
killmonger with gacha in marvel multiverse

Story will be continuation of the fanfiction where eric recover his memory after his father death and got gacha. in marvel with gacha it will continue with the rewrite of original story.The one with no background anything other than original character belongs to their owner including picture

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A deal got wrong

Los Angeles, 1994

On a secluded corner near a dilapidated warehouse, an uneasy tension crackled in the night air. This was the battleground for a rare and high-stakes negotiation between two rival gangs—the Hawks and the Skulls. Tonight was supposed to be a turning point, a chance for peace or, at the very least, a mutually beneficial deal. The transaction involved gold and drugs, a trade that could significantly shift the power dynamics in the city.

Jesse, the imposing leader of the Hawks, stood beside an open briefcase. Inside, neatly stacked bars of gold gleamed under the streetlight's pallid glow. Across from him, Ricky, the Skulls' enforcer, eyed the briefcase with a blend of avarice and suspicion. The table between them displayed several bags of high-grade narcotics, the centerpiece of their tentative trade.

"This is the real deal," Jesse said, his voice a low, deliberate rumble that carried an air of authority. "Gold for drugs. We keep this quiet, and everyone walks away richer."

Ricky's eyes flicked between the gold and the narcotics. "I'm not saying I don't trust you, but you need to understand—we're not talking street deals here. This is big. If we're going to do this, we need to be sure."

Before Jesse could reply, a sudden, sharp thud sliced through the night. An arrow, its flight almost imperceptible in the darkness, struck Ricky in the shoulder with deadly precision. The impact caused him to stagger back, a pained gasp escaping his lips as he clutched the wound.

What the—" Ricky gasped, clutching his shoulder as he fell to his knees. "I'm hit! I'm hit!"

Panic exploded in the confined space. Jesse dove behind the table, drawing his weapon with a swift, practiced motion. The Skulls, momentarily stunned, scrambled to react. The briefcase, now forgotten, toppled over, spilling its glittering contents across the grimy pavement. The soft clinking of gold bars mingled with the sharp, frantic shouts of the gang members.

Everyone down!" Jesse shouted, his voice breaking. "Find cover! We're under attack!"

Another arrow whistled through the night, striking a gang member in the chest. The man let out a strangled cry before collapsing. The chaos intensified as realization dawned on the remaining Skulls.

"This is Arrow Man," one of the surviving Skulls yelled, his voice quivering with fear. "He's been targeting every gang !"

The mention of the vigilante's name sent shivers down the spines of those present. The Arrow Man had become a notorious figure, striking terror into the hearts of criminal organizations large and small. His attacks had started over half a year ago, initially focusing on lower-tier gangs, but had escalated to include even the most formidable players in the criminal underworld. His modus operandi was brutal—kill the criminals, seize the loot, and disappear into the shadows. No one, whether, was spared.

Jesse's face twisted with frustration and fear. "Attack him! Fire everywhere!" he barked, his voice barely audible over the rising cacophony. "He can't be everywhere at once!"

With that order, the alley erupted into a frenzy of gunfire. The Skulls unleashed a torrent of bullets in every direction, their weapons spitting flames and smoke. The deafening roar of gunfire shattered the night's silence, punctuated by the occasional ricochet and the sharp crack of metal against concrete.

Where is he?!" one of the Skulls screamed, his voice nearly drowned

Despite the hail of bullets, the vigilante remained an elusive specter. The night air was thick with the acrid stench of gunpowder and the bitter tang of fear. Each shot that missed was met with an eerie silence, the vigilante's presence felt more than seen.

Erik , concealed in his vigilante guise as Arrow Man, moved with lethal precision through the shadows. His hooded mask concealed his face, but his eyes were sharp, tracking the movements of the panicked gang members with cold detachment. The arrows in his quiver seemed to hum with an almost supernatural energy, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

They're disorganized," Erik thought, his mind racing. "Keep the pressure on them. Force their mistakes."

Erik's movements were fluid and calculated. He stepped lightly, barely making a sound as he loosed another arrow, this time striking a gang member who had foolishly exposed himself. The man fell with a gasp, his body hitting the pavement with a sickening thud. The remaining gang members' desperate attempts to locate and shoot the vigilante were in vain, their panicked fire proving futile against Erik's unmatched skill.

Jesse, now visibly panicked, continued to scream orders, but his voice was barely audible over the din. "Fall back! Get out of here! Cover me!"

In a last-ditch effort to survive, Jesse and the few remaining Skulls began a hasty retreat. Their movements were chaotic, their eyes darting wildly as they stumbled over the fallen and the scattered debris."Get the gold!" Jesse shouted, his voice tinged with desperation. "We can't leave it!" Erik observed from the shadows, his expression unreadable behind his mask.

The alley, once a fierce battleground, fell into a haunting silence. The remaining gang members fled, their desperate cries fading into the distance. The few who remained on the ground were lifeless, their bodies forming a grim tableau amidst the scattered gold bars and torn drug bags.

Erik stepped out from the shadows, his gaze sweeping over the aftermath. The briefcase lay abandoned, its gold bars glinting in the streetlight's fading glow. He had achieved his objective—neutralizing the threat, sending a message, and leaving no survivors.

It's had been a year and a half since he began his vigilante work. After leaving the orphanage, he had started selecting candidates for replacement. Discovering the crimes of a real estate company owner, he targeted him and ultimately killed and replaced him. Using these criminals to increase his template assimilation.


Author's pov

Sorry for this pause but now my exams are over and I can continue this .

since 2 years are already over what templates he should have?

One of templates is jail murdoch from plunder

Any summons?

Since I also have to study for placement in next year so updates will be irregular