
Hector Skyfall...

As they rode through the city, Valeron was in marvel at all the wonders he had witnessed. After hours or endless roaming, the sun began its journey down the sky as dusk approached.

The carriage immediately turned around and headed toward the castle in the distance. After half and hour, they rode through the gates as Valeron admired the opulent castle.

The castle stood with imposing towers and intricate stone carvings. The walls were adorned with ivy. Large turrets reached toward the sky, each adorned with fluttering flags bearing a Griffon.

A courtyard paved with cobblestone hosted a regal fountain and the air carried the scent of blooming gardens.

Their carriage slowly came to a stop in front of a grand hall that was lined with a red carpet and lavish curtains decorating the entrance...

As Valeron disembarked from the carriage with Theseus a few steps behind him, a servant came up to him and led the way into the hall.