

Hey there! You won't believe what just happened to me! One minute I'm Cia, your average secretary, and the next, I'm totally smitten with my boss, Ryo. And guess what? Ryo's not just any boss, she's the amazing Empress of the Hotelier, a total powerhouse! Here's the thing, Ryo is as brilliant as she is beautiful, but there's a whole other side to her, a secret one. The more I get to know her, the more I realize there's so much more than meets the eye. And let me tell you, the deeper I get, the more I'm screwed! Honestly, I have no idea what the future holds, but one thing's for sure - it's going to be one heck of a ride! So, buckle up and join me on this wild adventure. You won't regret it. P.S. There will be secrets, steamy moments, and an ending that will totally blow you away. Just kidding..hahah..ofc the ending will be what you guys want but it doesn't mean that the middle of the story will be the same.

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52 Chs


After Ryo had teasing and fun with Cia she walked back to the teacher's room. The rest of the afternoon went peacefully, Sara and Ryo didn't have any class to teach in their schedule and were free for the rest of the day.

Sara came back to the teacher's room after she was done with her one afternoon class. When she walked over to her seat, she saw Ryo playing a game on her phone. She didn't interrupt Ryo and just took her seat, placing her books on the desk and drinking some water. 

Ryo's game soon came to an end. She put her phone away and directed her attention to Sara who was now stretching her upper body while lifting both arms in the air. 

"Done with you're class?", Ryo asked

"Hmm..mmm...Ah that felt great, sometimes standing for so long really kills me, Sara said while putting her arms down" 

"Hahah..great work today. We don't have any more classes for today. What are you gonna do now?", 

"I wanted to collect some reference material. I planned to give some real-life relevant examples to students for tomorrow's class. Making a little more interesting, maybe a small roleplay or some activity...What do you think?" 

"I think that's a great idea. Students will enjoy their studies too. Want some help?"

"Gladly~~~ "

And just like that, both of them started to collect materials for tomorrow's class. Thanks to the extra helping hand, the work was done within one hour. 

After arranging the materials, Ryo excused herself and went out of the room. She went to the cafeteria and bought coffee for both of them.

Sakura High School cafeteria is always open during school working hours. This rule was specially made by Ryo because she always used to get hungry at any given point in time when she was a student.

She is not a great fan of vending machine food. She knows that many students get hungry after lunch. So that's why she first implemented this rule. And to her analysis, she was not wrong. Many teachers and students come to the cafeteria after lunch for some snacks and drinks. The food in the cafeteria was also freshly made and was delicious. 

By the time Ryo came back with the coffee it started to rain. She handed the coffee to Sara, 

"Here, Sara"

"Thanks, Ryo...So that's where you went, to get coffee", Sara said while taking the coffee from Ryo's hand.

"Yea, after using the brain we need something to refill it", Ryo said while putting her coffee on the desk and taking her seat.

"Haha, that's true. I really wanted something. By the way Ryo, can I ask you something? You don't have to answer if you don't want to", Asked Sara while blowing her hot coffee

"As long as it's something I can answer you", Ryo replied

"Well, Do you like having another occupation than being a teacher because it seems you don't want to be a teacher?", Sara blurted the question without holding herself back

"Yes, that is true. I do have some other occupation and I don't want to be a full-time teacher" Ryo admitted

"Then why are you …?"

"It's just that something came up and I can't exactly avoid it, so here I am"

"Oh…must be hard to handle both things then, being a trainee teacher here and also handling you're other occupations.." Sara said but stopped for a moment as if realizing something, so she added "But wait, if you're here for one month does that mean that your other occupation is your own?"

"Bulleyes...nice Sara. You're right about it and No, it's not at all hard to handle. I have reliable people whom I can trust with anything" Ryo said with a big smile.

"You're talking about Miss Rin and Miss Cia, right?!!!"

"Wow, Sara…how did you mark the spot again?"

"Haha…it's not like that. I just felt like it cause you either talk to Miss Rin or Miss Cia sometimes over the phone"

"Yea your right…when I am not there both of them take care of everything on my behalf."

"Good for you…"

"Yes", Ryo said with a soft smile smile

"So what's your other occupation, only if you can answer it"

"Hotel..I am a hotelier"

"Wow…that's so nice. I know you are capable of many things but to think of Hotel, I never imagined"

"Well, What can I say…",Ryo said while shrugging her shoulders

Suddenly there was a loud sound of thunder, and both of them looked outside the window. The rain was getting heavy as the time passed.

"Ah...I thought the rain would stop soon but it's just pouring harder now", said Sara in a concerned voice

"Yea… How do you plan to go home, Sara?!!!", Ryo asked 

A sigh escaped Sara's lips as she kept watching over the window "I am not so sure, it was a clear sky in the morning so I didn't bring my umbrella, Guess I'll wait for the rain to stop"

"Hmm…okay" Ryo directed the concern in Sara's voice but she didn't ask any questions and simply continued to sip her coffee while looking out of the window.

A few hours went on and soon the time to end the day came. Teachers and Students started to leave the school premises one by one.

Now there was only Ryo and Sara who were left to leave. 

"Sara, are you planning to stay the night here?", Ryo asked 

"Huh, Ryo? Why are you still here?", Sara asked Ryo with a shocked expression. She thought Ryo left because she was not at her seat but also thought maybe not since Ryo's belongings were still on her desk.

"That's what I am asking you"

"Umm…that…" Sara fumbled at her words since she didn't know what to say.

"Come on, let's go", Ryo said while grabbing her sling purse. 

"Where?", Sara asked with a questionable look

"I have a car so I'll drop you"

"oho…no…I can't"

"It's no problem, pack your stuff and wait for me. I will get my car near the building", Ryo said while placing her seat properly before leaving.

"Near the main building? But that's not allowed…", Sara replied

"Don't worry about small stuff…", Ryo said and took her leave.

"Umm…okay…", Sara started to pack her belongings but was confused by what Ryo's just said....

How is that even possible?!!! No one is allowed to bring their vehicle near the main building since it's a walking path for students and everyone…

Sara went down the building and was waiting for Ryo at the entrance. Soon she heard the sound of the engine coming from the side. Ryo stopped her car right at the entrance and asked Sara to come inside.

"Sara?!!", Ryo called out to her

"Huh…yes?!!", Sara finally got snapped from her world

"What you're doing? I said to come inside…"

"Ah…yes yes..", She quickly walked over to the door and went inside.

Even after placing herself comfortably in the passenger seat. Sara's mind was not on her

I was so shocked by her car that I didn't hear her calling me. It's not like it's my fault for spacing out!!! Anyone would be if they were in my shoes...She told me, that, she is a hotelier but..but...this car??!!! Isn't it the model of xxx…And the price of it is …Oh I don't even want to remember...I don't know how many years of my salary it's worth!!!…

Thanks to one of my close friends I was able to identify this car, he is a big nerd when it comes to cars, so he drills every piece of information in my head..

Sara finally came out of her world when Ryo opened her mouth

"What's your address? You can put it in the GPS", said Ryo

"Oh… sure…", Sara quickly put it in GPS for navigation

"So this is your address", Ryo glanced over her GPS to see the place.

"Yes, I know it's a little far away, sorry for the trouble", Sara said in an apologetic tone

"Nah, it's not a problem", 

"Thank you"

"Do you live alone?"

"Yes, I moved out of my parent's house after high school"

"Woah…that's brave of you"

"Haha…nothing like that"

On the way, both of them talked about the small things and before long they reached their destination. 

"Thanks, Ryo, for dropping me", Sara said while unbuckling her seatbelt

"Wait…I have an umbrella in the trunk, let me get that", Ryo said and quickly went out.

"No..it's…" Before Sara was able to complete her line Ryo had already gone out.

Ryo got the umbrella from her trunk, walked over to Sara's side, and opened the door for her. Then she placed her palm on the roof side so that Sara wouldn't hit her head while coming out of the car.

"Here, now you can come out…", Ryo said while offering her hand to hold

"Thanks," replied Sara, taking Ryo's hand 

Ryo walked Sara up to her apartment entrance. She was about to leave but then Sara offered her if she would like to stay for a tea, to thank her for the ride. Ryo accepted the offer and both of them walked towards Sara's apartment unit. 

After they reached the unit, Sara opened her purse to take out the keys but she was unable to find them.

"Huh…it's weird …Where is it?" Sara murmured and was still searching for the keys.

Ryo asked seeing Sara rampaging her purse "Did you lose your keys?"

"No, ah…right…I…," Sara suddenly remembered that she accidentally left her key in the school.


"I took out the key from my purse today at school and left it on my table. I am sorry Ryo…Even though I was the one who invited you today," Sara said in an apologetic voice

"Hmm…so what are you planning to do now?", Ryo asked 

"Well…" Sara thought for a moment "Since the owner doesn't live here and I don't think any door repairer will come in this heavy rain…guess I will stay in a nearby hotel tonight," Sara said while taking her phone out to check the nearby hotels. 

"Then come with me,"

"Pardon??!!" Sara looked at Ryo with questioning eyes, What is she talking about so suddenly? Go with her? Where?...

Ryo pointing her finger toward her "Did you forget I own a hotel, So why would you go to a random hotel and put yourself in danger later at night?"

"Umm…yea…but still, I can't", said Sara hesitantly 

"It's okay, Come on", Ryo pressed


"Good…let me make a quick call first.". said Ryo while taking her phone out of the pocket

While Ryo was on her call, Sara blankly looked at her back. Her mind was trying to make sense of everything that happened.

What just happened here? Why did I agree with her?!!!... She has a demeanor that makes everyone do what she says… But is it really okay for me to accept her offer?!! She has already done so much for me…But I don't have any choice here…arghh...it's so confusinggg!!!

Sigh..But I should consider myself lucky today, I don't know what I would have done without her. It's still pouring hard. Seems like it's going to rain all night today…haaa....

Ryo finished her call and said to Sara. "Okay, let's go,"