
Kill the Sun

Earth, thousands of years after the apocalypse. Countless technologies and advances had been lost to time as the Specters, horrifying beings with terrifying powers, arrived and destroyed the world. Over the coming thousands of years, humanity had built itself up but always died again. Nobody remembers the past. Nobody remembers what humanity had once accomplished. Now, everyone is living in a world where the Specters reign supreme. ----- A boy with amnesia woke up in the middle of the Dregs, the worst part of Crimson Fungus City. The boy grows up and manages to become strong enough to pass an exam for one of the most prestigious jobs in existence, a Zephyx Extractor, someone that can harvest the powers of Specters. Sadly, he had already gained a power from a Specter in the past, which made him ineligible for the position. But then, a mysterious man visits him. And his luck finally turns around.

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631 Chs

Chapter 139 – Three Months

After talking a bit more, Manela said that they had wasted enough time and that they would start training immediately.

For the next four days, Manela kept instructing Nick on how to throw his spears while also constantly refreshing the basics he had already learned.

After that, Nick had three days of training with Reynold.

During these three days, Reynold kept charging at Nick, trying to hit him.

Reynold wanted Nick to get acquainted with making quick and correct decisions in a stressful and hectic situation.

Since Nick was using fist weapons, he needed to be the fastest person in a close-combat fight, which also meant making the quickest decisions.

In essence, Reynold was shoving all kinds of movements into Nick's subconscious.

The more familiar movements became, the quicker they could be performed.

Sadly, something like this would take a long time.

Then, it was time for Nick's training with Manela again.