
killing God of Douluo

Becoming God in douluo universe ---------------------------- (A N) : it might contain a few things you have already read and i am just trying to copy but bear with it.... if anyone finds it bad I am sorry..... (a sorry can't solve your all problem but it can solve most of it )

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13 Chs


Looking at Wang ping full of fighting spirit, Feng liu felt a little weird but didn't said anything.

" okay ,you guys can start any time "

Just as Seventh elder saud this immediately a bright yellow ring appered on Wang ping and his body size increased a bit , with a roar he immediately used his martial spirit, coiling dragon stick and attacked Feng liu,

looking at his simple way of using his spirit Feng liu immediately sighed a relief, the only thing he lacks right now is fighting experience, so when he saw Wang ping immature moments he immediately understood, he hasn't been training for long.

looking at falling stick above his head , he immediately retreated ,

at first he thought that using his body to fight him would be cool but seeing his power Feng liu immediately changed the idea and retreated another ten meters.

Suddenly a bird cry us heard and wings soft as cotton appeared behind Feng liu while his hands turned into claws and his body is covered with white scale armor, continuously spreading pressure to his surrounding.

looking at Feng liu transformation, Wang ping fighting spirit soared to another height and he immediately rushed towards Feng liu, while his moves were reckless but there is powerful aura inside of them, like he doesn't care about himself, he only want to destroy Feng liu.

Seeing the situation Feng liu is impressed but that's all.

looking at Wang ping reckless charge he immediately thought of clear sky hammer and started his counter attack.

Dodging another stick to the head , he used his wings to cut Wang ping sides, but having the injury Wang ping didn't stop but insted charged towards Feng liu rotating his stick, showing it's combo.

he smashed his stuck to Feng liu wings , immediately bending it, but instead of feeling happy, he frowned thinking... ' the attacked him but there is no impact '

but his charge didn't stop , Feng liu also took chance and used his claws to cut open his shoulder .

They fought for some moment, while Wang ping reckless charge did leave a brush or two but his whole body his covered with scars .

Wang ping is like a solider who walked the road of death, but in his eyes there is strong fighting intent instead of fear, seeing this Feng liu is immediately happy.

looking at both of there condition, seventh elder shook his head, while being amazed of Feng liu fighting.He immediately stood between both of them.

" It's Wang ping loose, any more and he will be seriously injured "

Listening to seventh elder, Wang ping didn't said anything but still cast a fierce look to Feng liu.

He knew that he can't beat Feng liu, and if he wanted then he would have ended the game long ago.

" Thank you elder" Feng liu said and immediately looked at Wang ping "I want to see you here daily for training "

" I will beat you!! just you wait!!! "

while shouting he has already left, the ground . he also knows his injuries are just skin wounds not the deep injury left in the battlefield.

" thanks Xiao liu , I really don't know what to do with his arrogance and reckless attitude but now I think you can keep him under control "

" no need to thanks elder as a member of spirit hall I also want to make my spirit hall better and to be honest it also has some of my selfishness "

seeing Feng liu embarrassed expression, Fifteen ton douluo couldn't help but ask.

" what's the matter, tell me? "

" Elder, I want to make a team as training alone is getting boring but with friends the training will get easy and i want my team to represent the future of the spirit hall.. The Golden Generation "

" ohh and wang ping is your target "

" yes, elder "

" hahaha , you really are smart , a single person can't achieve much don't worry I will help you and wang ping is also a good boy don't look at his appearance he is very soft by heart "

" thank you elder, I will discuss this matter with master, I am sure he will also help me "

After some more nonsense talks Feng liu went to his master and as always standing under the angle statue.

" good morning, master "

" Well ,you are doing a good job at your basics but your fighting experience really make me laugh .. I also approve of your team just ask what you want "

" hehehe teacher really knows everything "

" teacher I don't only want to make this team our spirit hall golden generation but I also want to give them resources that are given to me "

" I have no opinion about library but if you want me to teach them then it's impossible "

Seeing his master misunderstanding Feng liu hurried to explain.

" no master, I don't want you to take action , I have already asked other elders and three of them agreed to help me, I just wanted to gain freedom required to cultivate this team "

" you are really a headache you know , but I also want to see the team you cultivate, as long as it doesn't harm anyone everything is okay "

" thank you teacher "

Feng Liu face brightened after Qian Daoliu confirmation , now no one can stop him from doing what he wants in the spirit hall even Bibi dong.

While thinking of happy things he went to his compound and immediately asked his assistant to bring him the list of talents in spirit academy.

As his assistant, that person is also a spirit king with a bird type martial spirit.

After sometime there is a information of five students which are best of best in there year.

They were all good students with high level of spirits but what Feng liu needs is a control or battle support like yuhao, so he rejected all these children and picked up two of them . ... he didn't called them out of nowhere .

He had thought he would start when everyone is atleast two ringed spirit master , to make them start the battle.