
King of basket ball

a young master from the yakuza group died of a suicide bombing. to save his subordinates he jumped into enemy territory and blasted himself with the dead enemy and met the god of the creator was given 3 requests and reincarnated in the world Kuroko no baket. this is my first novel, please support me if you like it and add it to your favorite list, thank you And English is not my native language I apologize if there are errors I will try to fix them

David_sohay · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Beautiful Girls

When Ryoma walked out he thought of something. "What if I encourage his friend Kuroko and his team ...?"

"Hehe .. this idea is very good .."

Ryoma walked around while asking. 'What must be bought to cheer them up?

Suddenly Ryoma saw a "I sawsu" food vendor and decided to buy it ...

"Excuse me."

The merchant looked at Ryoma while saying, "welcome welcome."

Ryoma smiled kindly as he said, "Uncle, I want to order as many as 25 seeds Kisihatsu."

"25 as many as that ...? Are you going to bring everything yourself ...?" The merchant was surprised, he only saw Ryoma himself and was not accompanied by anyone.

"It's okay, uncle i only is enough," Ryoma answered confidently. with strength and stamina everything is definitely possible.

"Haha ... really young man, very excited, okay wait a minute."

Ryoma waited for some time, while the uncle was preparing all his orders.

"Here it is young man, you must be careful carrying it."

After paying, Ryoma brought a lot of food in her hands full of kisihatsu.

"Thank you Uncle."

"Ouhh ... come here again huh ..."

Ryoma asked A.I. Chip, and immediately walked towards the North exit while carrying a very large meal, after arriving. Ryoma began to wait in front of the exit, while she was waiting for many people to notice, because they were weird to see a man basking in the sun, while carrying a lot of luggage.

Time passed Ryoma was waiting for Kuroko's friends but it seemed like they were crying and still shaking mentally inside the building. So Ryoma can only wait.

Time passed ... Ryoma had been waiting for half an hour in front of this exit, but he had not seen a player come out, until a woman approached him, Ryoma turned towards the woman and gasped at her beauty.

She was the most beautiful girl Ryoma had ever seen. She had very white skin like milk, with white clothes and long blue skirts, her body was very hot with big breasts, her black hair straightened to her back, and her eyes were colored Bluish black which is very pretty to look at, but somehow Ryoma felt she had seen it somewhere.

"Hey ..." her soft voice woke Ryoma from her mind.

"Ugh ...?! What is it ?? Ryoma asked in surprise.

The woman began to move closer to Ryoma while tilting her head, which looked very cute.

"....." Ryoma could only gape in surprise at this woman.

Suddenly the woman said, "Until surprised twice like that, you are a very interesting person ..."

'Damn .. how could I lose my composure in front of this beautiful woman, indeed I must admit she is prettier than my mother and cuter than my younger sister, but I shouldn't be like this, after all, my face is now very handsome, the face of a cantile woman like her approach me like this.

"Ahem ... if I may know what is the need with me ...?" Ryoma asked the purpose of the woman to meet him ...

"You don't need to use polite language. I don't use it either, right?" The woman replied back.

"Oo..okey i see."

"Well if I can, I don't want to use polite language." The woman spoke while watching Ryoma from top to bottom.

"Okay, then I will follow your will." Ryoma sighed seeing this woman in front of her.

"You change very quickly." The woman immediately said ...

With a look of surprise Ryoma looked at this woman ... 'What exactly does this woman want??!'

Then Ryoma immediately said, "Earlier I had already asked, what's wrong with me?"

The woman kept her hands behind her body while saying, "I want to talk to you because I'm interested in you ... am I bothering you ...?

Ryoma was happy to see a woman who was attracted to her, moreover she was very pretty ... "No, I'm not bothered at all."

While talking to the cute woman asked back. "Hey are you also interested in me ..?

Ryoma felt strange while answering .. "Of course I'm interested in you hehe." With a surprised face Ryoma answered.

"Those words make me happy. Then can I ask for something ...?"

"Ehh ..?"

"I'm ... a little tired because of the hot weather and the heat of this sun, that's why we don't go to a cool place ... yeah ...? we move there ... do you want ...? " the woman put on her cute face begging.

'The movement of tilting your head and looking directly into those eyes ... he is indeed very cute ... But ...!'

"Sorry, I can't." Hearing Ryoma say that, the woman gasped in surprise and asked.


"I'm waiting for someone here." Ryoma smiled with his reply ..

The woman was a little fascinated but he did not show it, then asked again, "Is he your girlfriend?"

Ryoma looked at him while saying, "If he were my girlfriend, just now I wouldn't mention that I'm 'interested' in you right ...?"

The woman was shocked, smiling she said,

"I'm relieved to hear that ... I think you're gay ... I'm sorry," he said jokingly.

With a smile Ryoma answered.

"I forgive you because you are 'beautiful' ... beauty and big breasts is justice that has been set before BC !!!

After a long silence the two of them laughed together. "Hahahaha ..."

After a while Ryoma started talking again.

"Sorry, the people I'm waiting for are very sad, they are basketball players who lost their matches today, so I can't do anything but cheer them up."

Remembering today's match Ryoma clenched her fists, and sharpened her eyes while looking down.

"Next year I will reciprocate their actions 'generation of mirecle' just look I will definitely reciprocate along with high school seirin."

Ryoma said that without realizing that the woman in front of him was listening and paying close attention to Ryoma ...

When Ryoma regained consciousness, she was speaking in front of the woman ... Ryoma apologized, "I'm sorry about my previous behavior ..., therefore, until they come I can't move from this place."

The woman smiled as she said, "I see ... if not today you can, right?"

"Yes, of course ... then tell me your contact address ..." Ryoma just smiled at their conversation.

"I will tell but on one condition ..." The woman raised her finger cutely.


"Yes ... may I ask for one of these foods, I want something to remind you that I talked to you ... just one can ..." the woman asked while watching the food Ryoma brought.

While looking away Ryoma said.

"Ahh ... I'm sorry again, that won't work either."

"Why?" The woman asked without surprise on her face, instead she seemed to be checking something, which Ryoma did not realize.

Ryoma thought for a while and answered helplessly, "ever since I bought this food, this is not mine anymore, this is all the property of the person I am waiting for."

"Even though there is this much ...?" The woman put on a very surprised face.

Ryoma could only nod, "Yes, even this much."

"Too bad huh .." The woman said while looking sad. Seeing Ruoma's disheveled face she smiled as she said.

"But I'm happy ... I can know a lot about you ..." The woman smiled charmingly while looking at Ryoma.

Ryoma couldn't hold back the excitement while thinking. Don't tell me I still have one more chance ...!? '

"That's why if we meet again I want to talk to you ... and I'm very happy to be able to talk to you ..." the woman looked at Ryoma with a very charming smile ..

Ryoma smiled back and said, "Then your name - .." before Ryoma finished the woman cut off her words.

"At that time can you still be nice to me ...?" The woman's eyes looked at Ryoma's eyes with beauty ..

"Fine, I'll try my best ..." Ryoma realized that this woman cut her off ... but because she was beautiful 'forgiven'.

"Because I will do evil to you, if you break a promise."

"I'm not the type to break promises ... I make sure of that." Ryoma replied to his words with a smile.

"I'm relieved to hear that, then I'll go first ..." the woman moved away, which gave a big question mark in Ryoma's head.

"You haven't even told your name ... what's wrong with this woman ...?"

"Hey ... what about your name ...!?" Ryoma ventured and called out to her.

The woman paused and turned to look at Ryoma with a smile that looked very beautiful ... "Please remember me, because I am a very lonely and spoiled person."

After saying that ... the woman immediately left ... Ryoma felt she had seen it somewhere but couldn't remember it ...

'A.I. Chip checks my memory and shows who it is, why am I so familiar with it ... but can't remember it ... '

[Beeping !! Mission established !!] [checks host's memory .....] [Complete ...]

[According to the memory of the host, the woman is the main female actor from the anime 'ore wo suki nano wa omae dake ka yo' named Sanshokuin Sumireko .. Sounds !!!.]

Hearing this Ryoma froze in place, her jaw dropped 'O' ...