while charlotte are on the right side.

Taking the notes in camille's hand he saw a long list on it he then read it seriously since his wives made this with their heart for him.

He first saw the benefits they wish to give to the servants and let sebas see it if it's appropriate or not.

seeing the benefits of the servants in the list sebas cannot help but shed some tears cause even their are just servants the misstresses never forgot them of course he also saw the punishment but he still think the benefit out weight the punishment so he smiled and bowed to the misstresses and said "madams i don't know how to give my thanks to so please accept my bow on behalf of all the current and future servants" camille and other girls help sebas to stood straight and said "mr.sebas please we are please to your services so we make our choices on the benefit and not to mention that from now on we are counting on all of you now and for the future".

Hearing the words of misstress hazel he still thank the madams from the botom of his heart and the other servants also saw the reaction of the head butler after seeing the benefit of the servants so they also thank the madams.

After this williams smiled at the decisions of his wives and nodded to their approach he then continued to read the rules there are currently 50 rules in the list and he approve each and every rules in the list *Ps. Author here I ain't gonna list it all i'm kinda lazy now to make the list*

seeing williams agree to the rules they made they all cheered cause they did what their husband expect them to do.

After all this farce he sense that the time on dealing with the thomson family are already near so he ask sebas to prepare a feast for the evening and invite the 50 people who are now under his wings for a evening feast.

After getting the order of the head of the family sebas bowed and left and started preparing for the evening feast and preparing the invitations.

When the girls heard that williams are going to have an evening feast they all already know what's going to happen soon but they just shrugged it cause it will never affect them cause they believe on their husband while charlotte are the only one clueless on what's happening.

seeing charlotte were clueless the other girls already said to her of what happened in the past starting from the evening part were she also attended.


Night soon came and guests are already arriving one by one williams saw his people with their wives and daughter specialy the first 20 where richard castro is the leader followed by joshua cruz who also cam with their daughter cause when they heard that williams took the daughter of bruce and the other their angry at themselves at first for not thinking about it first so now they have a chance why not do it now.

when williams saw this he knows what is bound to happen will always happen so he accepted it with open arms all 20 girls so now williams has 31 women on his side the ulitimate dream of all men the ultimate harem.

After getting to know the additional women he came to the stage cause all the guests allready arrive and let the women talk with each other.

"ladies and gentlemen first let me say thank you for attending this feast so cheers to that" then drink the wine in his hand with charlotte on his side cause she is the main wife and he wants the other women to know that and he wants to announce it so there will be no dark movements in the future.

"first of all i would like to introduce my first wife charllote white cheers"


After some pleasantries with his guest he ask charlotte and the other girls to entertain the guests first and he still have something to do.

hearing his words the girls agree and started to do their job as the madam's of the household and the family seeing their daughter now working to do her job as the madam of a house both parents are happy cause even though she is just a concubine she still has power within the household of the reid family meaning they don't have anything to worry about.

williams then invited everyone who is now under his power to his study there a long table are already set up with some maids to refill the glasses.

"gentlemen i believe each and everyone of you already knows the reason for this banquet that i hosted"

hearing his words each person nodded after all they are all smart people who fought in the market for a longtime.

"then without any pleasantries i will give each and everyone of a billion as start up to the plan in shorting the stock of the thomson family and competting fircely with them in product and what not and this mr.cruz is for you"he then gave the file to each and everyone in the table.

Seeing the content in the file they all felt extremely scarred on what in it.

In fact after the evening party few days ago he alrady ask white to investigate the thomson family and each and every dark secret they have with the power of white it's as easy as searching a surface platform.

they then feel lucky that they're not enemies with williams now cause the way williams fight is a total annihilation of the family and for cruz and other people who engage in internet and television were excited cause with this their rating will surely soar to another level specially for the cruz entertainment.

"now we only said few words here but each and everyone of you should already know you task right?"

"mr.reid please res assured it will be done with all of us here attacking the thomson family it will be a breeze" richard castro said 

followed by joshua cruz, james tennison and bruce lawrence "please rest assured mr.reid"

"don't worry you guys are not the only ones attacking ill order my people to start attacking too." williams rest assured everyone.

"then next agenda ill let you in my secret"

hearing that they will be in in some secret of williams they are happy after all it means williams now trust them very much.

"i plan to overthrow the current shiya kingdom"

when they heard his plan they each petrified in their seats.

"i know some of you will not believe this but i'm already building the palace and putting man power to it slowly so the current shiya kingdom will not know"

"wait mr.reid you seriously plan to do that?" james tennison said tremblingly cause this will seriously cause a crisis in the kingdom and the market will plummet causing ecconomic crisis.

"now i know what each and everyone of you are thinking this will cause an ecconomic crisis right"

hearing his words they just nodded still feeling shock.

"that's why i've each and everyone of you let you in this current plan so that you will bear little setback whn i started"

hearing this they all look each other and agree with the wealth they are going to take this time a ecconomic crisis that will happen in the future and short time will be equivalent to nothing so they don't have anything to lose.

so they all decided to gamble now if they lose in revolt then they lose everyhting but when they won they may even get a noble title in the future and having a noble title will surely make their family have a stronger foundation.

"we agree to you mr reid"

"we will follow your lead my lord"

"yes we will follow you to the end myy liege"


after hearing their decision he nodded and said "ok now you decided to follow me i will commend your noble title in the future for now show your worth in having a title and following me"

After this speech everyone stood up and raise their glass then bruce asks "my lord what will the kingdom you will establish will be named?"

"well it's called arcadia kingdom now let's cheers" raises the glass.

and all of them shouted "for arcadia kingdom"


After the meeting the party also ended now he just gotta wait for the few days for the thomson family to arrive at his doorstep.

In the living room their he saw his 30+ women resting with charlotte sitting at the main seat showing her status in the house hold.

"now everyone good job i've sent each and every one of you some pocket money use it however you want"

hearing that they will have additional pocket money they all cheered and each kisses williams.

after this he talked with everyone "now i'm gonna tell all of you whenever you are going out bring 2 or more bodyguards with you never go out alone this is an order"

hearing his serious voice the first 11 women already understood that it's starting and anything can happen and they also don't want to be a burden so they made a decision that as long as possible stay in the manor if it cannot bring 4 bodyguards just to be safe.

seeing that the other 20 women are clueless they each told on what's happening.

After knowing it all they understood and all agreed and since it's their first time here they just go with the flow and they also know their position so they don't really have a choice.

"now let's all go up and rest it's already late" he then led the 10 new fresh rabbits in the wolf den and they all do the deed.