

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Seni bela diri
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85 Chs

Chapter 75 : A Cry For Help.

* Travelling to the temple-Day 1"

*Killer Academy*

" Zakiyye...when you said you will take us through a shortcut...I didn't think..it would be...this steep.." Samuel said as he stood below a steep cliff that stood between them and their destination.

" We don't really have time for your jokes Samuel , grab your rope and hook." Zakiyye said as he twirled his rope.

" Uh...about that-" but before Aleena could finish Zakiyye had already thrown the rope only for it to slip back and fall directly back on his head with the branch that it had caught now lying atop Zak.

" Heyy Zak...stop joking around." Samuel said with a sly smile.

" The surface is too weak and even if we try to travel up....we will just fall , like..that.." Aleena said as she tried to hide a smile behind her hand looking at the fallen Zak.

" We don't really.." Jun said as he helped Zakiyye move the branch , " Have much of a choice do we." He looked at Aleena who received it but shook her head , rejecting the idea he had just proposed to her.

" Throw me , Josh." Aleena said to Josh who was discussing ways to climb the wall with Batuhan.

" Huh?" Josh responded with surprise to her sudden request, " Even if I do..I can't throw you that high up."

" You can...you have to believe in yourself!" Aleena replied with a pat on his shoulder.

" Uh...I don't think...its a matter of my confidence.."

" Just do it."

"...If you fall I won't catch you." Josh said with a sneaky smile.

" Times like these..make me miss Bow ." Aleena sighed .

Batuhan lowered his head as he heard the name of the comrade he failed to protect.

" Hold your head high Batuhan , Bow chose to fight that fight ....let her have her loss with pride ..." Aleena spoke to him in a strict tone.

" Dealing with losing my own .... isn't really my strong suite.." he replied with a smile.

The answer caught her by surprise amd embarassed her a little.

" I am sorry I failed to take your emotions into account..." she apologized.

" I am sorry I can't take them out ...but thankyou." He smiled a painful smile.

" The traumas that life hands to us ....I wonder if they really make us stronger or just break us..." Zakiyye spoke slowly.

" Both ." Jun replied as he helped him stand ," Nothing wrong with being a bit broke ..keeps us humans...human.."

" Every cloud has a silver lining huh."

" Indeed it does."

" What are you all sulking and being all moody for !? Let's go throw Aleena!" Samuel said punching the air.

" You make it sound....ah nvm. Ok Josh let's do this!"

" Aight aight."

Josh laid on the ground with his legs up in a position as if he was about to jump back up but instead , Aleena put her own feet atop his that pointed upwards. He was going to use this combination to catapult Aleena into air.

" See ya on the other side Leen" Josh said as he recoiled his legs , gaining momentum.

" See ya Josh." Aleena replied .

Josh nodded and let go of all the momentum gathered up in his legs as it launched Aleena upwards at great speed.

Just as she was about to slow down , her eyes glowed neon and a sudden force beneath her feet launched her again , while mid-air , further towards the height and she easily reached the edge of the cliff.

She tied the rope to a tree trunk and threw it down for the rest.

" Woah..did she seriously make it?" Samuel sounded shocked as he tried to find her at the edge of the cliff.

" Let's go . Josh you first...so you can pull up the rest of us aswell. " Jun said but Josh was simply staring with an intensely fearful look towards the cliff's edge.

" Josh?" Batuhan patted his back that brought him back, "Don't tell me it shocked you that much....you are the one who threw her.."

" Uh..yeah...I mean..yeah..I will go up.."

Jun looked at Josh , knowing he was not going to accept that explanation for what just happened."



" YOU PEOPLE ARE TOO SLOW I SWEAR BY YOUR DRAGON BLOOD." Achilles was losing himself inside Noir as the group travelled at a decent pace.

" Don't swear by my blood the heck.." Noir whispered with an annoyed look.

" Seriously what damaged you enough to make you talk to yourself." Zahhak said as he had already seen him mutter words to himself.

" Uh...I had a hard life..." He made up a lie.

"In your noble castle , with your parents and servants?....no wonder..." Zahhak replied sarcastically.

" You know I was disowned..."

" You left because you were bored Noir." Zahhak shook his head.

" Can you stop making me sound so spoiled..." he snapped back .

Zahhak smiled satisfactorily.

"We will get there kid...calm down"

Noir spoke to Achilles in his thoughts.

" If you don't you are doomed anyways."

" I understand why the Killers have a problem but how is that related to us Blackwings...I am not so noble to fight other people's wars." Noir replied to Achilles in his thoughts.

" You are naive to think if he will just stop at the Killers...The answer lies in whatever hides inside the temple...perhaps the secret to the origin of our three races...."

" Is that just a wild guess or..."

" A wild guess.."

" Sounded too specific though.."

" You are annoying me now be quiet."

" So you WERE keeping secrets while I gave you a free ride.."

"I will tell you when the time is right."

" For you , or for me?"

" ...."

"That's why my mother told me not to trust strangers."

" You don't have a choice..."

" You will be shocked to learn how low my life's value is to me....I donot know nor do I care about what happened between you and your friends a 1000 years ago...but if you...even think...about harming any of mine....I will kill you with this body that carries you , Achilles."


" Noir , you are making scary faces now."

" Ah sorry!" Noir laughed embarassingly as Zahhak's voice brought him back outside.


*Team Yosei.*

" How are you feeling Laila?" Krystallo asked as they treaded along a stream .

Laila gave no response as Dolion also walked next to her.

Krystallo sighed, " We should stop , we need to rest for a while."

Both of them remained silent as they stopped and dispersed to do their own thing.

After a while , Krystallo found Laila sitting along next to a riverbank she had found and had her feet dipped in the water.

" Laila." Krystallo spoke again but she didn't reply. She was about to leave but Krystallo had had enough .

" I have had it with you!" He said aloud as he turned the part of water she had her feet in into crystal.

Laila finally looked back at him , with tears in her eyes.

" I don't know what to do...Krystallo." she broke down crying.

" Tell me what Dolion said to you that day when you left with him.." Krystallo asked , patting her shoulder.

" I won't"

" Why wont you!?"

" Because you won't be able to comprehend its importance."

" Laila! Listen to me! Malak was contacted by Noel ."

" Noe-" Krystallo placed his hand to cover her mouth and signalled her to hush.

" Noel is fine , he told Malak to look for someone named Eisen.." Krystallo whispered.

Laila's eyes went wide open at the name. Enough to give it away to Krystallo.

" So you know that Dolion is Eisen...." he took off his hand , and leaned in close to her ear.

" Malak was taken out just so he couldn't pass on this information to me...but he did...even when he was poisoned..he did...and we don't even know if he is alive.

I will no longer question your reasons for trusting Dolion or Eisen anymore . But you should know that these are the people who tried to take your friend's life without a second thought. The final decision is yours Laila...but there are only two sides...if you indeed...take Dolion's side...for whatever reason...then you and I ...will be enemies ..and....I donot take a threat to my comrade's life..light."

He decrystallized her feet and stood up , leaving her behind as she was , staring at his back.

Tears overflowed as she grabbed her pounding head with both her hands, the cries of the people in her past and the worry for her loved ones in present tearinf her apart bit by bit.

She needed help , and only she knew it.
