

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

zoya_raichand · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


[At the party venue]

"Click…click…" [camera shuttering sounds]

The party buzzed with activity. Cameras flashed as reporters clamored for photos with Ma'am.

"Please look this way for a picture", Said one of the reporters who were invited to the inauguration 

"Click" [camera shuttering sounds]

"This is tiring," Ma'am muttered under her breath.

"Haha..It's our grand opening, Ma'am," I said with a smile. "Just a bit longer."


Hehe..no matter how many times I see this, I never get tired. She never likes to click pictures and fake a smile. So, this is, quite entertaining for me to see her struggling since she is so good at her work.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the chatter. "Ryo!" A woman materialized from the crowd, throwing her arms around Ma'am in a tight hug, and kissed her, not on the cheeks but on her LIPS!! that also very passionately!

My breath hitched as I watched them kissing. 


"Hey, stop kissing me", said Ma'am, trying to pry her off.

"Ehh…why? Don't you love it?", the woman asked, pouting her lips 

"No" Ma'am replied calmly

The woman chuckled, "Haha.. a nice joke, coming this out of your mouth is funny now, Ryo…"

"STOP…clinging to me, let gooo", 

My brain was all reeled up. Who is this girl? And what is she doing? How can she..And…why..how can you just put your body like that on her?? LET HER GO!!!!

Just like a storm out of nowhere, this girl comes and throws herself on Ma'am..."

"Umm, ma'am?"I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper.

Ma'am sighed. "Mary Francho," she introduced, "She is my..how should I put it in words now…"

Mary interjected with a wink. "Friends with Benefits"

"Yes yes..what? Hey..."

"It's true, right?"

A sigh escaped from Ma'am's lip "Well yeah…", She agreed

Did I just hear that out? Or did Ma'am really say Friends with benefits??? Is this for real?!!! I mean many people do have this kind of relationship but...they... Images of Ma'am and Miss Mary popped into my brain.... I quickly pushed them away.

"Come on Ryo, one more kiss. I MISSED YOU BABY!!!", Miss Mary whined and pouted.

Does this person have no shame, and how can she say that in that seductive voice and with that gesture… oh god!!!" Somebody STOP THIS WOMEN...as I was desperately praying for god knows why...Which I myself didn't understand, someone walked from behind and like a goddess granted my wish.

A woman, equally stunning but with a more reserved air, appeared beside them. "Mary, stop it," she said firmly.

"Shin!" Mary exclaimed.

"Hello, Ryo," Shin greeted.

"Hey Shin", Ma'am greeted and continued, "Cia, this is Shin, Mary's girlfriend"

My mind reeled. WHAT? Girlfriend? This whole situation was beyond confusing. Did I miss a page of the book or what?!

"I am Cia. Nice to meet you," I said, shaking Shin's hand.

"The pleasure is mine," Miss Shin replied.

Miss Mary, seemingly oblivious to my shock, continued. "But Shin, you know how good Ryo is, right?"

Miss Shin's cheeks flushed a faint pink. "Yes, Mary," she said pointedly. "Now please, let her go"

NOW, Hold your horses here.. What's going on, How is she...before I could wrap my brain out of it, Miss Mary continued. "You see, both I and Shin have slept with Ryo"

Ma'am sighed and said "Yes…yes..Mary was my FWB and with Shin, you can say one-night stand"

"And thanks to Ryo, I met Shin and fell for her hard", Miss Mary declared

"Good for both of you", said Ma'am


"And how long do you plan to cling on to me like this?", Ma'am said placing her hand on top of Miss Mary's hand.

THAT'S RIGHT!….LEAVE HER ALREADY!!!, I screamed internally

Ignoring Ma'am's words Miss Mary asked "What do you think, am I not pretty and sexy tonight?"

I hate to admit it but she is right. Miss Mary is indeed a beautiful and sexy woman and as if the dress was not showing how wonderful her figure is, 

She was wearing a sleeveless Off-White dress with a slit down which was perfectly matching her pale skin and not-so-heavy makeup and Miss Shin was wearing a Red backless dress with beautiful embroidery and chain that was made from small stones at the back which is unique and it's emphasizing the back more sexily"

"When have you been not beautiful, Mary?" said Ma'am

"Hehe..thank you. What you say, let's have a threesome tonight…", Miss Mary asked with her cheerful self ignoring the fact that it's not a question you ask so obviously.

"No, not interested", Ma'am declined the offer casually 

But my mind was still not able to register the words. THREESOME?!!

Miss Mary finally let go of Ma'am and her hand found its way to Miss Shin's waist, a silent claim of ownership.

She pouted playfully. "Boo! But seriously, you look stunning tonight."

"You know, you're the only one Ryo has ever slept with, right, Mary?" The voice sliced through the air, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hey, Rin!" Miss Mary exclaimed, a playful smile gracing her lips.

"Hello, Rin," Miss Shin greeted in her usual calm voice.

"Hello, Mary. Shin. How have you guys been?" Miss Rin asked, flashing a grin.

"Just the same… But yes, it's true, I am the only one Ryo has slept with, even with her being the hotshot of the university. And Shin, well, she just got lucky," Miss Mary declared with a triumphant smirk.

"That's because I was drunk when I slept with Shin," Ma'am chimed in nonchalantly.

"Yes, yes… Good for you, Shin," Miss Mary said, her smirk widening.

"Stop it, Mary," Miss Shin murmured, blushing furiously.

"Haha... I see you still have a bad habit," Ma'am teased, her eyes sparkling.

"Look who's talking, isn't it, Rin?" Miss Mary retorted, her tone dripping with mock indignation.

"Can't say no to that," Miss Rin agreed, chuckling.

"Rin!" Ma'am raised an eyebrow.

"It's the truth," Miss Rin admitted with a shrug.

It seems they're all good friends, I thought, watching the playful banter.

"By the way, who's this little hottie? I didn't pay any attention because Ryo was on my radar" Miss Mary asked, suddenly turning her gaze toward me.

"She's my PS. Her name is Cia," Ma'am introduced me with a casual wave.

"Hello, Miss Mary, Shin, and Rin," I said, bowing slightly in respect.

"Hey, Cia," Miss Rin greeted warmly.

Miss Mary sauntered over to me, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "You look damn hot, girl. Can I kiss you?"

I was taken aback by Miss Mary's sudden question but before I could respond, a firm hand grabbed my waist, pulling me close.


"Sorry, Mary, but no. She's with me tonight. She's mine," Ma'am declared possessively.

"Ohooo… really now?" Miss Mary's eyes gleamed with a questioning smile.

"Ma'am?!" I stammered, flustered. What does she mean by I'm hers? And how can she just grab me like this?

"Is it true, Rin?" Miss Mary asked, her gaze shifting to Miss Rin.

"Well, yes. Cia is important to Ryo," Miss Rin confirmed.

As soon as the words left Miss Rin's mouth, I turned to her and blurted out, "Whattt?" My voice echoed in the sudden silence, making everyone look at me.

Ah...shit! Why the hell did I say it out loud!!

"Don't you know this?" Ma'am leaned in, her ruby eyes locking onto mine like a predator sizing up its prey. She was so close that if either of us moved just a little, our lips would touch.

"Woahh… for real… This is a first!" Miss Mary exclaimed, her eyes wide with amusement.

I turned my face away, trying to escape Ma'am's intense gaze, and tried to shift my body from her grip to free myself, and to my surprise, she let go.

I tried to keep my expression neutral, but inside I was screaming. My heart was racing, and I felt my body heat up, just like that time when she touched my back...

Does this woman have no shame?!

Yo...So I have a question for you

How would you feel if Ryo had pulled you close and directly looked into you? Just like how Cia experienced...

How would you feel?

Please let me know in the comment :)

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