

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

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52 Chs


[The Sports Festival Day]

Sakura season always meant festival time at Sakura High. Weekends were chosen specifically so parents wouldn't have to scramble for work leave. As Haru's older sibling, I wouldn't miss this for the world! Capture her most embarrassing and amazing moments?…hehe..just a habit of every older sibling to capture their younger siblings' moments…last year I was able to capture some super moments of her…Of course, she hates it but what can I do…I just love it!

"Wow..there are more people this year. It was so crowded" I thought to myself as I approached the school gates, the familiar buzz of the festival washed over me. The air crackled with excitement, a joyful chaos fueled by cheers and laughter. This year, the crowd seemed to have doubled – a testament to the school's growing popularity. A flicker of concern crossed my mind. Would they be able to manage the throngs of people amidst the scheduled events?

For a fleeting moment, I worried about crowd control, but my concerns were quickly dispelled. It was like the school had anticipated the surge. Every detail was meticulously managed, from student volunteers directing the flow of people to staff ensuring everyone had shade, water, and even food. These guys really thought of everything! As always, Sakura High never missed a beat. Today promised to be an unforgettable festival, and I couldn't wait to capture all the moments, especially Haru's.

After meeting with Haru and cheering her, I went to the shades to get some rest. I am so tired but I wonder where Ryo is. 

Just then, a cool bottle of water materialized in front of me. "Here, have some water. It's scorching out today," a familiar voice said.

I looked up, startled, to see Ryo's smiling face. "Oh, thanks! I was just..." My voice trailed off, surprised by her unexpected appearance.

"Hey there," she greeted

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with other staff members ", I asked 

"I was", she admitted, "but then I saw you and came to meet you. How have you been?" 

"I am fine", I said, a smile spreading across my face.

"Did you come today to watch Haruko?", Ryo asked

"Yes", I said with a warm smile

"And here I thought that you came for me", A playful smile spread across Ryo's face. "You are so cruel, Cia", She teased

I pulled her by the T-shirt collar "I did say that I came to watch Haru but", I continued, "My other motive was to meet you"

"A sweet talker, huh?" Ryo teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Then where is my kiss?" She leaned forward, putting her hands on my things. 

"That..." I stammered, a reply forming on my lips just as the announcer's voice boomed across the field.

"Calling all participants in the three-legged race! Please report to the starting point!"

"That's my call", Ryo said, her smile bright. "I will see you later"

"You're participating?" I blurted out, surprised.

"Yea, wish me luck" she winked.

"You don't need luck, Ryo," I countered, a playful smile tugging at my lips. "You've got this."

"Thanks," she replied, a hint of challenge in her voice. "And you are in debt. Don't forget that"

A questioning look was my only response, met with a mischievous wink and a quick peck to my forehead. Before I could react further, Ryo was dashing off towards the starting point, leaving me a little speecless.

The competitors gathered, a flurry of anticipation hanging in the air. I scanned the group, searching for Ryo. My gaze landed on her, a bright smile lighting up her face as she stood beside her partner –

"Miss Sara?!!! " I exclaimed,

Guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore huh? After all Miss Sara is Ryo's training partner. But still, why does it have to be her? After all, she is beautiful and Ryo also likes her. GOD…JUST ME AND MY LUCK…. As I was grumbling about it the race started 

Shrugging off my internal grumbling, I focused on the race as the whistle blew.

"Okay, Everyone on you's mark "


And with that, the race begins. Ryo and Miss Sara seemed to stumble slightly at first, but quickly found their rhythm, steadily closing the gap between themselves and the other teams...But...Buttt

Hey…hey…Ryo..Where do you think your hands are? And Miss Sara, that's not a place for your hand!!!! 

Ryo had her arm wrapped firmly around Miss Sara's shoulders, who in turn held Ryo's waist tightly. There was no freaking gap between their bodies, they were totally glued!

I mean I do understand why they are like that, but STILLL…Finish that damn race and please have some distance between you guys, let the air breathe, for god sake!!!!...

And just like that, Ryo and Miss Sara won the race, but it's really surprising to see that Miss Sara was able to keep up with Ryo. After all, Ryo has monstrous physical capabilities.

After crossing the finish line first. Both collapsed in a heap, catching their breath and celebrating their victory. 

Despite a momentary flicker of possessiveness, I couldn't help but beam with pride as Ryo and Miss Sara crossed the finish line first. Their victory was infectious, and I was eager to congratulate them. As I rose from my seat, a wide smile spread across my face, my moments were stopped by the two ladies who were sitting next to me.