
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · Komik
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10 Chs

Central City pt.2

"Knock-knock." The villain said with a sly grin. Captain Cold was one of the Flash's oldest foes, he'd been silent for a long time now, but he finally decided to make a move, with all of the Rogues at the ready.

"That's Heatwave, but who are the others?" Midoriya said with fear in his eyes.

"Those are the Rogues, led by Leonard Snart, A.K.A. Captain Cold. But we don't have time for introductions right now; they got Uncle Barry, it's up to us to save the day." Wally whispered.

"Alright everyone, you know the drill. Hands in the air. We'll come around shortly, so get ready to empty your pockets." The villain told the crowd, pointing a weapon at them.

"Our first priority should be getting these people out of here, after that we need to free The Flash if we can." Midoriya whispered with his hands up.

"Good thinking. I'll zoom out and get in costume. Once I get back, I'll distract them and see if I can figure out a way to free him from the Mirror dimension, assuming that's where they took him." Wally told Midoriya.

"What should I do? I can't fight them." Midoriya asked.

"If you can get outside without being noticed, call the police and see if you can get help from security."


"Okay, be careful." Wally told his friend.

"You too." With that, Wally vanished, unseen by the villains. After Wally left, a man in an orange suit with green gloves, boots, and a green belt and mask emerged out of Dr. Elias's watch, who was still being held hostage on stage.

"Ok, that won't hold Flash for long, let's hurry it up." The masked man told his comrades, he then pulled a pocket mirror out of his belt and used it to summon a large bag from it and placed it on the ground in front of the crowd.

"Now put all those shiny trinkets you're wearing in the bag, along with your wallets." Captain Cold commanded. "And don't be getting any ideas, or you'll be given a decision between getting burned or electrocuted to death by my friends here." The crowd did what the villain said, not wanting to lose their lives.

*I hate this…* Midoriya thought to himself, clenching his fists. *I can help them, I shouldn't be standing here! I should-* Before he could finish his thought, a yellow blur rushed up the stage and stood only centimeters in front of Captain cold.

"Hey there, Lenny." Wally said with a smile.

"Kid Flash." The villain said. "Heatwave said you were back in town."

"Well you know me, I've been out and about! Studying abroad! Japan is so nice, you should visit sometime! I'm always happy to see an old friend!" Wally said with sarcasm.

"You're dead!" Heatwave yelled as he shot a stream of fire at Wally, the kid easily dodging and moving to another part of the stage. "Hey, I'm trying to have a conversation with your boss, let the adults talk, will ya? We'll play with you later."

"Actually, I think that's enough chit-chat." said Captain Cold. "We know you're here to stop us, but you're all talk. Everyone here knows you're not much without your precious Flash to protect you, even them." The villain said as he gestured to the fearful crowd. "You're a joke, so why don't you run back to your little school?" He said snarkily.

"We'll see who's the joke when I kick your butt, Snart." Wally said, getting a little mad.

"We're done here." Snart aimed his weapon at Wally and fired, but the speedster moved again, the beam from the gun freezing the area it hit. As soon as Wally stopped, Heatwave fired at him.

*An ice weapon, huh? I guess that's why he's called Captain Cold. It's not like Todoroki, who can produce and control ice, this just freezes what it hits….* Midoriya observed. The other member of the Rogues fired a blast of lightning at Wally out of a techno looking rod, all but the masked one had joined the fight. *That must be the weapon that made the hole in the ceiling when they entered, it makes electricity then?*

"Just barely, Weather Wizard. Maybe a few more tries will work?" Wally shouted, still darting around the stage. Wally changed positions again, only this time he was right in front of the masked man.

"Wait!" He shouted. The blasts almost hit him, but he disappeared into his pocket mirror. "You almost killed me!" Mirror Master shouted. Wally faced them and put his hand behind his back and gave a thumbs up, signaling that now would be the time for Midoriya to find help.

*None of them have used any Quirks except that Mirror Master guy they told me about. They must have Quirks… right?* Midoriya thought as he successfully snuck out of the building. *Wally is out there fighting Weather Wizard, Heatwave, Mirror Master and Captain Cold… hopefully I got their names right... But anyway, that's four villains, can he handle that? What should I do?

"Come on, I know you can do better than that!" Wally taunted as he evaded another attack from the Rogues. *I need to get Mirror Master to let Uncle Barry out, but if I get close then he'll just trap me too.* However, he didn't get to plan any further. The speedster slipped on a sheet of ice and hit the ground hard.

"Time to settle down, kid." Captain Cold said as he froze Wally up to his head. "Now then, how about we get back to business?" He told the crowd.

"So that's your plan then?" Dr. Elias said to the villain as the people went back to putting their belongings in the bag. "You're going to break in here and rob everyone?"

"They were right, you are a genius." Captain Cold said sarcastically.

"That's some interesting technology you have there." The Doctor speculated.

"Courtesy of S.T.A.R. Labs." The Captain told him.

"They seem useful enough, but what happens when someone disarms you? Do you have a Quirk to defend yourself?" He asked.

"I don't need one." The villain said with daggers in his voice, clearly the Doctor had hit a nerve. "A good plan is better than a Quirk."

"That's admirable, I had always heard you villain types weren't much of thinkers."

"Well you heard wrong."

"It's fascinating, you're able to stand up to The Flash and Kid Flash without any of you using a Quirk, do any of you have one at all?" He asked the group.

"You'd better shut your mouth." Heatwave growled. "Unless you want to die."

"Cool it, Mick." Captain Cold looked Elias in the eye. "This guy's not half bad."

"Hey, can we get going? I don't want to be here when Flash finds his way out of the Mirror dimension." said Mirror Master.

"I second that." Weather Wizard agreed.

"Fine." Captain Cold held out his hand to Elias. "Your Wallet."

"I didn't bring it. Perhaps my watch will suffice?" The Doctor handed Snart his watch.

"Thanks." Cold took the watch with a smile and hopped off the stage, he walked out of the large room taking his Rogues gallery with him. However, as soon as he opened the door, he was greeted by an unexpected force.


The door was blown down by an intense wind pressure and the Rogues were sent flying. In the doorway stood a green haired teen with a broken finger. Izuku Midoriya had joined the fight.

"Who are you supposed to be?!" Heatwave yelled, getting up from the blast.

"Watashi wa hero desu!" The kid yelled.

"Why the hell are you speaking Chinese?!" Heatwave said with confusion.

"Mick!" Captain Cold shouted, firing at the Japanese teen. However, the kid let loose another blast and stopped the beam.


Wally's vision was blurry, but he was waking up. All he could see were the Rogues fighting with someone and the floor covered in rubble. "...Who?" The scene began to clear up and he could see who was fighting them. "Midoriya?"

"Wally!" His friend yelled to him when he noticed he'd woken up.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled.

"I called the police, but they're not here yet! Someone had to hold them off for just a bit longer!"

"But you're not supposed to-"

"Screw that!" Midoriya cut him off. "I won't sit by and watch when someone needs my help! How could I call myself a hero if I don't take a stand?!"

"Midoriya… You're so cool." Once again, Midoriya showed Wally how amazing he was. However, the conversation was in Japanese so all the Rogues heard was gibberish. "Now then…" Wally vibrated until the ice around him shattered, like he did with Todoroki. "Time for round two!"

"Mardon, Mick, you take green hair. Scutter, you're with me." Cold commanded his team. "We're taking the sidekick."

"Right." They said in unison, and with that; the next fight began.

Snart froze the ground around himself so Wally couldn't get close without taking another fall. Mirror Master, however, pulled out a new trick. Opening his pocket mirror, several copies of Scutter began to appear around them.

"How do you like my Mirror doubles, Kid Flash?" The villain asked.

"Just as ugly as the original." Wally quipped.

"You'll be the ugly one when I kick your teeth in!" Scutter snapped as they all rushed at him. Wally tried to punch one, but it vanished.

"Now, how does this work? These don't make any sense!" Wally asked while punching through the clones.

"There's a lot about my powers that doesn't make sense, kid." He said with an evil grin.

"Well how-" Wally just barely dodged a blue beam from Captain Cold's gun. "Aw Lenny, I forgot about you."

"Well that just breaks my heart." The villain said with sarcasm.

"Wait a minute, these things can't be hit, so they can't hit me! I just need to focus on Snart!" Wally thought out loud. He confidently stood there as he let a clone hit him… but it wasn't a clone, the real Scutter landed a hard blow to Wally's chest. "Bad idea… bad idea." Wally said in between coughs as he dropped to his knees.

"You're an idiot, aren't you?" Mirror Master said as he swung a kick at Wally.

"Not as much as you think." Wally said as he moved away and punched Scutter in the balls. "BOOM! SUCK IT!" Wally said in victory, but it was short lived as he had to continue dodging shots from Captain Cold.

Meanwhile, Midoriya was having a much tougher time with his half of the Rogues. As soon as Weather Wizard and Heatwave started running for him, he ran off as fast as he could down the halls of the building.

"Crap! This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!" Midoriya said in panic. "I can't keep using my fingers like this! I need a plan! So far I've used two of my left fingers, that leaves me with eight left. Heatwave seems to only be able to shoot straight blasts of fire, so he should be a bit easier if I can just dodge them, but that other guy can shoot lightning and control wind with that staff of his. I just need a plan…"

"There you are!" Heatwave yelled from the other end of the hall as he shot a blast of fire at Midoriya.

*I can't dodge! I have to deflect it!* "DELAWARE SMASH!" Midoriya used a third finger and blasted Heatwave into the back wall, the walls of the hall were ripped up and the debris was sent flying into Heatwave. This time, the criminal didn't get up. "I did it!"

"That's very heroic of you, kid." Came a voice from the other side of the hall. "But I'm afraid it's the end of the line. Nothing personal." Weather Wizard had found Midoriya. The boy aimed at him, but the villain made a miniature cloud in front of him and shot a large ball of ice into Midoriya's chest, sending him flying into Heatwave. As Weather Wizard walked towards him and aimed his wand at the young hero, Midoriya struggled to get up.

"Wait…" Izuku had the wind knocked out of him and his vision went blurry, however his hand turned to one last resort.

"Don't worry kid, I won't kill you. I'm just making sure you won't bother my friends again." A mini storm cloud formed at the tip of the villain's wand and electricity built up in it.

"Don't come any closer!" Midoriya said with a raspy voice as he aimed Heatwave's flamethrower at Weather Wizard. The villain flinched and backed up a step. "I mean it! If you take one more step I'll shoot!" He said with a cough.

"You don't know how to use that thing, put it down." Weather Wizard warned.

"Just don't move!" Midoriya shot back, getting up slowly.

"It would seem…" Weather Wizard continued to charge up his weapon. "That we're at a standoff."

After taking down Mirror Master for the time being, Wally continued his battle with Captain Cold.

"Come on Leonard, this is taking forever! Can we just skip to the part where I take you to jail?" Wally said as he rolled his eyes.

"Afraid not, I've got places to be." Snart said as he slowly circled around and continued firing at Wally.

"Fine. ONE ARM WIND CANNON!" Wally shouted out as he used his new move, the vacuum tripped Snart and sucked up his ice pistol.

"Looks like you've learned some new tricks!" He said angrily as he got up.

"Guess you really do use what you learn in school!" Wally said, aiming the pistol at Snart. "Now hands up."

"I don't think so." Cold grabbed a nearby civilian, Wally didn't notice that Snart had moved back towards them, and he'd forgotten that they were even there.

"I messed up." Wally said with wide eyes. Captain Cold and his hostage moved back over to Mirror Master and started nudging him with his foot.

"Get up, Scutter."

"Please help me!" The man Snart was holding yelled. Scutter began to get up.

"Come on, get the others and get us out of here." Cold commanded his ally.

"Right." Scutter grumbled as he disappeared into one of his mirrors.

"Now be a good boy and stand there quietly." Snart told Wally with a smirk.

"You won't get away with this." Wally told him.

"Of course I will, I always find a way out." Cold replied.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." This time, Snart's eyes went wide as the familiar voice spoke. The hostage vanished from Captain Cold's grasp and in front of him stood the hero of Central City. The Flash had returned.

"Flash." The villain said, regaining his composure.

"You're done Cold." The hero said with fury in his eyes.

"Unfortunately you're wrong. I'm sorry to leave right when the fun is starting, but my ride is here and I don't want to keep him waiting." Snart revealed another pocket mirror and began to shrink into the portal. "See you around, Flash."

"No!" Flash ran towards him, but he was just a second too slow. The hero stood there for a few seconds with his fists clenched, then he seemed to let it go and turned around to Wally. "Great work, was anyone hurt?" He said with a sigh.

"No, but they got away. Again." Wally was furious, his fist hadn't stopped shaking.

"The safety of the people is what matters. We won today." Flash consoled his apprentice.

"But that's twice in a row they slipped through our fingers!" He shot back.

"I know that. Trust me Wal, I'm just as frustrated as you, but what's important is that you and everyone else are alive. We will catch them, I promise."

Wally took a deep breath and calmed down. "Yeah, I guess I almost died, I'm lucky Midoriya… Midoriya!" Wally ran off in a panic, he found his friend in a pile of rubble, breathing heavily. "Midoriya! What happened?"

"He… Weather Wizard shot me with a ball of ice." He said, his coughing intensifying. "My chest hurts so bad, but I think I'll be ok. Just… promise me?" He said, grabbing Wally's hand.

"No! Don't give up! Keep fighting!" Wally said with tears in his eyes.

"Promise me… you won't tell my mom."

"Huh?" Wally was really confused.

"She'll never let me do anything ever again if she finds out about this." He coughed. "Why are you crying? I just said I'd be fine."

Wally's face went beet red. "Right…"

Soon after, the police finally arrived and Midoriya got medical attention for his injury. Barry explained to the police what happened while Wally sat with Midoriya.

"Could I have a word, gentlemen?" Dr. Elias said as he walked up to the two boys.

"Dr. Elias! Of course." Wally said, offering him a seat.

"Thank you for protecting my guests and I, I appreciate it." The Doctor told them. "If there's ever anything I can do for either of you, just say the word."

"Don't mention it! Well, there is actually one thing." Wally remembered.

"What might that be?"

"Could you keep Midoriya's involvement a secret? He could get in a lot of trouble for helping me." Wally asked.

"I don't believe one should be punished for using his or her own power as they desire anyway, my lips are sealed."

"Thank you, Doctor." Wally said with his hands together.

"Midoriya… that sounds Japanese. Am I correct?" Elias asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah that's right." Wally told him.

"Hello, young man." Elias said in Japanese to Midoriya.

"Dr. Elias! I didn't know you spoke my language!" Midoriya said, geeking out.

"A very important business partner of mine is based in Japan, so I've been studying the language. Your Quirk is very interesting you know. It's rare to see a Quirk damage one's body as much as yours does." Elias speculated.

"Oh?! Is it that rare?" Midoriya said, panicking a bit.

"Hey man, chill out a bit." Wally said with worry.

"If you'd like, I could run some tests on you and perhaps help with that issue?" He offered.

"Oh! Um, that's very kind of you, sir, but, um, you see, uh…" Midoriya was really flustered and he seemed to be panicking still.

"I think we're both a bit tired and shaken up from tonight, we appreciate the offer, but I think we'll just go home for now." Wally said, rescuing his socially awkward friend.

"Very well, if you ever want to take me up on my offer then give me a call." Elias handed Midoriya a business card and got up. "Good evening." With that, the man walked off.

"Thanks…" Midoriya told his friend.

"No worries. Why don't we go home and get some rest? I'm beat." Wally offered.

"Definitely." So, with a brief, tired farewell to Barry, the two went back to Wally's house and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit their pillows.

Snart sat in his chair with a thoughtful look on his face while Mardon tended to Heatwave. Scutter, on the other hand, was mad.

"That's it. This is the last straw, Snart! I've been your getaway car for the last time! I'm outta here." The man walked towards the door of their hideout, but when he opened it, he stood face to face with Darwin Elias.

"Evening, gentlemen." They all backed up at their unexpected visitor. "Mr. Scutter, if you'd wait for a few minutes before you leave, I think you may like what I have to say."

"Why shouldn't we just kill you now?" said Scutter.

"Easy, Sam. I assume this is why you parted with such a nice watch?" Snart said, holding the expensive item up.

"I didn't think you'd just tell me where you're staying so easily, so I thought a nicely wrapped tracking device would do the trick." The Doctor explained.

"So what do you want with us?" Snart asked. "If you wanted revenge for crashing your party, you would've brought The Flash."

"Revenge is meaningless. I have come with a proposal." Elias said to the villains.

"What kind of proposal?" Asked Mardon.

"Call it… a competitive edge."