
Reminisce (Mild R)

While she was having a wonderful reunion sex, someone was masturbating over her sex video.

"Khalifa… Khalifa…" Kaize uttered out, his hand on his long hot shaft, trying to milk himself. His eyes was focused on the beautiful figure on the screen, his hand pumping his own length, begging for release. 

"Oh~ Kaize~" The woman on the screen yelled, and it only made his movements faster. 

Today's video was taken the day they formally moved to the island (with her consent, of course).

He was alone with Khalifa in her bedroom, because Cauis had to follow a bit later due to another one of his responsibilities.

So… it had been up to them to 'baptize' the bed. For good luck, of course. 

Kaize's greedy eyes watched as the him on the video lifted her up by her arse and skewered Khalifa against the headboard, making loud noises as they did so.

"Ha… ahh… ha…" Khalifa mewled, wrapping all of her appendages around him tightly.