
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
110 Chs

Unknown jealousy..

Shiha took a deep breath and picked up the call..

Before shiha speaks anything.. Grandma Tang started speaking..

"my dear daughter.. If you have forgotten the day.. Then let me remind you that today is the last day.. But still i didn't see your boyfriend in front of me.."

"aah.. Dida.. That.. I.. I was actually .." shiha don't know what to say..

Mu jin and Shanaya both were looking at shiha like a statue.. When shiha was not able to answer then Mu jin spoke..

"Grandma Tang.."before he complete his sentence..

Grandma Tang interpret him..."you.. When did you came.. Aahh.. Don't say that you are shiha's boyfriend.. Let me tell you that i am not a fool who will believe in your act.. I know what's your relationship with my granddaughter is.. It can be of brother and sister, friends, boss and subordinate.. But it will never be the couple relation.. So don't try to fool me.. "

Shanaya and Mu jin were shocked.. They can't believe that Grandma Tang has hit the point.. Before anyone speak The old lady continues..

" i know my granddaughter very well.. And i am aware of the way she think."

Mu jin immediately explained himself..

"aahh..no..no Grandma Tang you might be mistaken.. I just came today in morning.. And we didn't plan the way you think..i was just saying that Grandma Tang.. I think you should give shiha little bit more time.."

Shanaya nodded her head and said..

"yes Grandma Tang.. Shiha has just came back.. She is not fully aware of S city and she don't know anyone here.. How come she can trust anyone with the short time.."

Shiha gave a sweet smile.. She feels lucky to have such a good friends..

But she knows.. No one can change the mind of her Dida.. Once she decides to do something she will hell out to do it..

But Grandma Tang was hell determined on this.." i don't care of this.. I have given her time and she herself accepted the deal.. So as per the deal.. Shiha be ready for tomorrow's blind date.. I will send the picture to you.."

Shiha took a deep breath and said..

"Dida.. Its just.."

Again Grandma Tang cut in between before shiha complete her sentence..

"now don't say that, Dida its just seven.. I have still five hours.. Because the day ends at twelve o'clock.. And anything can happen within an hour.." Grandma Tang used the same tone, shiha had used before two days when she said she had forty-eight hours..

Shiha holds her hair in frustration..

Took a deep breath and exhale slowly.. Then said.."fine as you wish.."

"hmm.. That's like my daughter..then lets have tomorrow's breakfast with me. Ok.. I will be waiting.." said Grandma Tang..

Aunt Zu was right beside Grandma Tang. She heard whole conversation..

"Elder Ms, don't you think its too much.. You are forcing Missy to do something which she hates.."

"hmm.. I know. But what can i do, i can't see her alone forever.. At least not till i am alive.. I want her to live a peaceful life ahead.. You know her childhood.. I don't want her to live the same way she lived till now.. Till now i was there for her.. For her, i am her family and same for me.. God forbid, if any thing happens to me.. Then she would be left alone in this vast place.. Despite being the crowd, she will be alone.. I don't want her to live like this and i am getting old too.. She has a long life ahead unlike me.. Who has few years.. So if possible i want to see her settled with a man who take care of her. She lacks the care in her life.. "

Saying this.. Grandma Tang's eyes gets wet.. She blink her eyes..

Aunt zu too understand this.. That whatever Grandma Tang is doing is all good for shiha..

Shanaya and Mu jin were looking at shiha with glued eyes..

Shiha turns her face towards them and said.. "is there anything on my face .."

"Haann.. No no.. " they both answered together..

Then Mu jin asked to shiha. . "Are you not hungry.. You didn't eat much in lunch.."

"Yaa.. Right let's go now.. I am also hungry." said Shanaya

After that shiha wore her mask and they all left the penthouse..

On the opposite side.. Ruihan was not in the good mood.. He somehow felt low spirit.. His mood became joyless.. When he came back today.. He thought that today he will try to see her face.. But it turns out differently.. He saw her face but not clearly only side view.. And also he felt little jealous when he saw the man around her..

When shiha, Shanaya and Mu jin walked out from the elevator.. Shiha and Shanaya were walking together while Mu jin a step back from them.. Suddenly he remembered something.. So he pull Shanaya a step backward.. Now shiha was walking ahead while Shanaya and Mu jin walked two to three step back..

They were almost near the exit..

Mu jin put a hand on shanaya's shoulder and ask in a low voice.. "why didn't you inform me about the incident of her last blind date.. I was not aware till today.."

"its just.. She solved it herself.. But i must say that man was totally a lunatic.." said Shanaya..

Mu jin was slightly angry as well as annoyed.. First he was not aware about this incident.. And secondly.. The man dares to harm his younger sister..

He gritted his teeth.. And ask ..

" Do you know his name.. How dare he.. That son of a bitch.."

Shanaya immediately kept her palm on his mouth.. "Brother Mu, mind your language.. How can you use such a language you are a upright man.."

This pose gives a different meaning in the eyes of Ruan.. Who just entered in the hotel.. When he entered he saw Shanaya..he was slightly happy but soon the gloomy cloud surrounded him.. He saw a man was walking beside Shanaya and also kept a hand on her shoulder.. They seems close.. Ruan wants to ignore it but suddenly he saw Shanaya turns slightly and put her hand on the man's mouth.. She prevented him from saying something.. Shanaya just passed Ruan.. Her face was on her left side.. She fails to notice Ruan.. Infact when she passed Ruan.. They were almost close.. Only a inch away..

Ruan gave a look like a abandoned puppy.. Who just gets abandoned by his mater..

He came back to sense.. He came here for his bro.. After waiting few days he finally gets to know that his brother is living in imperial Hotel.. So he came to meet him.. But his mood was spoiled by that scene.. He felt jealous.. But then he thought.. 'why do i feel like this.. When i don't know her.. Haann.. Just forget it..'

He walked towards the elevator..

## STORY ##


The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.

"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the

world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you

can be."

"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in

Someone's hand."

"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to

become a better pencil."

"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."

"Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."

"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the

condition, you must continue to write."

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in

its heart.

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you. Always remember them and never forget,

and you will become the best person you can be.

One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in

God's hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.

Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various

problems in life, but you'll need it to become a stronger person.

Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.

Four: The most important part of you will always be what's on the inside.

And Five: On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what

the situation, you must continue to do your duties.

Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and

only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.

Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot

make a change.

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