
Kid Flash In The MHA Verse

What if Kid Flash was in class 1-A? (Don’t take seriously it’s just for fun.)

TooSexy4U · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


It was the next day of Class 1A The entire class was bickering because it was time for everyone's favorite lesson foundational heroic studies. I was kneeling on my palm, trying my best not to fall asleep. As my eyes were about to become fully shut, a loud bang! came bursted through the door. It was the one and only Number 1 Hero All Might.

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" a loud booming voice yells. All the students turned around to see the number one hero wearing his superhero costume.

"I teach hero training. It is a subject where you train differently to learn the basics of being a hero. Let's get right into it, this is what we will do today." All Might pull out a white card that had red words on it saying "COMBAT TRAINING"

Mostly everyone in the room became excited, desperately wanting to know what kind of battle we will be doing.

"We also have these. Costumes made based on your quirk registration and requests you sent in before school started." All Night points to the wall and 4 shelves pop out of each with 5 numbered boxes. If I'm being too totally honest, I didn't care about my costume. I decided I was going to stick with the one I always had when I dealt with crime in the shadows.

"After you change, meet me at the ground beta."


All students walked out with their hero costumes. Like I said, I'm always the same old same old... I had on my yellow one piece unitard with my yellow mask. My costume is yellow, and his legs are red, ending with yellow ankle-high boots. My mask has two big eye holes, and it leaves my nose, mouth, and chin exposed.

Everyone had one different type of costume. But the one that really caught my attention was Momo, of course. No matter what she wears, she is still as beautiful as always.


Anyway..The rest of us went over to the monitor room to watch the fights play out. I was at the back studying people's quirks. One fight was with a kid named Midoroiya after a lot of explosions. Izuku destroyed mostly all the building floors. Uraraka touched the bomb resulting in their teams winning good for them. Midoriya was sent to the nurse's office after receiving a lot of damage from that dude Bakugou. Anyway, Lida Bakugou and Uraraka returned to the monitor room to watch the rest of the fights.

All Might called out the next two teams for the combat training.. "Team B Jirou and Mezo Shoji will be the Villains. Team J Mineta and Wally will be the heroes.

"So... Wally what's the plan?"

"Yeah, about that...Mineta no offense, but I won't even need your help for this one. Don't sweat, just sit back, relax and have some popcorn." Kid Flash disappeared and came back handing Mineta some movie popcorn."Kapeesh?"

Mineta was shocked, but he didn't have time to say anything as All Might started.

"Battle Start!" and just from hearing those Wally already dashed out...what happened next shocked everyone in the monitor room.

Shoji pants were down showing his underwear and Jirou was holding a rose in her hand. Realization quickly dawned upon Jirou and she instantly blushed while Shoji also blushed, but out of embarrassment..Shoji quickly pulled up his pants


"Well, that was easier than I thought.What am I kidding I'm the fastest boy alive" Everyone looked to see Wally already having hold of the bomb looking at his fingernails with a smirk on his face.

All Might instantly get out of his shock. "HERO TEAM WINS!"

Wally gave Jirou a wink with a thumbs up and made his way to the monitor room.


After all the training matches had finished. All Might congratulated us on so well during the battles and told the class that he needed to go over the results with Midoriya. He then went out of class with Izuku. Most of the class talked about how outstanding All Might Was.


Since it was the last period of the day, some kids left to go do their own thing while most of the students stayed and talked to each other. Of course I was of the latter. What can I say I am a social butterfly?

Jirou was packing her bags, and I approached her. Jirou looked at me, then rolled her eyes.

"You know that was kinda of an asshole move you pulled on me back there"

"Hmm? Didn't appreciate the gesture"

Jirou had a smile on her face. "Sure."

Wally Shrugged his shoulders. "Where are you off to, anyway?"

Jirou packed and put her bag on her back. Honestly, she felt at peace talking with Kid

Flash like this. "Im heading home."

Wally instantly perked up. "Mine if I walked with you?"

"Nah, not really, but wouldn't your parents get mad at you for coming home late. My parents throw a tantrum when I don't come home on time."

"Well, not really. When it comes to time that's something I got plenty of "Wally flashed out of the classroom and came back with a newspaper "want to check out the daily news?"

Jirou couldn't help but laugh at Wally's foolish antics."Yeah okay."


Wally was walking down Jirou neighbourhood vibing to music. Jirou announced she really enjoyed listening to post-rock music, and Wally was curious what it was. She took her earphones out of her pocket and put one in Wally's ear while the other was in her's. Jirou was enjoying this very much. She had never met someone like Wally before he was really laid back and chill to talk. Normally she is not one that goes over heels for social interaction and minded her business most of the time, but she didn't mind his company.

Jirou neared her doorstep. "Well, this is where I head off..cya" Jirou pulled her key out and was going to open her door but she stopped for a moment and looked back at Wally. She had a blush on her face.

"We-we should do this more often."And with those last words, she quickly left.

'Cute as hell.' Wally thought, and like that he also headed home.