story where the mc will have the ability of kinesis (like all of them) and will also be an irregular update like my other fic which I'm procrastinating to write about cause I'm doing my exams for collage. yes there will be harem, and yeah.
So, it was time for me to go to high school. After saying my goodbyes to Wanda, I headed out, blending into the crowd with my baggy clothes and long hair covering up my new look. Midtown High was waiting for me, and as I strolled through the halls, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves.
Finding my way to class, I snagged a seat in the back by the window, cause as we know it's the protagonist's seat. watching as the room filled up with students. It was your typical scene – people chatting, laughing, and getting ready for another day of school.
Before the teacher showed up, in walks Flash Thompson, the school bully, and I'm also pretty sure he is dating that cheerleader chick, what was her name again? Lize Alen i think. He struts over to my desk, looking like he's about to start some shit because of course he would.
"Hey there, chubby," he sneers, trying to get under my skin.
But I'm not about to let him ruin my day, so I just shrug it off, not giving him the satisfaction of a reaction.
Flash keeps trying to push my buttons, but then Kitty Pryde steps in. She tells Flash to back off and leave me alone, shutting him down real quick.
Flash ain't too happy about being called out by a girl, but I couldn't resist throwing some shade back at him. "Well, maybe you should get used to it," I say, keeping my cool. "Seems like it's the only attention you're getting from any girl."
That shuts him up real fast, but before he can fire back, the teacher walks in and class gets started. As the day goes on, I'm grateful for Kitty having my back. It's a reminder that even in high school, kindness and standing up for what's right can make a real difference.
So, as I settle into the rhythm of high school life at Midtown High, I know there'll be ups and downs but unfortunately for the world I'm here to stay.
After class, I realised something pretty cool – with my new skills, school was a piece of cake now. Maths problems? Easy peasy. History essays? No sweat. It was like I had a cheat code for learning, and I was loving it.
So, instead of heading straight home like usual, I decided to chill out on the rooftop for a bit. Technically, we weren't supposed to be up there, but a little telekinesis to open the door and boom, problem solved.
I laid out my delicious home-cooked food, knowing I had the whole place to myself. With no one around, I decided to let my hair down, quite literally. Tossing my hair back and clipping it out of my face, I revealed my handsome looks to the world – well, to the empty rooftop at least.
As I dug into my tasty grub, enjoying the peace and quiet, I heard a noise. My head snapped to the door, expecting to see someone busting in, but nope. Just me and my lunch.
But then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught something – someone – moving through the walls. And who else could it be but Kitty? I quickly fixed my hair back in place, not wanting her to see me with my guard down.
Before Kitty could spot me, she opened the door and let someone else in – Rouge. It was a surprise to see her, but I played it cool, pretending like I hadn't just been caught in the act of enjoying my secret rooftop lunch spot. Time to see what these two were up to.
As Rouge walked in, she froze in her tracks, her eyes widening in surprise as she caught sight of me. Kitty, on the other hand, looked confused, turning around to follow Rouge's gaze. When she saw me, her face paled, and I could understand why.
Mutants were looked down upon in this world, treated like outcasts just because they were different. Kitty didn't want anyone from school finding out about her mutation, fearing it would ruin her life. But honestly, I couldn't care less. So what if she had some extra chromosomes? She was still cute as hell.
Before she could freak out any further, I decided to speak up. "I don't care," I said, cutting through the tension in the air. Kitty looked at me in confusion, so I clarified, "I mean, I don't care about you being a meta."
She still looked puzzled, so I decided to explain. "I prefer the term 'meta' because it just sounds better and makes more sense. Mutant makes it sound like you're not even human, like you're some kind of scary monster. But you're still human, just with an extra chromosome, so 'meta-human' makes more sense to me."
Kitty's expression shifted from confusion to relief, and she slowly nodded in understanding. With a grateful smile, she approached, reverting back to her usual cheerful self. It was a small moment, but it meant a lot – a reminder that labels and stereotypes didn't define who we were, and that acceptance could come from the most unexpected places.
We got to talking about school and the whole "meta-human" tag, agreeing that it sounded way better than "mutant." Kitty even introduced Rouge to me, though she seemed rather sad. I could understand why – her power prevented her from having human skin contact for years, as she absorbed things from the person she touched without being able to control it.
After our chat, I had to head out, saying my goodbyes. Just as I was leaving, a gust of wind blew my hair out of my face. Kitty noticed and stared at my face, looking shocked and maybe even a little blushy – not that I could see that. She kept staring as I walked away, lost in her thoughts.
Once I got home, I whipped up some dinner before calling it a night. But before hitting the hay, I decided to create a little something. With Wanda by my side, I drifted off to sleep, ready to take on whatever the Marvel universe had in store for me tomorrow.