
Chapter 648 – Blackmail

"Ah fuck me! Why are you so tight today, girl? Did that old bastard annoy you again?"


A naked man was going to town on a rather tall and muscular woman.


The man was barely 160 cm tall, while the woman was around 185 cm tall.


The man was pretty thin and meek, while the woman looked like she was compressing metallic structures into small cubes as a hobby.


The man had long flowing hair, while the woman had a short buzzcut.


As the two of them kept fucking, the air around them vibrated with every thrust, and the furniture in the room shook.


While the guy kept putting his all into the thrusts, the woman just lay on the bed like a corpse.


"Went too hard on the abs," the woman spoke in a cold and raspy voice. "They're cramping. I like the pain. Makes me feel alive."