
King Of Reapers | A Black Butler Fanfic

!!Mild Violence, and Gore Warning!! His name is Alexandre Baltazar, the King of Reapers. He died during the War Thirty Two years ago, or did he? Since Alexandre died, he couldn't protect his Wife, who just gave birth to a baby girl named Azuria. He came back to life when he was too late. His wife died because of Demons, which includes Sebastian. Luckily, Azuria survived and was hid. Since that day King Reaper Alexandre became Cold-Hearted, and still seeks revenge. Until he saw a letter from his beloved wife about him following the Queen, and found Sebastian again. (On Chapter 1) "Hello Sebastian." Alexandre lend a hand, Sebastian did too, suddenly, Alexandre's hand tightened Sebastian's, his hand looked like it will break into pieces. "Nice to see you again." He began to look at him seriously, his eyes shined Red. "Nice to see you too." Sebastian is still enduring the pain Alexandre is giving. He just faked a smile, he needs to hide his fear, or what kind of a butler would he be?

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20 Chs

Chapter 17 - The Finale (Part 1)

1300, 1 pm...

Doors clicked as the meeting is done and all the Reapers continue with their tasks, Alex and Ruby are left in the hall. The atmosphere seems to be a little awkward to start a conversation. Alex cleared his throat.

"Since you became a knight, you will be living independently." Alex smiled and opened his arms, "I shall give you a House with a design to your liking."

"No master!" Ruby stood up with her head looking down, avoiding eye contact, "I do not wish to live on my own, for you are the reason I still live, you gave me the final chance to prove myself to be worthy of serving you," She started crying softly, "I want to be with your side."

Alex looked at her eyes, and suddenly he smiled and chuckled, "I understand," he moved his chair and stood up, he started walking towards the door, "Fine, you can stay here for as long as you like."

Alex suddenly stopped midway, "Oh by the way, since you are a Knight now, you would need a sword, but do you still need a shield?"

Ruby got a bit surprised, "Is it necessary for me to have a sword?" She looked at Alex, he looks like he is in a good mood, as Alex heard the words, he smiled and just nodded, so she just did what she was told, and on the last step, Alex opened the door and just as it opened, she realized, she was in a different room, at first she didn't notice, but she just got in Alex's study. A bit differently, his room got a bit clean. It felt like No One is Watching her Anymore.

"So, as I was saying, a sword is needed for a knight, but," Alex sat down on his table, with a surprisingly relieved mood, he took out something below his table, a suitcase doesn't seem that big though, "maybe a short sword would suit you best." It is a dark blue rectangular case with metallic floral rims on its corners.

As soon as Ruby touched it, she felt something strange inside the case, like it was alive. She suddenly had second thoughts about opening it. She looked at Alex, he began to lose his temper, he started to frown a bit, this forced Ruby to open the case, no matter how scared she felt. As normal as it seems, she just saw a short sword with a curved parry and an inclined handle, the edges of the blade covered in red, it has no quillons, but it has a huge diamond shaped rain-guard. "It looks, pretty good." She picked it up and suddenly felt like something held her hand, making her drop it.

"Are you alright?" Alex asked, looking worried, he arranged his seat and tries to look at the dropped weapon. Then he looked at Ruby, who starts to shiver and sweat. "The sword, it-" Ruby gulped, "is it alive?"

"Hm..." Alex was left thinking, he held his chin and stood up carefully, picked the blade and placed it on the table. He stared at it and waited for it to move, then looked back at Ruby, "doesn't seem alive to me." Alex picked the weapon and inspected it, he showed it to her, "see? Not alive."

"Ah, very well mi'lord." Ruby tries to take it from him, she hesitated at first, she looked again at Alex, they made eye contact and made Alex smile. She finally took the sword, and surprisingly, she didn't feel anything. She sighed in relief and put the sword back in its case.

"Do you have any idea where the colour of its edge came from?" Alex suddenly asked, he smiled, "no, never mind." Ruby became worried, not because of the question, but because he took it back. She quietly took the suitcase and walked towards the door, "mi'lord, I'll be taking my leave."

"Wait, before you go," Ruby stopped midway, "Take a look at this," Alex slid a piece of paper at the edge of his table, Ruby went towards him and took paper. "A scout mission?"

"Yes," Alex sighed, "Apparently, the Incident that happened yesterday, my siblings failed to catch up to Houston, so, it is up to you to find their hideout." Alex smiled a bit, "She left trails that would make it easier for you to find out." He took out some snaps as well, from the looks of it, pictures of people slaughtered and dried out of blood, the events that took place was near the Train Station.

"Very well, mi'lord." Ruby bowed, again, "do you want me to start now?' Alex frowned, "no, start at night, probably at 2100, where you might get more useful intel." Alex stood up and went to the shelf, grabbed the book and went back to his chair, "So, from my observation, remember where we got kidnapped, try going there, maybe they went back to fix it." Alex smiled as he looked at Ruby.

"In Britain?" Ruby asked, not that she is fighting back, it aroused her curiosity about the location strategy, "mi'lord, don't you think they would have probably moved out by then?" Alex smiled in relief, "Yes, you are probably right, since you have found out already, why not use that as the starting point of finding her?"

"Vey well," Ruby bowed, "Anything else mi'lord?" Alex stood up, "no, nothing else, you're dismissed." He looked at the window and watched Finny water the flowers. Ruby didn't want to disturb, so she left silently.



Below the dungeon, Lynda is sitting down on Azraille's throne, unconscious, but her body seems like to have been circulated by green glowing dust, her hands twitched, then she woke up, looking surprised, she breathed heavily. Lynda looked around and noticed, she isn't in her room, "Where, am I?" She stood up, still feeling dizzy.

"You are in my mother's room."

"What?" She looked to the right and saw two huge doors, then at the corner of her eye, she saw Azuria, leaning against the bed, "Ah, mi'lord." Lynda bowed down in respect, "You're mother?"

Azuria didn't made eye contact, her eyes narrowed, glowing. She pointed to her left, pertaining to something. Lynda took few steps forward and saw a huge portrait of somehow that looks like her, but more mature, and seems to have a more enlightened attitude than her, "That is your mother?" Lynda asked, Azuria didn't answer but gave a steady nod, it made her surprised, "oh wow," Lynda looked away, a bit shy about it, "I, I have so many questions."

"Anyway, please leave here as soon as possible," Azuria stood up, "I need to go now, I'll answer your questions later." Her skin turned black and she disappeared with the shadows. Lynda smiled, "Did not expect to see her mother like this-" then she suddenly passed out.

A few seconds have passed, Azuria reappeared, now with Alex. He sighed looking at her awful state, "It seems her soul is still destabilising, we need to get her wings back, fast." Alex carried her back to the throne, "Why do you place her there, and not in the bed?" Azuria asked, looking at Alex.

"Your mother's bed, restores the energy for demons, it has malicious energy that only demons can take in," Alex looked at Lynda and properly arranged her how she sits, "her soul will be swallowed by the energy, consuming it." He stood up and looked at Azuria, "Do you want her soulless?" She didn't answer, she looked the other way and ignored the question, "Anyway, I'll be going outside, I will be checking on Natalie." She disappeared after hearing a step. Alex sighed, "Guess I need to change something again." His hand glowed, he made a small cut on his finger, then he opened Lynda's mouth with his other hand, and let a few drops of blood in, he smiled and sat on the bed and waited for her to wake up. He watched as his glowing blood spread to her body, stabilising her soul for the mean time. After a few minutes of waiting, Lynda opened her eyes slowly, and saw that Alex is looking at her. She looked at her hands and feel like nothing happened.

"Did I changed again?" Lynda said it without thinking, as if something happened to her again. Alex chuckled, "Come on, people always change, you got to accept it." He stood up, "well nothing really changed much ever since you woke up," he started walking towards the door, "well not coming?"

"Master," Lynda spoke, it made Alex stop walking, "when will I be able to fly again?" Tears flowed to her face, Alex looked at her with a serious look, "Soon as you defeat Houston." Alex began walking again, "that is why you need to believe in yourself that you are stronger."

He remembered something and smiled, "Oh by the way, you will be coming with me later, meet me at my study at around 1945, okay?" Lynda nodded, "Very well, mi'lord." She stood up, still feeling a bit drowsy, but managed not to fall down, and followed Alex.



1945, 7:45 pm...

Alex is reading a book about Demons in his study, where he suddenly heard a light knock. He didn't speak at first, he looked at the door, and saw a huge, red, glowing soul behind it. It was beautifully indescribable, he smiled gently and said, "Come in." The door softly opened, there he saw Lynda going in, wearing her backless maid uniform, although confused why she has to wear this, "Mi'lord, I am came back wearing this as you ordered."

"Good," Alex closed the book, he stood up and returned the book to the shelf, "let us wait for someone." He looked at Lynda and gave her a seat, she sat down and looked around, after awhile she gained the confidence to ask, "mi'lord, why do I have to wear this revealing clothes?" She sighed, "I can't believe I used to wear these."

"Is something wrong about it?" Alex glanced at her, as soon as he was about to sit down, the Door suddenly opened, Ruby in front of them, sweating and panting. "Mi'lord!" She seems to be holding her short sword, "This-, this thing is Alive mi'lord."

"Huh?" Alex continued sitting down, he started chuckling, "no no no, that thing won't be alive, unless," Ruby's eyes widened, "Unless what mi'lord?"

"Hm..." Alex's eyes glowed red, "oh," he looked at the blade and saw malicious aura from fragments of souls, "the Blade has a soul in it." Alex smiled, "Don't worry, it won't do any damage not until you listened to it."

"Mi'lord, the thing is," Ruby gulped, "it wants me to stab myself." She looked at Lynda then at Alex, his face seems to be disappointed, she decided not to say something about this again, "nevermind mi'lord, I'll just carry on with my mission."

"Actually, we will be coming with you." Alex looked at the window and glanced at the little werewolves playing in the garden, "So, there is no need to worry, okay?"

"Very well mi'lord." Ruby bowed, still nervous about her blade, "Can you perhaps keep this with you mi'lord?" She offered her blade to him. It made Alex frown, "What, you don't like the blade I made for you?" Ruby suddenly took back her blade, "No! Mi'lord, that is not what I meant." Alex took the blade and inspected it, "You know the blade will actually sign you as a knight," He gave the blade back, "and taking the blade would lose your rights being one, do you understand?"

"Yes mi'lord," she bowed again, and placed her blade back in her scabbard, "I shall keep this with me." She stood up and started walking outside, "anything else mi'lord?"

"No, nothing, meet me outside before 2100." Alex ordered, Lynda looked at Ruby and observed her dress. Shoulder plates, a breastplate, and leather greaves, but no covering in the stomach and on legs. "Wow, her armour suits her." Alex smiled, "Perhaps, she said she wouldn't need heavy armour, so a light leather armour it is."



2100, 9 pm...

Alex, Lynda and Adeline were waiting on the front Doors, for Ruby to go out. Adeline tapped Lynda's exposed back, "Where did your wings go?"

"Oh, madame! My wings?" Lynda didn't made eye contact, "I lost them." She looked at the ground and didn't add anything else, Adeline's Open eyes glanced at Lynda, she went in front of her and looked at her ashamed face, she smiled, "Don't worry we'll get them back." Lynda got a bit surprised, "Oh, Okay." Alex smiled at the two of them, he looked around the Manor and watched everyone, inside and outside, with some werewolves on guard, and some Reapers doing paperwork, and especially Azuria, just watching the children with Janna. "How I wished life would be this easy." Alex told himself. Suddenly, the doors clicked and there Ruby walking outside. The first thing she noticed is Adeline, "you, would be here?" Adeline looked at Ruby, then she smiled, "ah yes, Dad told me that I can come along."

"Very well," Ruby didn't said anything back, "Mi'lord, shall we go?" She looked at Alex, who was looking at his watch, "Wow, what took you so long?" Alex asked, looking at Ruby.

"I, just prepared myself for this." Ruby look around the huge garden of stained white roses.

The wind hustles as the night came, Alex started walking outside. Others waved goodbye at them and prepares for their return. Alex smiled and his eyes glowed, "Let us go." The all disappeared and run at a speed not visible by the naked eye, they passed through less townspeople and landed at the roofs of houses. They looked around the whole town. Luckily, no sign of ghouls or vampires.

"Guess this place would be safe." Alex looked at the three and continued jumping from roof to roof, "Come on, we got a Vampire to kill."



A sound of spilling blood echoes around an abandoned Manor in Britain, Houston moaned as she drains her victim's blood, "I need more!" A woman with light blue eyes and a white short wavy hair bowed, "But mi'lord, we do not have any more livestock stored for today." Houston looked at her with disgust, "Fine fine, are the ghouls ready?"

"Yes mi'lord, we already have three hundred ghouls at my command." Her eyes glowed blue, "do you want me to let them out now?" She cracked her fingers and waited for an answer.

"No, not now, I would need them for something later." Houston smirked, "Say, don't you miss your younger sister? Diamond?"

Diamond didn't react, "well, I missed her very much." She clenched her fists, and looked at Houston, "too bad I have to kill her."

"Yeah, what a sad Reunion." She chuckled, suddenly two Vampires appeared beside her, "Mi'lord, there are four people who are approaching the Manor."

Houston got a bit surprised, "Where are they now?" The vampire bowed, "they are two streets away now." Houston laughed, "very well, let them in."

The doors wide opened as the four people went in, "Mi'lord! I have returned from Wales, I am glad I am able to see you again." A tall man with black Hair and in a formal attire bowed, "Still remember me?"

"Ah yes!" Houston smiled, "Viktor Schrödinger!" She stood up, "How was Wales?"

"Wales?" Viktor smiled, "Well, I got some gifts for you." He placed his hand at the three people beside him, they look like servants, from what they wear, just pants and shirt. It made Houston giggle, "What a pleasant surprise."

Houston disappeared in a blink of an eye, then one of the gifts Viktor gave suddenly got its hands ripped, the other two got surprised and started running away in fear.

"This isn't what you said Viktor!" The man took out a gun and started shooting, the other guy did so as well. "Oh, come on." Viktor shrugged, "What did I say before we arrived here?"

Houston tear the guy's flesh apart and started drinking, he kept on screaming, searching for help, "I said that, the three of you might die right?" Viktor's eyes glowed, Houston licked the guys face as she drained him out, she looked at the other two who were shooting her, "Well well well, trying to escape huh?" She slowly approached them. As she gets closer, more bullets started piercing through her skin, "It is pretty funny how you tried fighting back," Houston appeared behind the two of them, "why won't you just, Stay still?" Their heads twisted off, they fell down, dead and waiting to be drained.

"Bon appétit!" Viktor bowed, while he hears blood spilling, Diamond bowed as well, as Houston laughed, waiting for the day she meets again with Alex, this time killing him.

"So mi'lord, why did you brought us here?" Viktor asked, looking at Houston who is licking her hand, then looked at Diamond, "Because I have many things to do in Wales."

"Oh, nevermind those things for awhile." Houston chuckled, "I need your help, apparently I made a mess to big for me to handle, and I would need you for this." Viktor smiled, "And what mess did you get into again?" He sat down, Houston chuckled, "Reapers."

Hearing the word made Viktor's eyes wide, he remembers the day they have suffered trying to fight them, he started sweating in nervousness, "Reapers? But didn't you want to fight them?" He looked at Houston, "Their strength is unbelievable!"

"But know, we got the upper hand." Wings started going out on Houston's back, "I took one of his Cards in hand." She started laughing. Viktor started trembling, "You would go as far as putting your Dignity as a Vampire to kill him?" Viktor shook his head, "You're not even a Vampire anymore."

"I know," Houston looked at the moon, "Small sacrifices must be made to rise." She looked at her hand, and a ball of blood appeared, "So we will be respected again, all for being on top." Her eyes started glowing.

"I have sacrificed everything for Power."

Sooo, The Last Chapters starts now. ?

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