

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Seni bela diri
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 21: Remember That


"There is nothing here tonight....maybe they have gotten more concious of their movements." said Jun as he pushed a twig out of the way.

"Perhaps.." Josh said in return.

"We should go back then." Jun said as he turned back.


Aleena, Josh and Jun went back to the dorms. They entered the main gate and waved each other goodbye. Aleena however, decided to stay back and sit at the fountain near where the road divided leading towards the girls and boys dorms.

"Best not to stay out too long ... you must be tired. See you later." Said Josh as he and Jun left on their way.

Aleena sat down, staring at the sky full of stars , not a single cloud. Red night.She sighed to herself , hoping letting out these small breaths would perhaps lessen the burden of her secret. The secret which could take away all she had , all she ever wanted. The fact she was slowly turning into a BlackWing ate away at her soul.

"I should go back." she thought to herself and got up.



"I need to take the tablet Dr.Jackal gave to me." she thought as she felt her condition taking a turn for the worse. She was facing these symptoms on a daily basis but she repressed them with the tablets she was given by the doctor. She felt for them but failed to find any on her.


Her ears began to ring. Her heart beating on her eardrums. She fell to the ground, sweating, rubbing her face on the stone to lessen the agony.She found it impossible to breath, her hands grabbing on to the ground.Her eyes changing color from red to green to pink.She was hungry...she was thirsty...for blood.

"Blood.....ghhhh.....whats happening to me.." she whispered as tears fell from her eyes , her agony ever increasing ...


she lost conciousness.


"Aleena!!! Wake up! Aleena!!"

She heard a faint voice. Her headache had settled, her ears weren't ringing anymore.She was back to normal. Aleena moved a little but Josh stopped her.

"Dont move. You hit your head hard when you fell..." he gently pushed her back to rest on the base wall of the fountain.

"Josh...what...." she still wasnt fully concious but she could see the faint image of Josh .It was only after a few minutes that the image of his worried face became clear.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Strangely normal" she said, the symptoms were completely gone,without using any tablets. That had never happened before.

"Aleena...are you turning into a BlackWing?" Josh asked , only it sounded more like he was stating a fact rather than asking a question.

"You already knew huh. No wonder I felt someone there in the forest that day.....its true....when a BlackWing bites a prey on a night of a full moon, the victim turns into one of them." she finished with a smile . Her burden seemed to have reduced when she let out those words.

"You should have told us...but knowing you , you didnt want us to worry. You really are a textbook nice person." He said

"I see nothing wrong with that.Heh."

"Ofcourse you dont. But...you really scared me back there, I thought you were going to die of suffocation."

"Its weird...I dont recover until I take those tablets.But right now I feel better than I ever have."

"Thats good to hear.Are you able to get up? "

"Yeah..." Aleena stood up with some help from Josh.

"You think you will be able to go back to the dorms on your own. Strictly no boys allowed.." he said .

"Yeah...I got it. Thankyou."



"You will always be one of us.In any form or shape. Remember that."

"...yeah...I will remember it." she smiled and went on her way.

When she was gone,Josh took out his arm he had been hiding in his cloak.It was stained with his blood and two fang marks were visible. He looked at his arm,

"I will never understand ...why suffering alone is a sign of strength...sigh*."

He washed his arm with the water of the fountain and left for his own dorms.
