
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Private Life

After a day and a night rest, we managed to reach Beowulf castle, like he has stated it's much smaller than ours but it doesn't bother me.

What does is the distance that I had to walk to reach there after exiting the auto carriage. Due to my overly large mana core my body is constantly overworked making doing simple activities like walking a living hell.

"Do you need my help?" Catherine asks looking on worried but I can't have this simple thing taken away from me I lost so much already.

"Thank you but no I need to take back life one step at a time, beside shouldn't you be greeting your parents?" She shakes her then place her arm undermine.

"No, your our guest and has our guest your under our care." Damn it I would refuse her but I'm too tired to complain. 

We then walk inside the castle and to be greeted by two rows: one with seven girls and the other with five boys. All neatly dressed and standing at attention. At the front of great me is an old man being helped by a young girl.

"I welcome you Lord William Eirwen to castle Beowulf." The old man says bowing and everyone behind him follows. 

"Behind me is all of my sons and daughters, the one holding you is my 8th. ."


"5th daughter." This man has put in some serious work but I'm sure it has put even more financial burden on him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I say to him and look at each of his daughters and son individual then I'm able to see cracks of life they actually showing through. 

"Since you have just arrived I'm sure you need some rest, Catelyn takes him to the Main bedroom." He says but no one responds then the girl beside him coughs and say.

"He means to say, Catherine, please take him to the main bedroom." I guess his old age is catching up to him. 

"Your father is an interesting person." I say to Catherine who blushes and squeezes my arm.

"I told you no complaining don't break that promise." She looks so cute when she's shy.

"I'm not complaining I'm just making an observation." 

We then go to the main bedroom and everything is neat plus clean, that's all I need frankly. The bath was in was interesting, since I had to use a bucket now instead of a faucet.

"Tonight dinner is nothing fancy, just some egg and steak with cheese and bread." Catherine says placing it beside the table along with tea.

"You don't drink wine so tea is all we can give." I love how she's blushing, probably due to the see-through nightgown she's wearing probably.

"Thank you this is already more than enough, how do you feel about that?" She blushes then answers.

"Naked." Of course, you're feeling like that, I told her to wear underwear underneath it but she refused.

"You look beautiful don't feel ashamed to show it to me." She blushes then turn around and show her ass to me. I'm able to see her cute asshole and her pink vagina.

"Come here." I say to her and placing her on the floor with my dick out.

"What should I do?" She asks while stroking it.

"Put inside your mouth and avoid biting it." I say rubbing her head. 

She follows my instructions by taking me inside her mouth but she stops multiple times after hitting it with her teeth.

"Just lick it and use your hand." She follows my instructions pretty thoroughly, feeling bad about it before she plants my dick with many kisses. 

After five minutes I can feel liquid slowly drip from my dick and onto her tongue. After doing that she gets up and spits it out in the bathroom.

"It taste is too strong for me." Yeah, my pride is still shattered though.