
King unordinary

Bijay_Subedi · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Final chapter

John was resting he was tired and he was scared. Arlo had felt the guys power and he was shocked. Sera was hurt and she wanted answers from John and Arlo who were they fighting.

John was too tired so he went home so he went. He was fast asleep but the same nightmare haunted him he had this nightmare for years. But he couldn't get rid of it so he tried to change it. Slowly it would change but it would get harder to change it. Now he was at a point where Sera, Arlo, and he were fighting his mom. He cared for his mom but he had seen all the evil she had done in his dream. Then he woke up he went through school like every day. But then he saw his dad he went up to him and said hi but his dad had a serious face. His dad then sad something that he didn't expect "we need to talk about your mom."