

I am a creature. I eat, evolve, and conquer. I never worried of hunters, in fact, I am the hunter. I enjoy the kill, the hunt, the slaughter. I enjoy the strength I gain when I destroy their existence. I am a Gobbler. And I eat.....everything. The adventure of an avid eater who wants to grow stronger and learn more of the world and its existence. Starting from its little life in the forest, it branches out and starts to learn about the world.

AnimeFujoshi990 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

I wandered throughout the forest as I gobbled everything in my way, mixing herbs with poisonous plants. My life has always been this way. I never worried of being harmed because I was the strongest creature around. This is my forest and my prey is everything and anything.

I am a creature called a Gobbler. Anything I eat, I absorb their skills, lifespan, and mana. I was originally a small black ball with two white dots for eyes. As I grew, I learned how to become stronger instinctively. I ate small things like weeds to carnivorous plants and herbs; from small animals to large animals. I soon became the strongest in the forest and nearly everything avoided me….nearly. But despite being the strongest, I knew I could become stronger.

Today, I was wandering around, surveying the environment and my prey. I realized - during my binging period - I couldn't eat everything in one go. The food chain would be too disrupted and food would be unsatisfactory, so I started to make sure some species were still alive to fill my stomach. Until a disturbance caused the critters in their dens to run out. How exciting. I float towards the slowly decreasing mana that caused a great destruction to the forest.

It was a winged.....thing. It didn't look like the animals in the forest and it was humanoid. I quickly learned to dislike certain human beings as they caused extreme harm to the ecosystem, they also insulted me and tried to kill me, they didn't succeed and ran before I could eat them. Anyways, back to the winged humanoid in my forest. It was severely injured and seemed to be on the verge of dying, but this is beside the point. The winged humanoid smells delicious, more than the animals in the forest, lately they've been a little bland for my tastes. The winged humanoid smells like.....a delicacy. Which means it's stronger than me!!

I smiled, showing my sharp teeth and large mouth. It sensed danger when it saw me. I don't care, it's injured right now, which means at full strength it would've been more satisfying. But beggars can't be choosers, and I wanted to eat.

"Pl#%@^....he$&*/> me," it said as it reached out to me. Futile.

Drool came out of my mouth, I understood little of what he said, but once I ate him I would be able to understand his words. And before he could scream, I gobbled him up in one bite. It was juicy and slimy, but delicious and overly satisfying. My stomach had never felt so full and my tongue has never tasted something so divine. Sadly, I have to eat things in one bite, since it is how my skill works every time I open my mouth. Right away, I could feel the effects of eating the winged humanoid. Its power makes my own rise to greater heights.

My body began to morph into a new form. My body looked like that of a human, but I had a large feathered wing connected to my right shoulder blade and a smaller wing attached to the right of my head. I still had my original characteristics of a black ball with two white dots for eyes. But my body was tall and thin. My head could reach to a low branch on a tree, and my limbs were long and although thin, I could tell they were strong. I partially looked like a human. My ability to morph was amazing but when I eat a monster that is stronger than I, then I end up taking its form until I overcome them.

To see what I gained, I checked my [Status].

"Status," I rasped. That's amazing, I never had a voice before, but mine sounds like the dead winged humanoid, it was smooth and evenly pitched, not too deep nor too high.

A screen popped in front of me, showing me my skills, level, and proficiency in skills.

[Name: Kii-Bo]

Age: 19 years old

Gender: N/A

Race: Gobbler

HP: ???



Glutton: Achieved from trying to eat several things at once. Making eating faster it gives a 15%+ speed effect on Devour.

Shape-shifter: Achieved by morphing into different creatures and using their skills as the creature. Gives 20%+ speed effect to Morph.

Top Predator: Achieved by conquering the food chain of an environment and becoming the top predator, in which no other predator can defeat you. Gives 30%+ strength effect on Intimidate.





















Angel (incomplete)


Direwolf (complete)

Sabertooth tiger (complete)

Antler Rabbit (complete)

Horned squirrel (complete)

Poisonous two-headed snake (complete)

Vinegrass (complete)

Flower Snatcher (complete)

Red Bear (complete)

Paw Bear (complete)

Slime (complete)

Red-eyed Deer (complete)

Sadly, any skills I get from my prey is always reset and I have to learn it myself. It's quite tiring, but makes it easier for me because it allows me to know what my limits and strengths are. I try to walk away from the crash site and go back into the depths of the forest, but it is quite hard as I never had to walk before, I rarely had two legs and when I did they were based on birds that had either clawed or webbed feet. I don't like them because they were hard to use unless I had to grab something. Using these human legs...this is gonna take practice. My legs were wobbly and didn't hold strength in them. It was hard to get used to.

As I walked, I slowly started getting used to it. And then I tried going faster. I realized I would have to lift my legs higher and stretch them further. What a pain. I'll just fly instead. I spread my wings while running and began to flap. With each flap, I could feel the muscles in my wings and back grow stronger and stronger. Soon, I began to lift off the ground. I soar past the trees into the sky at a fast speed. It was exhilarating. As I flew in the sky, I realized the winged humanoid - angel, as I recall since I've eaten him - was asking for help. Oh well.

I continue to fly around. As I looked at the view, I realized how vast the world is compared to the small forest I conquered. In such a vast world...I bet there's more prey there than in my small forest.

So I left. Never looking back as I towards the open world.