
chapter 6; No Relationship

Nisha arrived home and started moving her things to the small rented apartment. It took her a while but before 9:00 pm she was done. She laid down to rest at her new bed which was smaller than the one at her mansion and hoped everything goes as planned ' ten years is enough time before having her revenge wasn't it's she thought before drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile a certain someone couldn't sleep, he kept thinking about his new Secretary that will start working tomorrow. It was her but according to what his informat told him she had lost part of her memory ten years ago. He wondered just what exactly happened to her to make suffer from partial amnesia. Anyway he shouldn't be concerned she broke his heart so he would act stoic and cold towards her. It was good she didn't remember him that way it won't be hard for him to treat her like he treats others, as a cold boss, he didn't want to have any relationship with her not even friendship. With that thought in mind he fell asleep.

Nisha woke up by 5:30 the next day since work starts by 8:00 . Well she had to be early on her first day. There weren't any servants to do anything for her like in the mansion. Thankfully she has learned to do it by herself. She tidied up her apartment, brushed and took her bathe then wore her clothes she wore a knee-length red flay gown that had tiny black spots round it she let her auburn wavy hair fall making it reach her at her shoulders then put a tiny black hair clip at the side adding more design to it, she wore a red high heeled sandals to match and her bag was also black to go with the hair clip, after she was done with her appearance she made breakfast of toast, scrambled eggs and bacon and cheese with orange juice then went out where her driver oh sorry taxi was waiting for her. While on the road she decided to do a little research oh her boss the report said

' Xue Mi Rue the only son of Xue Cheng the owner of Cheng industry, he built Yvesta Law firm with his own hands, knowledge and strength not depending on his father, he is currently the country's best lawyer and his law firm is unbeatable, when his father retired he took over his father's company and joined it with his own which is currently known as Yvesta enterprises and is also almost on par with Jade's cooperations whose CEO and chairwoman/ chairman is yet unknown' she smiled as she read that part ' he's really talented' she thought but was disrupted by her driver who told her they have arrived at Yvesta enterprises. After thanking him and telling him to go and come back in the evening she alighted from the car and went into the building.

She went straight to the receptionist "hello I'm here to see the CEO my name is Mei Arya" she said maintaining a very beautiful smile Sheila had thought her and she was a fast learner. Although a woman the receptionist was amazed by the beauty of this woman standing in front of her and her sweet melodious voice, her smile was even more enchanting, she had a natural pink reddish lips that enhanced her beauty even more. Even though she was wearing a flay gown it didn't hide any of her body curves. She was truly a masterpiece. Jolting back to her senses and realizing how unprofessional she was behaving she immediately regained herself and replied "yes miss Mei the CEO is in his office take the elevator to the top floor you'll see his office. I must commend you on your punctuality the CEO will be pleased but pardon this curious soul if I may ask what brand of clothes, bags, shoes and even lotions do you use" the receptionist named melle couldn't help but ask "well I shop at Jade's Fashion world but as for lotions this is my natural skin texture and complexion I just maintain it" she replied straight forwardly still maintaining her smile. "ah yes I've heard of it I'll start shopping there it's the number one best fashion mall they were not lying when they said they have high quality and beautiful products thanks" melle said "okay then I'll get going goodbye see you later"Arya said and went on her way. The other employees whom she passed along her way we're all dazzled by her beauty both male or female. ' who is this goddess' they all thought.