
episode 3

(The opening shows Kimi dancing)

(Kanisha howling at the moon)

(Tina in a ghostbuster outfit)

(Xylah doing backflips in the gym)

(Zinnia in a Ice palace on a throne)

(Phoenix flying and breathing fire)

(Journee meditating with flowers around her)

(Lucy reading a book, while in a coffin-themed chair)

(Cutie pie is singing on stage)

(Chino is sleeping on a cat bed)

(Nao is with Senri and dancing)

(Eve is killing monsters with swords)

(Kevin is playing a video game)

(Kai and Jim are tap dancing)

(Kal is writing on a chalkboard)

(Keira is juggling legos)

(Danna is in the bar drinking)

(Twinkle is swimming underwater)

(Icreama is watching Tv)

(Kimipie is chatting with pixies)

(Onishi is knock out gang members)

(Iluka is with mermaids)

(Kim is sword fighting)

(Melody is with the scientists)

(Kaji is riding on a rollercoaster)

(Mallory is crushed by a bunch of rocks)

(Alula is riding on a spacecraft through space)

(Cavegirl is riding with dinosaurs)

(Suzi is walking on the runway)

(Odette is cooking on the kitchen)

(Princess Kassidy is talking to subjects)

(Sannon is collecting souls)

(Sorlos is running through the hills)

(Detective Ai is arresting people)

(The opening ends with Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, Suzi, Cavegirl, Alula, Mallory, Kaji, Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Danna, Keira, Kal, Kai, Jim, Kevin, Eve, Nao, Chino, Cutie pie, Lucy, Journee, Zinnia, Phoenix, Xylah, Kim, Melody, Tina, Kanisha, and Kimi are in front of a mansion in a picture frame)

(The episode opens with Kanisha flying into the red clouds)

(A face of a man are shown in the clouds)

The mancloud: You are a fool coming up here

Kanisha; You think so

The mancloud: So, you are tough, huh?

Kanisha: I would think so

The mancloud: You won't ruin my plans

(Lightning is shown and Thunder is heard)

Kanisha: I want to ask why, why kill love

The mancloud (releasing lightning): I don't kill love

Kanisha (absorbing lightning): Just because they are straight, doesn't mean they don't deserve love

The mancloud (releasing hail): But, they ridiculed, laughed at the relationships about us, the stress we go through

Kanisha (destroying hail): Not all people are like that, just the homophonic people

The mancloud (releasing strong wind): Tell that to my siblings, my parents kicked me out

(Kanisha holds out her hands and glow, then stop)

Kanisha (looking emotional): Can I tell you a story?

The mancloud (suspicious): Is this some kind of trick?

Kanisha (looking emotional): I am a mutant and bisexual, so I understand

The mancloud (angry): You lie.

Kanisha (looking emotional): You think so

(A projector shows a shadow girl with two other girls watching Kanisha doing a backflip, a jump, and the splits)

The Shadow girl: Sorry, we don't support bis

Kanisha: What does that have to do with my talent?

The Shadow girl: Oh, and you being a mutant is very unfair, sorry but you didn't make the cut

Kanisha: (frown) of course (walks away)

(The projector shows Kanisha having things thrown at her in the hallway)

The mancloud: Enough

(The projector disappears)

The mancloud: You are right, you and I are no different, which is why you shouldn't stop me

Kanisha: If we destroy their love because they hurt us, it make us no better them

The mancloud: It's called payback

Kanisha: It's still wrong, and trust me from someone who went on a killing spree because of the world mistreating her, stop this

The mancloud: Before you and the other you's stop me

Kanisha (smirks): So, you do know of us

The mancloud: Yes, and you aren't the only one that has friends

Kanisha (eyes widen): No

The mancloud: Yup, and they know all of your weakness

(Kanisha release an electric field)

(The mancloud goes through it)

The mancloud: Did you think that would work?

(Kanisha howls, which blows the mancloud away)

(The mancloud comes back with lightning)

(The screen shows Detective Ai, Sorlos, Sannon, Princess Kassidy, Odette, Suzi, Cavegirl, Alula, Mallory, Kaji, Iluka, Onishi, Kimipie, Icreama, Twinkle, Danna, Keira, Kal, Kai, Jim, Kevin, Eve, Nao, Chino, Cutie pie, Lucy, Journee, Zinnia, Phoenix, Xylah, Kim, Melody, Tina, and Kimi on seperate screens with shocked look in their eyes)

(They turn around to see people with red eyes)

Sorlos: Oh, shit

Danna: We have to deal with this

Jim: We can't fight these people

Eve (gets out her swords): I don't mind, you can all turn

The people: But, if you kill us you can't torture us

Eve: How do they know that?

The people: We know all about you

Kim: Well, now what do we do?

Nao: Easy, we just hold hands and blast them

Kimi: We could hurt them

Tina: Not if we temporarily scramble their brains

(Kal writes 'Perfect')

Icreama: Then, let's do it (eyes glow)

(Everybody's eyes glow except Kim's)

(The crowd of people faint like a line of dominos)

(The kimiverse characters sigh in relief)

(The screen switches to Kanisha vs the mancloud)

(The mancloud sends tornados at Kanisha)

(Kanisha's eyes glow, as people on earth are lifted from the ground away from the tornado)

The mancloud: Hero until the end

Kanisha (Eyes glow): You think (Grows four arms) you think that I can't fight you

The mancloud: While protecting all those people

(Kanisha's extra hands glows and creates a ball of lava towards the manclouds)

(The mancloud blows the lava away)

(Kanisha smirks)

(The mancloud screams in pain)

(Kanisha sends a sonic scream that blows the mancloud away)

(The tornados stop)

(The ground are put back to together along with the buildings)

(The mancloud comes back and tries to take oxygen out of Kanisha)

(Kanisha disappears)

(The mancloud looks shocked)

(Kanisha reappears with antennas, two tails,butterfly wings, one blue glowing eye and a yellow glowing eye)

(A jar appears that sucks the mancloud in it)

The mancloud: You won't stop me

Kanisha: You want to bet

(Giant glowing purple hand crush the mancloud)

(Kanisha whistles)

(Sorlos appears running up to the clouds)

(The others appears and blast the mancloud)

(The kimiverse characters glow except Kim)

(Kim is in the building with a bunch of people)

(The mancloud forms a person who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and shoes)

(The person is trapped into a cage)

The person: This won't hold me (hits the cage with lightning)

Kanisha: Keep blasting, but it won't work

Kimi: It holds all our powers

Danna: And trust me, you are not no match

Suzi: For all of us

The person: Why? We are similar

Melody: Sweetie, we have made mistakes, but killing love for a certain group of a community that is wrong

Eve: Although I admire your efforts

Jim and Kai: But, Everybody deserves love

Kimipie: And taking that away makes you a bad guy

Keira: And I believe that was the exact opposite effect you wanted

(Kal shakes her head)

Shannon: And let's just say you won't be able to use your powers until you learn why doing this was evil

(Chino touches The person's head and eyes glow)

(The lightning stops coming from the person's hand)

The person: This is injustice

Nao: No, injustice is you messing with other people's love life

Onishi: Which is not cool

(Xylah flies back town to earth and releases a sonic boom with pink smoke around it)

(People show emotions)

(The other people leave out of the building)

(Kim keeps an eye out)

(The screen switches to The person in jail)

(Danna is shaking hands with a policeman)

Danna: Bye bye (disappears)

(Episode ends)