
chapter 8; Annoying boss

Arya was shocked at the turn of events, she wanted to protest but for some reason her body was kicking against it instead of pushing away she ended up wrapping her arms around his neck and arching her body in pleasure, faint moans coming out of her mouth, this was the scene the receptionist met when she came to submit some of the reports made by some departments. Her mouth hung agape in surprise ' is this woman a slut using her beauty to get men' with face red in embarrassment. She made a slight cough to alert them of her presence.

Arya pushed him away as soon as she heard someone cough. Her face beet red in embarrassment and lack of air, trying to catch her breath she looked at the owner of the voice and saw it was the receptionist melle "gosh why am I always disturbed today" Mi Rue grunted "s…sorry sir here are the reports also you have a meeting with all the departments in 40 minutes time sir" she informed and ran out like her life depended on it. She really hoped Arya wasn't a slut she was too good and beautiful for such life plus she wanted to be Arya's friend.

After melle left Arya rose up from her chair and slapped mi rue so hard, caught unawares he fell to the floor. "how dare you kiss me I'm not your next prey okay go fuck your other sluts" she said gritting her teeth in annoyance. Mi Rue was still trying to calm himself from his internal war wasn't he supposed to stay away from her and have no relationship with her. He shouldn't give in and be weak I mean for goddamnit sake it's only the first day working with her. He facepalmed himself thinking of what the other days will be like. Regaining his stone cold expression he stared at her blankly "i'll let it slide since I was the one who attacked you first but if you slap me again you can kiss goodbye to your job and get ready in the meeting I'll introduce you to everyone, here is a file containing the agenda of the meeting" he said sitting down comfortably on his chair and tossing her a file. ' I'm beginning to rethink my decision' she hissed totally irritated by his attitude. I mean first he kissed her now his acting I don't know kinda stupid.

She picked the file and left the office. Later a staff came and showed her her office it wasn't as huge as her office at her company but it was comfortable enough. After going through the file she decided to check what was going on in her companies but was interrupted by his annoying voice which only said "its time let's go" she swears if she didn't need him she wouldn't have given him the smile she did just now and will never have said "okay sir" to him.