
King and Queen of the business world

The Queen is out for revenge.. She will take the revenge for each and every thing she lost.. She will make them pay ten folds more, who snatched away her happiness, her childhood, her parents and the love of her Honeycake.. Will she get success in taking her revenge? She is like an injured tigress, who had lose everything.. Now she had nothing to lose.. She is now a wild predator, who wants to make her enemy pay for what they have done to her.. Will she able to make them pay the price? Will it be easy for enemies to run from her.? More over... The enemies are the part of The King's family.. Will the King allowed Queen to take Her revenge? Will The King able to tempted this wild Tigress? Will the fate will be succeed in its try? One is afraid of being abandoned and the other hates to be betrayed.. Will the fire of hatred will be expunge? Will the destiny, bring them together at the same path? Oohhh.. So many questions.. But noooo... Worry.. Every question has its answer.. To know the answer.. You have to read the Novel.. Do join this journey with The King and The Queen.. ..... Čč She wake up and saw herself naked on the bed, cover with quilt. And their were red marks on her shoulder look like hickeys. She was so shocked. Her mind went blank. At the time the bathroom door open and come out the dashing and handsome man. Looking at him she got furious and with a fierce voice she said "you bastard how dare you.." looking at her he chuckle and said ohh.. You Wake up how do you feel.".. When he comes near her.. She saw that, there were also red marks on his chest.. She started to throw the things come in her hand towards him.. She don't know what to do and helplessly she cover herself in blanket and start to sob.. Čč He got panic.. And thought did his prank goes overboard. He immediately said.. " Clam down clam.. Nothing happens between us.. Its a lipstick marks. Just to tease you.. Ččć One is the Queen of the business world who has control over the European market and other is the king of the business world who has control over the Asian Market. When the king and Queen comes together what will be the scenario of the business world where the two legends come together and will have a great love between them. To know it, do read the novel... Hey.. Guys. Its my original work, Not translated. Do read the novel and let me know my work. How it is.?

shenshi · perkotaan
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110 Chs

Are you both husband and wife

Just then after, shiha was feeling like she is moving and floating.. She was too lazy to open her eyes. She thought it was in her dream.. But, somewhere deep down she feels like.. Someone is talking around her..

The two men, who were hunters were talking to each other while moving the cage..

One of the men said.. "what should we do about her. If we take her to our village then Lady Guan will be angry.. You know our village rules."

"hmm.. But, i don't think its good idea to leave her alone.. She is injured. We will try to explain the Lady Guan." said the other men.

Mean while shiha slowly opened her eyes.. She was shocked when she found herself inside the cage. She immediately stood up.. All her pain and dizziness went away.. From the sudden movement.. The two men lost their balance and the cage fell down. Shiha too fell down inside the cage.

One of the men open the door of the cage..

Without delay.. Shiha came out of the cage. She looked around.. She gets more anxious when she didn't find Ruihan around her. The two men took a step towards her. But shiha thought that they were bad people so she took a step back from them.. She looked around and screamed.. "Ruihannnn..."

Then she looked at the men and said..

"stay away from me.. Who are you.. And how did i get here."

Now far away.. Ruihan was busy finding the proper sunrise when suddenly he heard, that someone shouted his name.. 'haann.. This.. This voice is of shiha..'

He immediately run towards the direction from were he came. He was going towards the trap pit.

Thankfully, he went in the same direction in which the hunters were going.

On the way he saw two men and the cage.. But he failed to saw shiha.. Because shiha was on the other side of the cage.

But just as he passed from there he heard shiha's voice..

Shiha spoke.. "i can't leave from here.. Take be back to the trap pit. Someone might be waiting for me there."

The two men were trying to convince shiha to came with them. But shiha was worried about Ruihan. Because Ruihan was not aware that she had been moved from there..

Listening the voice of shiha.. Ruihan run towards there direction.

As soon as shiha saw Ruihan.. She immediately run towards him.. Though her ankle was injured.. She ignored it. And hugged Ruihan tightly. She was so worried.

Ruihan too hugged her. Then he gave a glance to the two men. He slowly let go of shiha and asked her.. "are you alright."

He was so scared when he listened her scream. But he felt happy too when he listened shiha said that someone might be waiting.. She was worried about him.

Shiha nodded her head.

The two men were surprised seeing Ruihan. They thought shiha was alone.

One of the men open his mouth.. "well.. We are hunters.. And we came here to catch the wild animals. But we saw her lying unconscious near the trap pit. So we were taking her out the forest. We came from near village."

The man spoke in and somewhat native language.

It was not hard for shiha and Ruihan to understand their language. It was almost similar to their language.

Ruihan gaze at them. He felt that.. This two men are not bad. So he thought of taking help from them. Right now Shiha needs something to eat and drink.

"well.. We have been lost in the forest from yesterday. And last night we fell into the trap pit. So we are slightly injured. So i hope you guys help us out from here."

The two hunters agreed to help them.

The two men kept the cage open in the forest to let the animal came inside.

Then they guide the way. Ruihan and Shiha followed behind.

Shiha was totally exhausted.. Seeing her condition.. Ruihan carries her in his arms like a bride.

Shiha was startled by sudden movements. With a wide eyes she looked at Ruihan..

"ahh.. You. You don't need to carry me. You are injured too.." said shiha.

Ruihan gave a glance and said. "it's ok. I am fine. If I would have known that you will get fainted.. Then i would have not leave you alone.."

Deep down he blame himself.. What if any wild animal would came or.. Any bad person.. Thankfully it didn't happened.

Shiha can see his face clearly. She was so close to her face..she smiled and said.." it's ok. Nothing bad happened. So relax." saying this shiha kept her hands around Ruihan's neck. And lean her head on his chest. She was tried.


After walking for a while.. They reached at the near village.

As they entered inside the village.. Every one were staring at them. They were surprise to see the new couple.

The two men took Ruihan and shiha to the Lady Guan's house. She is the Head of this village. Everyone has to follow her and respect her.

Just as they reached at the entrance of the Lady Guan's house.. The two men stopped walking. Not everyone are allowed to go inside.

One of the men said to Lady Guan's man.. "this couple were lost inside the forest. They are in need of help. We want to seek the permission of Lady Guan."

Just then the main door opens and a Old fat lady with a strick aura walked outside. The two men immediately bow to her.

Shiha was surprised seeing this.

Before shiha and Ruihan speaks anything the old lady walk towards them. The old lady looked at the two hunters and said with a angry and heavy voice..

"did you guys forget the rules of this village."

"ahh.. No. No Lady Guan.. We remember it. And we know.. Not everyone are allowed in this village. Only couples are allowed. And this both are husband and wife.." one of the hunter immediately explained.

When Ruihan and shiha listened it. They both were surprised.. They both have a same thought... 'couple.. Husband and wife.. When did this happened..'

Ruihan and shiha were both smart and intelligent.. From their conversation they come to know that only married couples are allowed in this village to step in.

So of course they have to go with flow..

The old lady looked at Ruihan and shiha. The she gave a through look to shiha. She saw that shiha was injured.. With a heavy voice she asked shiha..

"Are you both husband and wife.."

## STORY.. ##

The Young Couple:

A Young Couple Moves Into A New Neighorhood

The Next Morning While They Are Eating Breakfast,

The Young Women Sees Her Neighbor Hanging The Wash Outside.

" The Laundry Is Not Very Clean " She Said

" She Dosnt Know How To Wash Correctly

Perhaps She Needs Better Laundry Saops "

Her Husband Looked On But Remained Silent.

Everytime Her Neighbour Would Hang Her Wash To Dry,

The Young Women Would Make The Same Comments.

About One Month Later, The Women Was Surprised To See A Nice Clean

Wash On The Line And Said To Her Husband " Look, She Has Learned How To Wash Correctly. I Wonder Who Taught Her This "

The Husband Said..I Got Up Early This Morning And Cleaned Our Windows. " And So it is With Life.

What We See When Watching Others Depends

On The Purity Of The Window Through Which We Look !!!
