
Ken's Playground: All is not as it seems [ENG]

WARNING: Story inspired by Clasroom of The Elite. DOES NOT TAKE PLACE IN THE SAME WORLD! [TRANSLATED WITH DeepL] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken along with his twin sister Kei have entered Tokyo Advanced Training, and will be studying in Class F. Is everything as simple as it seems to be? Can they trust their classmates?

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1 Chs

Starting School Life

"I'm finally here," muttered a boy as he looked with a smile on his face at the huge gate in front of him, the entrance to the new school he will be attending, which is called 'Tokyo Advanced Training'.

The boy's name is Ken Yamazaki and he is 16 years old. Ken looks better than many models, has an athletic physique with not too big muscles and is 1.76 tall. Ken has short black hair, eyes with a crimson red iris, and a dark complexion.

The Tokyo Advanced Training school is a school known for 100% employment and college entrance rates, and is known as the best in Japan. It is located on an island with the only way to get there being a bridge.

At this school students are required to live in dormitories within the school grounds and are forbidden to contact anyone outside the school, and are also forbidden to leave the school. With its size, the campus has been equipped with many facilities to meet the needs and wishes of the students. There is a shopping mall, a theater, a park, a cafe and many other entertainment facilities. The school can be compared to a small town.

Ken is wearing the school uniform that consists of A dress shirt with the color being chosen by the student and he chose the color white, A blue tie, A red button down jacket with yellow details that he leaves open, Black pants and Black shoes.

Many people were passing through this gate and they were wearing a school uniform just like Ken's or it was similar with a few different pieces. There were people with a different color social shirt, the girls were wearing a bow tie, some people were not wearing a tie and the girls were wearing white skirts instead of pants.

Ken is still looking at the school gate, he is with a small smile on his face and his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Nii-san!" Shouted a female voice behind Ken, when he looked back Ken saw a girl going towards him and waving at him, seeing who it was the smile on his face widened.

"What took you so long Kei-chan?" spoke Ken when the girl came close to him.

The girl in question is named Kei, she is Ken's twin sister, but Ken was born first so she is considered younger. She has long black hair cascading down to her waist, beautiful eyes with crimson red irises, a face more beautiful than many models with perfect proportions, a lovely body with a medium bust and ass, beautiful dark skin that is well cared for, and 1.64 tall.

Kei is wearing a white social shirt, a blue butterfly tie, a white midi skirt, a black shoe and the school jacket is tied around his waist.

"I was talking to a girl I met on the way" Kei said as they walked towards the school gymnasium, where there is going to be a lecture.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you when you said it would be quick" After speaking Ken sighed.

"Come on, it's not that much" Kei spoke as she clung to Ken's arm.

"So, do you know what class you are in yet?" Spoke Ken as he looked at Kei who was clinging to his arm.

"I'm in class F, how about you? In this school there are 6 classes, Class A, B, C, D, E and F.

"I'm also in class F. They took my cell phone when I entered the island," Ken said in annoyance. When entering the island they take the students' cell phones.

"Mine too" Kei replied in annoyance.

"What do you think the assessments are like at this school? I heard they are different from the normal ones" Kei said, her face showing how curious she was

"I wonder that too, that was one of the reasons I got into this school" Answered Ken excitedly with an amused smile on his face.

"Looks like we made it to the gym, let's hurry up or we'll miss the lecture" Ken said.

When Ken along with Kei arrived at the gym the first thing they saw was a bunch of chairs lined up in front of a stage, on the stage there was only a microphone and a stand for it. After seeing a little of the environment Ken with Kei went to the place where the F class chairs were.

When they found two free seats in front of the stage Ken and Kei went towards it. When they reached the free seat the two sat down.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Ken Yamazaki" Ken with a smile on his face introduced himself to the person sitting in the chair on his right side. Kei was sitting in the chair to his left talking to the girl who was sitting in the chair next to him.

"Pleasure Yamazaki-san, my name is Nana Osaki" Nana introduced herself with a smile.

Nana has dark brown hair to the middle of her back with a fringe on the left side of her face and on the right side of her head her hair is in nago braids, she has sky blue irises, a beautiful and seductive face with good proportions, dark skin, an athletic body with a medium bust and a large ass, in addition she is 1.67 tall.

Nana is wearing a black social shirt, a blue butterfly tie, the open school jacket, a white midi skirt and black shoes.

"Osaki-san, call me by my first name, my twin sister studies in our class too so you will get confused if you call me that" Ken said while pointing to Kei.

Seeing that Ken was introducing her, Kei introduced himself to Nana.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Kei Yamazaki, as my brother said we are in the same class so call me by my first name" Kei said as he smiled at Nana.

"Pleased Kei-san, my name is Nana Osaki you can call me by my first name too" Nana said. After Nana introduced herself Kei went back to talking to the girl she was talking to earlier.

"If you feel comfortable just call me by my first name too" Nana said with a friendly smile as she looked at Ken.

"Okay Nana-san"

After a while of talking someone came on stage, this someone was a girl who was wearing her school uniform. When she walked on stage the lights were turned off and only one light focusing on the stage was on, everyone was quiet when suddenly the lights went off.

"Welcome freshmen! We'll hear a few words from our Student Council President" After she said this into the microphone a boy wearing black glasses, with short black hair, sharp eyes with dark blue irises and white skin came on stage. After he came up he and the girl greeted each other and after that she left the stage.

"I am the president of the Student Council, Shuichi Toyosaki. As the representative of the older students, we would like to welcome the younger students..."

After about 30 minutes of the talk about the school the student council president finished speaking. After he finished speaking the students clapped their hands and the lights returned to normal.

When Ken looked over he saw Nana sleeping, so he woke her up since it wasn't long before classes started. So after waking her up and introducing himself to the girl Kei was talking to, Ken went to his classroom with Kei, Nana and the girl Kei was talking to named Ayumi Yaoyorozu.

Ayumi has shoulder length blond hair, emerald green iris eyes, 1.55 tall, porcelain white skin, a cute face, and sizes that don't match her innocent face with a slim body, big bust, and medium butt.

Ayumi is wearing a baby blue social shirt, a blue butterfly tie, the closed school jacket, a white midi skirt and black shoes.

Ken, Kei, Nana and Ayumi were talking and walking until they found their classroom which is on the second floor, since the only thing they know is that it is on the second floor and not the exact location.

Luckily they met someone on the way when they were looking so they decided to ask where the classroom of class F is. After the person answered they found out that all the classrooms of the first year were on a single corridor so it wasn't difficult to find it after knowing which corridor the classrooms were on. And besides being in a single corridor there is a sign above the door saying the year and the class.

When they got to their room they looked at the sign on the door before opening it.

1-F' That's what was written on the sign on the door. Upon confirming that it is their room they opened it and entered it.

"Wow, and much better than the room at my old school! It even has two doors!" Ayumi said upon seeing the place without any people but them.

The classroom has two doors. One is in the front, and the first thing you see is the blackboard, the desk and the teacher's chair. The other door is in the back of the classroom, and when you open it, the first thing you see are the desks at the back and the windows on the opposite wall.

Everything in the classroom is clean and tidy, everything in its place. The walls, ceiling and floor are white. The students' desks and chairs are silver, and the teacher's desk and chair are silver.

"Each table has a name, it should be where each student should sit" Ken said as he saw names written on the tables.

In the room there are a total of 30 tables and they are arranged in 6 rows with each row having 5 tables. On the tables there is a student's name, signaling which table is his.

"This table has my name on it," Nana said as she sat in her chair and put her backpack on the table. Nana's seat is on the third chair from the first row.

"Your seat is next to me Yaoyorozu-san" Nana said looking at Ayumi who was looking for her name on the tables.

Hearing what Nana said Ayumi went towards the table where her name was.

"I guess so. I hope we get along well Osaki-san. If you feel comfortable call me by my first name" Ayumi said smiling as she looked at Nana. Nana responded with a nod of her head and a smile on her face.

Ayumi's seat is in the third chair in the second row.

While Ayumi and Nana were talking, Ken and Kei had already found their seats and were sitting in them.

Ken's seat is in the fourth chair from the last row and Kei's seat is in the fourth chair from the fifth row. Ken and Kei are sitting next to each other.

"Strange that there is no one in the room yet" Ken said.

"They must be getting to know each other or they haven't found the room yet" Answered Kei.

"That must be the case" Ken said.

-------*Time Skip*-------

In the 1-F classroom all the students were in the room but no sign of any teacher.

The sound of talking and laughing was loud, until a boy walked to the front of the room and got the attention of the students.

"Guys, attention here please!" The boy began to get the class's attention. After a little insistence, the class began to pay attention to the boy.

"I would like to propose that we each introduce ourselves and talk a little about ourselves so we can get to know each other better" The boy said.

"I agree. I think it would be good to get to know each other better" Ayumi said. After she agreed other students started to say that they agree with this idea.

"So let me start by introducing myself since I gave the idea. My name is Ichigo Sakata and I am 17 years old, my favorite sport is volleyball and I am thinking of joining a volleyball club at this school. It's a pleasure to meet you and I hope I can get along with you all, call me by my first name since I'm used to it." After Ichigo finished his presentation the students started clapping.

Ichigo has short dark brown hair with some dark green hair, violet irises, a pretty and innocent appearance, white skin, has a lean physique and is 1.74 tall.

Ichigo is wearing a white social shirt, a blue tie, the school jacket closed, black pants and black shoes.

"So let's start with the first row, could you please introduce yourself?" Said Ichigo in his calm way of speaking and with a smile on his face as he looked at the girl who was in the first chair in the first row.

Many people introduced themselves after Ichigo, and after a while it was coming Ken's turn.

"My name is-" Before the boy could introduce himself the door was opened.

After hearing the door opening everyone looked at the front door to see who it was, and the person who opened the door was a woman.

"Why is everyone still standing?" Said the woman in a stern tone as she looked at the class.

"I'm sorry, we were just introducing ourselves," Ichigo said as he walked back to his seat. At the sight of Ichigo returning to his seat all the students who were standing did the same.

"I see, so I'll introduce myself too. My name is Yuno Sakurajima and I'll be your teacher this year and until you graduate" Yuno said with an amused smile on her face as she looked at the class.







In an underground building where the sunlight cannot reach you can hear the sound of gunshots and screams.

In the corridor there are signs of a shootout and there is the smell of blood in the room, there are bullet marks on the walls and used bullets on the floor. Almost all the ceiling lamps have been destroyed so the hallway is dark, there is only one on that is on two men in suits with guns in their hands.

"Shoot!" Shouted in panic a man who was shooting randomly towards the dark hallway. He is using an M16 rifle.

"My ammo is out!" Shouted in desperation the other man with a combat knife in his hand and the M16 rifle on the floor beside him.

"Fuck!" Said the man who kept shooting, until he stopped shooting even as he pulled the trigger.

"A-Ammo's Out!" Shouted the desperate man who was shooting.

*Bang* A single shot, and the man who was shooting earlier fell lifeless to the ground with a bullet wound to the head.

After he fell lifeless to the ground it was possible to hear the sound of slow steps, and with each step the sound became louder and louder to the man who was alive. To him it sounded like the ticking of a clock.

"W-What the fuck!" Shouted in panic the man as he firmly held the combat knife in his hand.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" The man screamed in pain, he was shot in the right knee and the pain made him drop the knife which made it fall to the ground.

Now that he was hurt the man had no chance of winning, in fact from the beginning he had no chance.

Knowing that there was no way to fight properly with his injured knee the man began to crawl away from the footsteps as a desperate attempt to survive.

The sounds of footsteps can still be heard and along with them there is also the sound of someone trying to hold back laughter.

After a few more steps the person appeared in the light, and it was actually a boy who looks to be about ten years old at most.

The boy has blood on his body and clothes, there is even blood on his face and hair. The boy has short black hair and crimson red irises.

The boy is actually Ken.

There is an amused smile on his face and in his eyes you can see that he is calm about the whole situation, and is even enjoying himself about it.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" shouts the desperate man while trying to get away from Ken, but without much result.


"AHHHHHHHHHHH" The man screamed again, Ken shot him in his other knee.

"Why are you doing this?" The man asked with tears streaming from his eyes.

"Why?" After saying this a thoughtful expression appeared on the boy's face.

After a short while an amused smile appeared on his face as he came up with an answer.

"Because it's fun" Ken said with a smile on his face in an innocent tone.

After that the last light on went out, and all that could be heard was a gunshot sound.


-------*End of Flashback*-------







N/A: In the next chapter Ken's thoughts will appear.