
Ch 4

Killian POV

It has been five years since I laid eyes on cara mea. It was spring and the sun was setting and it's orange hues were spread across the sky. My car had come to a halt at the red light, it was then that I saw my angel. She was walking back home with her grandmother after some grocery shopping. She held her old grandmothers hand and slowly walked with her at the zebra crossing. She wore a light pink floral dress reaching her knees and was smiling brightly standing out amongst the crowd.

My heart felt warmth for the first time since I don't know when. I felt at peace after years for the first time. I couldn't divert my eyes off her, her face was so angelic and innocent with the purest smile I've ever seen in my life. I saw her walk away further to the point she was no longer visible.

It took everything in me to not follow her. I didn't want to dirty her, I didn't want to snatch off her innocence by involving her with me.

However fate had other plans for me. I saw my angel once again and this time face to face.

She had been leaving for her college and it so happens that my company had scheduled an internship programme at her college for which I was called on for a short speech. It was by chance I decided to go that day because I had a clear schedule.

I was a mafia gang leader but I also own a company, Kingston, which I had started from ground. I became the most feared and most powerful man from being a no one. I am known for being ruthless and cold hearted which I am.

She had just started her college so the internship wouldn't have applied to her. I was sitting in my car waiting to be called in for the speech, and she walked right past my car. She was greeting the guard. My legs moved on there own and I was out of the car, following her.

She was unaware that I was following her but everyone else was aware of my presence. No one dared to make an eye contact with me. She walked inside her classroom while I was interrupted by someone calling me for the speech.

By the time I was done with my speech the college was already almost empty. Most of the students had left. I looked for her but I couldn't find her.

My heart felt heavy And I wanted to see her for one last time but I couldn't find her. I was just leaving when a small figure suddenly appeared in front of me. I heard a soft yelp and my hands moved quick. Something sharp pierced my hand but it didn't hurt because I was too focused on the person I was holding.

Someone shouted her name.

"Hayley, watch your step!"

"Hayley" I repeated her name. It felt so good so say her name out loud.

I looked at her, she had blue eyes which were wide with shock and it almost made me smile. I held her by her waist preventing her from falling and god damnit it felt so good to touch her. I inhaled her scent, it was intoxicating, she smelled like lilac.

She opened her mouth "I am so sorry"

Her voice, it already made me hard. I wanted to kiss those plush lips.

She straightened herself and a man walked towards us. "Mr Kingston please forgive her, she is just a clumsy girl"

My men rushed in. "Are you alright sir?"

My eyes never left hayley who looked confused. One of my men approached hayley and I saw her flinch back. She looked terrified.

"Step back at once, all of you" I tried my best to say it as calmly as possible not to scare of hayley.

One look from me and they all left.

"Hayley you can leave" The man said and I swear I felt like killing him right there.

Hayley started picking up her model pieces which I suppose she had made and got destroyed because of me. I bent down to help her.

"She will do it sir you need not-" Before that man could say anything else I looked at him, his face immediately filled with dread. He gulped and smiled nervously and left.

"Your hand!" Hayley gasped, she dropped all of her pieces and caught my hand. My heart stopped for a minute. My large hands were in her small warm hands. Warmth flooded my whole being.

"It's alright love" I said softly

"no we must clean the wound otherwise it will get infected" she shook her head like a little girl, her voice filled with pure concern

"May I?" she asked for my permission looking at me with her deep blue eyes.How could I say no?

She held my hand and pulled me with her towards a classroom. she made me sit on the chair and looked for something in her hand bag. She took out a first aid kit.

"Tell me if it hurts" she said

"This won't hurt me Cara mea, don't worry" I couldn't look away from her. She was so concentrated on my wound that she never once looked up.

She cleaned the wound and applied a bandage. She checked if I was hurt anywhere else and when she was completely satisfied she looked at me and smiled.

I used every power I had in me to not pull her over my lap and kiss her breathless till she begged me to stop.

"Don't worry you wouldn't need to see a doctor although I would suggest that you keep your wound open after a day or two because it needs air to heal" she smiled sweetly

That was the last time I had a face to face talk with her up until now. It was on that day that I had decided to make her mine, protect her and love her forever. For the first time in my life I had something worth living for something I could cherish, something that mattered more than my own life and it was her.

My sweet angel. Cara Mea.