
chapter 7; privacy encroached

Finally getting away from all the weird stares she was getting she heaved a sigh of relief as she got into the the elevator, pressing the top floor button she relaxed and waited. Finally there was a ding sound heard showing that she was now at the top floor, the elevator door opened and she stepped out. The top floor was much more organized than the reception area. She located the room which had a title in front CEO and went inside without knocking which she immediately regretted.

Mi Rue was facing his back and was pressed on something or rather someone. It seemed like they were making out. Well just kissing but it's still making out. She didn't know when an "oh my God" came out of her mouth. Closing her mouth with both her hands she cursed her fate today. "im sorry" she said meekly and was about leaving when she heard Xue Mi Rue's voice "stop right there" he ordered. The voice kept ringing in her heard but not because of what he said, she felt she had heard this voice before. Shrugging the awkward thoughts aside she turned around and saw Xue Mi Rue glaring at her. "you may leave for now I'll call you when I need your services" he said to the girl behind him who just bowed and left not before giving Arya a 'you'll pay' look.

"im really sorry sir" she said apologetically. She was really sorry maybe she should've knocked. Xue Mi Rue looked at her as her head was bent low. He exhaled loudly. She really hadn't changed a bit although she had become more mature physically. She was still beautiful and cute. He wondered how he could keep his heart hardened while working with her, nevertheless he must try. Exhaling again he said " weren't you thought to knock" at this Arya raised her head up and fired back at him "weren't you thought how to lock the door when doing such things and I thought you're rumoured to be the devil and that any woman who comes near you dies" she said her tone carrying a hint of jealousy. Why she was jealous she didn't know 'maybe it's finding out that he lied in his report' she convinced herself.

Mi Rue smirked as he watched her fiesty nature she really hadn't changed at all. "well although I hate women and will hate myself being attached to any of them I'm a man with needs and that's why I only have flings witg them" he replied. "oh so you're a playboy" she said with a more obvious tone of jealousy surprising both herself and mi rue "is it bad women throw themselves at me all the time I'm just giving them what they want but any woman who dares try to make a scandal or ask for love or oversteps her boundary to make me hers forever dies" mi rue explained in a harsh tone 'he really does hate women I wonder why anyway it's good for me' she thought. "but why do you ask you jealous or something" he asked with a wide grin on his face as he came closer and trapped Arya who was sitting down between him and the chair, their face only an inch away.

Arya could feel her heart beating out of her chest, their face was so close she could feel his hot breathe on her and his cologne was so strong she felt it pulling her, she had never felt this way. Mi Rue wasn't left out in the torture he could feel her scent; her vanilla jasmine scent was assaulting his nostrils, plus her natural pink reddish lips were in full view. "w…why will I be jealous" her lips trembled as she spoke "damn it" he cursed as he attacked her lips.