
Chapter 3: The Name of Titan

In the shimmering crystal-lit room, Ye Tianrui stood in front of a mirror almost as tall as the vaulted ceiling, silently gazing at the massive figure reflected within.

The fair cheeks, chubby as expected for his age, radiated with baby fat. It looked so tender that it seemed water could be squeezed out with a pinch.

His shoulder-length jet-black hair cascaded down, between the strands a pair of pale golden dragon horns expanded backward, silently demonstrating the nobility and non-human identity of its owner.

The slightly obese child-like body inflated the silken sleepwear he wore. A pair of broad golden dragon wings extended from the purposely created gaps in the sleepwear. Under the robe-style sleepwear, a pointed, blade-shaped tail covered in golden scales wagged back and forth.

"Just how big have I grown now? Sophia." Suddenly, Ye Tianrui lowered his gaze to the mirror, observing the blonde maid-dressed teenage girl standing silently behind the child within, and asked her.

"Master Mureya, you've grown to five meters tall. As per the standards of the Titan Tribe, you've passed the infancy stage and entered early childhood. By the standards of the dragon race, you're now a young dragon." The blond girl with delicate golden scales along her cheeks answered respectfully and scrupulously.

"Is that right? So, I've been in this world for almost five years now," Ye Tianrui lamented as he turned around and lowered his gaze to the dragonkin girl, who was only tall enough to reach his thighs.

Sophia, a relatively tall dragonkin girl compared to normal humans, seemed too small compared to Ye Tianrui at this moment. This dragonkin maid, who was specially appointed by Golden Dragon mother Atreus Alonsus to take care of him, was almost of the same size as him when he was born, let alone now. Of course, Ye Tianrui didn't harbor any dislike for her because Sophia, leading a group of dragonkin maids, had taken care of him very comfortably in the last five years. She was an exceptionally competent maid.

It was laughable. Ye Tianrui had been in this world for five years now and has not yet left the crystal-lit room because the majority of his time was spent sleeping, and upon awakening, all he did was eat.

It was not that he did not want to go out, but his body did not allow him to engage in any other activity except for eating.

Therefore, the group of dragonkin maids led by Sophia were like foster parents to him.

After all, the nature of all Golden dragons, no, all dragons, is very lazy. Hoping for them to worry and toil like a typical human mother, taking care of their children's every need, was impossible.

However, among all dragons, the Golden Dragon Mother fared relatively well, as she had arranged a squad of dragonkin maids to take care of him and look after his food and other routines.

"Sophia, take me out for a walk. I have never visited my mother's castle before," Ye Tianrui looked at the room's doorway and expressed a longing, curious eye.

"Alright, Master Mureya." The blonde maid Sophia obediently walked to the door and made a gesture for him to follow. "Please, follow me; Lady Atreus's castle is vast indeed."

"Mureya, huh!" Ye Tianrui froze for a moment. He had been called this name by the dragonkin maids for five years. This was his real name, exclusive only to him, while his past life name, Ye Tianrui, had not been called for five years. He was almost forgetting it.

"Ye Tianrui, is a name from when I was a human in my previous life, and as that life is over, there's no need to continue using that name. Now, I am the child of Titans and Dragons, Mureya Iapertos Eronsalas. This will be my name from now on."

Ye Tianrui, no, Mureya, his face full of curiosity, followed Sophia's lead, preparing to explore the Crystal Castle where he has been living for five years.

Mureya followed Sophia, his eyes constantly scanning every corner he passed, opening his eyes into a different world, like Granny Liu visiting the Grand View Gardens in 'The Dream of the Red Mansion'.

The castle was constructed with various types of crystals, flashing brilliant and colorful lights everywhere. Mureya had to constantly question whether he was still in a fairytale.

Despite the castle being built of precious crystal stones, it was not small but grand and majestic, demonstrating a strong aura of wealth.

Moving through the corridors of the castle with his current stature, Mureya felt a sense of openness. Such a large layout without a hint of repetition could easily lead him to be lost if he was not following Sophia closely.

"My mother is indeed wealthy!" It was the only thought he had throughout the journey, "Unfortunately, even if I want to touch a single brick, I can't. It's a private dragon fortune of the legendary Golden Dragon Mother, Atreus Alonsus. Even though I am her biological son, I don't have a penny's worth in it."

As he thought about this, Mureya's mood began to darken. Just then, he gawked at a huge exhibit displayed in a gallery, and his mind was filled with countless thoughts.

Since he had left his room after five years, Mureya was struck with awe by the collections scattered around the castle: Precious enchanted swords, glorious magic armors, priceless antiques and the mighty remains of creatures displayed by his mother, the Golden Dragon.

Even though Muria didn't know the origins of most of the items in the collection, or how valuable they were, that didn't detract from the powerful visual impact brought by these Golden Dragon artifacts. At the very least, he knew for sure that all this stuff was freaking valuable.

And so, Muria had grown used to it, that is until he saw the item on display in this corridor-side exhibition hall. The shock on his face was undisguised. Fortunately, as he was looking up at the exhibit in the hall, Sophia couldn't see his expression, just heard his voice.

"What the heck is this thing?"

"This is the top-level alchemical creation of the Arcane Federation, a legendary magic puppet Goliath named Titan."

"Named Titan!" Despite the familiar design, Muria wore a look of disdain on his face, "Is this thing even worthy?"

The Titans were a subgroup of the many giant races in Elasia, a unique branch because among all the giant tribes, the Titans who wield the power of storm and thunder are the strongest. They are the strongest in every way.

In the same age bracket, the physical stature of the Titans was the tallest, largest, and strongest. No other giant could compete: To the ordinary giants, the Titans were gods to be worshiped.

"Indeed not worthy." Sophia's face showed reverence and longing, "So, your father, the great legendary Titan, Ansol Iapetos, approached the Arcane Federation and specifically challenged this arrogant and legendary giant named Titan."

Listening to Sophia's narrative, Muria watched the super-giant alchemical Goliath in the hall, which had a 'V' shape decoration on its head and eight blue mechanical wings spread out from its back, and was predominantly white, his expression seemed to be in a trance.

This hundred-meter-tall humanoid Goliath, in the shape of Freedom Gundam, looked as bold and stunning as Muria remembered. The body configuration was several times larger than in the original setup, making Muria shocked.

The only flaw was a huge clear hole in the chest of the colossal Gundam, where golden sparks were still lingering around, and emitting a familiar, vibrating aura that struck a chord in Muria.

"And then, this giant named Titan from the Arcane federation was punched to asunder by my father!" Muria told the end of the battle based on Sophia's account.

Except for the chest part, this 'Gundam' didn't have any other broken traces. It was as shiny as new. However, the hole on the 'Gundam' chest appeared as if a fist had punched through it, and the golden thunderbolt was an obviously legendary Thunder Force left by his father, Ansol Yeapatos.

"Wait, no, this is a spoil of war from my father. How come it ended up in my mother's collection hall?" Muria abruptly realized an inconsistency.

"Uh, Archmage Atris went with Lord Ansalor to the Arcane Federation at the time. After the giant was defeated, Archmage Atris collected it. So, this Goliath was placed here," Sophia explained softly.

"That's it?" Muria looked at Sophia skeptically, "Even if the Goliath was defeated, it's still a big lump of precious magic metal material. Can't they recycle and rebuild another legendary Golem? Would the Arcane Federation allow my mum to take it away?"

Although Muria didn't know much about many things in this world yet, he knew some common knowledge through inheritance, such as the large forces at the world level and some valuable metal materials.

In this super-sized 'Gundam', Muria recognized several kinds of magic metals that could be used to forge legendary weapons. These kinds of metals were strategic resources wherever they were, how could they let others take away?

Hearing Muria's question, Sophia was speechless, with her face turning red from embarrassment, she slowly lowered her head. Seeing the head maid show that reaction, Muria could roughly guess what had happened.

Along with the power of the dragons was their greed, and the 'Gundam', made out of various precious magic metals, was a rare treasure.

You can imagine that when his dad, the Legendary Titan Ansol had punched the 'Gundam' to pieces. As one of the top beings in the world, his dad would want to save face, and wouldn't just put the 'Gundam' into a bag and take it away.

After all, his dad knocked on someone's door because of a name and then beat other people's things into pieces, if he took the wreckage as spoils of war, it might seem a bit embarrassing.

On the other hand, his mom, a famously greedy Golden Dragon, wouldn't care about face. When it comes to face or treasure, Dragons always choose treasure, so, this 'Gundam' ended up in his mom's bag.

As for the Arcane Federation, as the defeated party, they probably didn't have the nerve to stop it. The victors have the right to take their own spoils. This custom is widely accepted in Elasia, and they surely care about face.

"Hmm, it should be something like this," guessed Muria after envisioning the situation, figuring he must be pretty close.