

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

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52 Chs


[Next morning]

"Morning, Cia"

"Good morning ma'am, Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes, thanks to you...", said Ma'am with a smirk

"What?", I asked Ma'am with my brow furrowed.

"You were in my dream last night", said Ma'am while leaning her back on her chair.

"Dream?", I blinked and asked as the curiosity went deep in me.

A slow smile spread across Ma'am's face as if she was waiting for my reply and she said, "Yes, I never knew that you were so naughtttyyy Cia, quite active!"

"Na…naughty? WHAT???", I stammer

Ma'am got up from her seat and walked towards me and said

"Yes…doing all those naughty things to me, you didn't let me sleep at all."

My cheeks flushed after I heard those and somehow managed to speak but with a cracking voice, "Wha… whattt?? No nooo..I..", But before I could continue Ma'am burst out laughing

"Hahaha...Cia..haha..you made my day..", Tears welled up in her eyes, her laughter echoing in the room.


"Sorry sorry…your reaction is so good that I can't just help it…", Ma'am held up her hands in mock defeat, still chuckling.

I turned around and said, "I'll go and get you're tea..." while trying to sound that I am angry.

"Yes yes, what a cutie…"

Arghhh…how can she talk like that and that too so early in the morning..God...I am so embarrassed..my face feels so hot…

I stormed off, muttering under my breath. This morning was officially a disaster. Yet, a tiny part of me couldn't help but grin – a small, secret grin that only I knew. Maybe a crazy morning wasn't so bad after all.

The clock ticked its way towards lunchtime, and I went to Ma'am's cabin to check what she would like for lunch today.


"Come in!" boomed a voice from inside.

I pushed open the door to find Ma'am looking up from her paperwork,

"Ma'am, what would you like for lunch today? It's already lunchtime" I asked, stepping fully into the room.

Ma'am glanced up from her paperwork and said "Hmm...no, you go Cia, I have a lunch date with the lovely Rin today."

"Miss Rin?"

"Yes..", said Ma'am

Just then, a knock sounded at the door.


"Speak of the devil," Ma'am chuckled. "Come in, Rin!"

The door swung open to reveal Miss Rin and her playfulness, "Hey Babe, ready for lunch?"

"You're late, darling," Ma'am teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Miss Rin laughed, holding up her hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, sorry!"

She turned towards me with a warm smile. "Hello, Cia."

"Good afternoon, Miss Rin", I greeted Miss Rin with a soft polite smile.

Ma'am got up from her chair and said, "I'll leave for lunch, you also go have your lunch..."

I bowed slightly and said, "Yes, Ma'am. Please enjoy your date, both of you."

Miss Rin winked. "We will, for sure! See you later, darling."

"Take care, Miss Rin," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips as I watched them leave.

I didn't know that today they had a lunch date today.

A pang shot through my chest as I watched them together – Miss Rin, all smiles and playful banter, and Ma'am radiating confidence and charm. It was a picture of comfortable happiness.

"Huh?" I mumbled to myself, my hand instinctively fluttering to my chest. Why did it feel like someone was squeezing it? This wasn't right. I shouldn't care.

"Focus, Cia," I muttered sternly, trying to shake off the strange feeling. "It's none of your business."

But a tiny voice whispered back, "But... I..." It trailed off, leaving me with a knot of confusion in my stomach. What was this weird feeling?

I shook my head and made my way to lunch.

[Ryo and Rin during the lunch]

"Did you manage to snag all the intel?" Ryo asked, leaning in

Rin raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "Sweetheart, Why do you think I'm here if not for that?"

"My Bad…I thought my babe would enjoy her lunch date with me..." said while chuckling.

"Oh my, My apology. Miss Sadist over here who wouldn't let me breathe if it meant an extra five minutes of productivity.", Rin countered

"Haha..come on"

Rin grinned, pulling a file from her bag and sliding it across the table, "Here"

"Thank you for all your hard work, babe," Ryo said, accepting the file with a grateful smile.

"I want extra pay for this boss", Rin declared, her eyes twinkling.

"How about a bottle of wine, a really good one?"

"Really?? Then, thank you very much, I was thinking of drinking wine anyway, it's been so long"

Ryo snorted, "Liar, you just had it last weekend."

"Oh come on, Six whole days, darling," Rin countered

Ryo chuckled, shaking her head. "Yes, yes, ma'am. Whatever you say."

Ryo flipped open the file, her playful demeanor shifting to focus. "Hmm, this intel could be a game-changer. That scumbag is making things too easy for us."

"Yeah, I told you he is a scum in society"

"Okay...you know what to do right?",

"Yeah, be ready with my wine", Rin winked.

Ryo chuckled and said, "Your wish is my command, babe"


It's been two days since Ma'am and Miss Rin had their lunch date. And everything is peacefully sailing in Zior. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. The big news was about to break, shaking the very foundation of the market.

As I waited for the elevator, snatches of conversation reached my ears. Employees huddled together, voices hushed but urgent.

[Whisper.. whispers]

"Did you see the news?" one muttered.

"Sato Corporation..." another breathed.

"Sell my stocks now!" a third hissed.

I listened to them without interfering and walked out of the elevator when it stopped at my destination floor. But at the back of my mind, their conversation was playing and I decided to ask about it to Ma'am.

"Good morning, ma'am," I greeted.

"Morning, Cia," Ma'am replied

"Did you hear about Sato Corporations?" I ventured.

"Today's his last day," Ma'am stated coolly.

My eyes widened. "How did you...?"

A slow, predatory smile spread across Ma'am's face. "Remember what I said? About destroying that human trash within four days? Today's the day."

"How?? You??"

"He was a bug, that needed to be pesticide", Ma'am leaned back in her chair. "Anyway, get my coffee"

"Yes, Ma'am", I nodded and took my leave.

I didn't ask any further since I know it's no use. She won't answer me any more than she already did. And with that, I walked towards the pantry. While was preparing coffee an unexpected person greeted me.

"Manager Cia?"

"Oh, Hello, you're the girl from the party"

"Yes. thank you for saving me that day. I am grateful to you", said the girl, her eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"No no, it's thanks to the boss that we both were saved", I smiled warmly.

"Yes. Did you watch today's news?", asked the girl

"Yes. our boss is something. She told me that she would make him pay for what he did to us that day"

"We are grateful for having such a Boss", said the girl.

I felt a surge of pride. "YES," I agreed.

The news had become a media frenzy. Sato's Corporation president, Ichino Sato, faced a slew of charges: sexual assault, tax evasion, illegal labor, human trafficking... the list went on.

The company's stock price plummeted, an unstoppable landslide.

"Bankruptcy?" one news anchor speculated. "The end of an era?"

The once-powerful tycoon found himself ostracized, even his lawyers abandoning him. It was a spectacular downfall, a perfect illustration of karma served cold. And this time his Karma was our boss!

I stared at the screen, a bewildered fascination gripping me. Sato's empire toppled in an instant. Ma'am's power and influence far surpassed anything I had imagined.

But then, a new question arose. How? Zior was a force to be reckoned with, but wouldn't a titan like Sato hold more sway? Arghh…well no use in thinking..what is done is done.

Lost in thought, I found myself back at Ma'am's door, coffee tray in hand.

"Ma'am, your coffee," I announced.

"Thanks, Cia," Ma'am replied, taking a sip. Then, she continues "Oh, and Cia?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

Ma'am reached down and pulled out a bag, "Can you go and give this to Rin?

"Sure. What is the address? I'll deliver it now"

"It's Crimson Corporation" Ma'am replied casually.

For a moment I was taken aback by what Ma'am said right now. Did I just hear it right??? I might have heard it wrong right?!! So I asked her again..

"Sorry? Do you mean THE CRIMSON Corporations??"

"Yea…why? Is there a problem"

"No, no problem," I stammered. "It's just...isn't that the top financial corporation in all of Asia?" I mean the first holder?!

Ma'am's lips quirked into a sly grin. "It is," she admitted. "Did I forget to mention? Rin's the vice president there."

"SHE…Whatttt????", My jaw almost dropped to the floor, "Woww…I always thought Miss Rin was great but to think that beautiful, intelligent woman is the vice president of the most prestigious corporation in the whole of Asia?", The revelation felt like a sucker punch.

"Hahaha…I bet if Rin listened to all these compliments of yours she would be super happy", Ma'am chuckled.

"Hehe..then I will be going"

"Yea, just tell the front desk that you want to meet Rin and I sent you"

"Yes, ma'am"

With a dazed nod, I left the office, my mind a whirlwind going through the information.