
King Spare Me 大王饶命

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 8: Inexplicable

 It was too dark at night, and Lu Shu couldn't see the other person's face clearly even though he was more than ten meters away. However, he could still feel the tense muscles on his body, and his posture seemed as if he was ready to attack and hurt someone at any time.

  However, he had vaguely seen the black windbreakers swaying in the wind on the other two people, as well as the cold aura in the cold winter, which was like an invisible wall that kept no one in.

  The other party seemed to be somewhat unclear about Lu Shu's background. It seemed a bit strange for someone to stand on the roof in the middle of the night...

  Lu Shu hesitated for a moment before deciding to climb down the ladder again. After all, the other party seemed to be very skilled, and jumping around on the rooftop in the middle of the night seemed a bit abnormal...

  And the most important thing is... the black windbreaker.

  This touched Lu Shu's nerves. Although many people were wearing it, he couldn't help but think of the scene in the afternoon when he suddenly encountered it at this time and in this place.

  The other party seemed to have not expected Lu Shu to have such a cowardly reaction, and was stunned for a moment...

  It is impossible not to be timid. Lu Shu now knows his own suffering. From the time he was born till now, the closest time he had been to that strange world was just now.

  If there is anything different about Lu Shu now, it is the store system in his head, the tree in his palm, the fire in his heart, and the dim star map in his chest.

  If we dig deeper, we can also include his body that has eaten the Marrow Cleansing Fruit.

  But apart from these, he really has no fighting ability at all. It may sound intimidating to talk about all these things, but if a real fight breaks out, he will definitely be defeated in a second.

  The idea of ​​a confident counterattack was simply not possible for Lu Shu. It was common sense to run away if you couldn't win. No one knew what happened to the person who was taken away from the backstage of the acrobatic performance this afternoon. Lu Shu didn't want to end up like that.

He is not a hero, nor is he a passionate young man with dreams of being a superhero. He is just a senior high school student who is lying at the mouth of a well and wants to look out at the wider world.

  Lu Shu also has to study the secrets in his own body, and take good care of Lu Xiaoyu until she has the ability to be independent, just like a brother watching over his sister as she grows up. It's quite exciting to think about raising a loli.

  Although Lu Xiaoyu never admitted that they were siblings, she even used the word "Lu" when naming herself.

  Therefore, Lu Shu couldn't let anything happen tonight, as he still had a lot of things to do.

  Lu Shu slowly climbed down from the roof holding the bamboo basket, then turned his head away as he looked at the two people who were confronting him.

  The other party was a little confused as to what the glance meant.

  Lu Shu was a little helpless. He said, "Brothers, please leave quickly. I'm getting a little nervous if you keep standing here..." He pointed in the direction the other party was originally going to go, meaning, "You guys go ahead and I'll make way for you."

  At this time, Lu Shu was ready to run away at any time. God knows who this person is.

  There were so many strange things happening tonight that Lu Shu felt like he couldn't keep up.

  First, a fire burned the sky of Los Angeles, and then I met the man in black windbreaker whom I met in the afternoon here again.

  However, although Lu Shu gave way, the other party did not seem to be planning to let it go. He walked towards Lu Shu cautiously step by step, and then nimbly crossed two roofs in succession.

 In the dark night, the moonlight turned the snow on the roof into silver. The snow creaked as people stepped on it, and the footprints on the roof were black, looking very abrupt.

  By the way, this person couldn't have anything to do with the fire. Now when Lu Shu recalled the other person's appearance just now, it really seemed like he was running for his life!

  "Who are you?" A man stood on the roof and looked down at Lu Shu, his black cloak-like sleeves fluttering in the biting wind.

  "I live here, who are you?"

  The two people on the roof looked at each other and asked, "What are you doing on the roof in the middle of the night?"

  "It's snowing... Harvest the dried radishes..." Lu Shu raised the bamboo basket in his hand and swept away the snow on the basket. Sure enough, the dried radishes inside were exposed...

  The two people on the roof looked at each other in bewilderment. Are they really here to collect dried carrots? ? They only remembered to collect things after the snow had stopped. They must be stupid, right? !

  "Go home, it's not safe here." Someone said on the roof.

  Lu Shu thought to himself, "It's because you're here that I'm not safe, okay?" He said "oh" and turned around, took out the key and went back to the house.

  It was not until the moment he took out the key and opened the door that he suddenly felt the pressure from above his head suddenly relieved.

  It was not until this moment that the other party finally believed that there was nothing wrong with him.

  Lu Shu closed the door and breathed softly. This world was indeed abnormal.

  He was a little worried before, what if everything that happened to him could be sensed?

  He had this concern because when the fire started, he could vaguely feel that there was something unusual in that direction.

  This is not a hunch, this is a feeling, it is something real.

  At this moment, the white flame in his heart was beating continuously, and the star map was slowly moving in an inexplicable trajectory. If it was sensed, he would probably not be able to escape the fate of being taken away.

  But right now, it seems that the other party doesn't have this ability? Or is it that they can't sense everything about me?

  During these two encounters, Lu Shu discovered that although the other party acted strangely, he did not seem to be the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. At least during the entire process, the other party did not use any violent means against him.

  Lu Shu leaned on the sofa and thought about what that world was like.

  At this moment, the two people who were rushing into the distance were talking in a low voice: "Are you sure he's okay?"

  "No fluctuations, ordinary people."

  "That's good."


  "Lu Shu, who were you talking to outside just now?" Lu Xiaoyu came out of the room holding his slippers.

  Lu Shu didn't know how to explain to her. After all, he hadn't even had the time to tell Lu Xiaoyu about what had happened to him. He planned to tell this little girl when the opportunity was right, to let her know that he was no longer an ordinary person, and that she should stop being disrespectful in the future!

  I don't know if this system will come up with other cultivation methods. If there is one suitable for Lu Xiaoyu, it would be great.

  Just when Lu Shu was thinking about how to answer Lu Xiaoyu, there was a sudden thud in the yard outside their door, as if something heavy had fallen to the ground.

  Lu Shu suddenly turned around. There were so many strange things happening tonight that he couldn't help but pay attention.

  He quietly moved towards the door and looked through the peephole on it. He saw a person lying on the snow outside!