

Cassius Ravenscroft, a battle-hardened lieutenant in the Valerian Army, bears the weight of a haunted past. Haunted by the memories of countless lives he ended during the brutal war and burdened by the crushing guilt that has consumed his soul, Cassius reaches a pivotal crossroads in his life. Cassius faces a choice that will define his destiny. Instead of continuing to serve the military machine that has left him scarred, he decides to turn his formidable skills towards a new cause fighting for redemption and justice. Driven by a burning desire to make amends for his actions and protect his homeland from the looming threat, Cassius embarks on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each with their demons and reasons to fight. Together, they form an unlikely alliance and set out to right the wrongs of the past. Join Cassius as he fights to free the very country he enslaved.

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2 Chs


In the year 1905, the Valerian Imperial Army embarked on a relentless march toward their neighboring country, Arcadia. Their motivation stemmed from the allure of Arcadia's abundant natural resources and its strategic coastal access.

As the Valerian Army advanced, the Arcadian defenders found themselves grappling with the overwhelming might of their adversary. The Valerians pressed from the north, while a fierce Barbarian army threatened from the south.

Caught in an unfavorable 2-to-1 numerical disadvantage in the north, Arcadia's General, Marcus Genis, made a fateful decision. In a tactical misstep, due to the reports from Arcadian spies in the Valerian court. Unknowing to him that the message was intercepted.

They disseminated a deceitful message to General Marcus, sowing confusion and misinformation among Arcadia's leadership. The message claimed that the invasion of Arcadia had been postponed due to the supposed collapse of the Northwood Bridge. Northwood Bridge was the only access from Valeria to Arcadia big enough to support the heavy military machinery and artillery required for the invasion.

Upon hearing this report he diverted precious reinforcements to bolster Arcadia's southern borders in an attempt to thwart the Barbarian warrior king, Alec, whose forces were closing in from the south.

Feeling like an opportunity had just appeared, General Marcus quickly dispatched 5,000 men from his total of 15,000 men.

Taking into consideration the time it would take to fix the bridge and the depletion of supplies, he hoped that his forces would crush the Barbarian king and his army, and gathering the supplies scheduled to arrive from the court, he would have enough to hold off the valerian army until he's reinforcements arrive or he defeats the valerian army.


In the frigid northern plains beyond the borders of Arcadia, the mighty Valerian Imperial Army had established a formidable camp. Under the cloak of darkness, 15,000 soldiers found respite from the biting cold, where temperatures plummeted to sub-20 degrees Celsius.

Inside the command tent, General Enzo assumed a central position, engrossed in the meticulous analysis and strategic deliberations that lay ahead. Around him, the assembly of officers stood ready.

"What is the status of our Trojan horse," General Enzo directed, his gaze sweeping across the officers. With unwavering assurance, Lieutenant Major Lucius delivered his report, ensuring that all officers in attendance were informed. "The Arcadians have been successfully deceived by our ploy, and we anticipate reaching their stronghold by noon tomorrow, Sir."

"Excellent. This shall be an unforeseen strike," Enzo declared, with a glint of satisfaction emerging in his demeanor.

"Ready the troops thoroughly and ensure they are fully briefed.

Tomorrow, we claim Arcadia. Dismissed," General Enzo commanded with resolute authority.


Three kilometers distant from the Valerian encampment, within the confines of the Arcadian Army's camp, soldiers bustled about in a chaotic flurry in preparations for the impending battle.

In the command tent, General Marcus addressed his assembled officers, delivering a comprehensive briefing on his strategy. He also conveyed the news of the Northwood bridge's collapse, further emphasizing the challenges they would face. They Felt a sense of weight on their shoulders as they exited the command tent and then off to their various post to brief the soldiers.

As the relentless passage of time gave way to the sunrise, Finrir, a private on guard duty, stirred from slumber. With a loud yawn and a drowsy rub of his eyes, he roused himself, the call of nature urging him to venture out for a moment.

"What a beautiful day today," he mumbled to himself, casting his gaze upward to appreciate the clear sky. However, shadows on the horizon caught his eye, puzzling him. He blinked, rubbed his eyes again, and then realization struck like a thunderbolt.

"Oh no," he whispered in terror as fear gripped his heart, casting a chilling dread over him.

In a frenzy of urgency, Finrir's voice pierced the morning stillness. "They are here, they are here, the Valerians are here!" He screamed, jolting his fellow guards from their slumber and setting off the alarm that resonated throughout the entire camp.

Amidst the chaos, General Marcus, his senses still entangled in the realm of half-awake and half-asleep, was rudely awakened by the commotion.

"What the hell is going on?" he bellowed, dashing into the command tent, his breath ragged from haste.

"The Valerians are at our gates, sir," Finrir reported, his voice quivering as he struggled to maintain eye contact with the general.

Amidst the camp's turmoil, soldiers scattered in every direction, each one converging upon their designated posts with a sense of urgency.

Enzo observed the frantic activity with a sinister smirk. "Look at them," he remarked, "scuttling about like frightened chickens."

"Lieutenant Cassius," General Enzo commanded urgently.

"Initiate 'Operation Frostpeak'," Enzo directed firmly, locking eyes with Lieutenant Cassius. "Take 4000 men and await my signal."

"Yes, Sir," Cassius acknowledged, offering a salute before swiftly departing to carry out the order.

"Prepare the cannons!" Enzo's voice thundered through the camp. In perfect synchronization, the officers responded, "Yes, sir!"

"On my signal, release fire," Enzo ordered, his voice carrying undeniable authority.

With impeccable synchronization, he counted, "1, 2, fire!" His command reverberated through the ranks.

The cannons roared to life, and the sky was split by the thunderous booms. Several cannonballs soared through the air, aimed directly at the Arcadian camp.

No, no, no "They were not supposed to be here. The intel was fake, Marcus said, slamming his fits through the table in front of him.

Boommm, boom, boommmm, as the earth vibrated. The cannonballs struck with devastating impact, sending shockwaves through the Arcadian camp, leaving behind a trail of dead soldiers in its wake.

"Fire!" Enzo's command resounded once more, and the cannons thundered to life, unleashing another barrage. With a deafening explosion, a cannonball found its mark, striking the tent used for the storage of firearms and gunpowder. The resulting detonation sent flames and smoke billowing into the air, creating a chaotic and perilous situation within the camp.

Battle-ready, the Valerian Army, comprised of 11,000 soldiers under the leadership of General Enzo, charged forward, their determined advance signaling the commencement of the impending conflict.