
Keeping Up With The Royals

A common girl as we call them, falls in love with a Prince who is the heir to the throne. Even though he was a Prince, heir to the throne Casimir didn't seem to care. Liz is yet to reach to the top of society and the Crown Prince is yet to meet his match. Crown Prince, is falling in love. Girlfriends are girlfriends, consorts are consorts. Nicky_TheCritique 2014

Nicky_TheCritique · Umum
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4 Chs

Keeping Up With The Royals- Chapter One

"Welcome, you're now tuned in on Keeping Up With the Royals. I'm your host for the evening, Catherine "

"And I'm Rob. Today our scouts went out and spotted Crown Prince Casimir with his harem. yes I just said 'harem'. When is the Crown Prince going to settle down? ... is the question on everyone's mine. "

"Yes Rob thats true...."

"Maybe he just wants to be wild and free. I know I would want to be. Whooohooo!"

"Rob your already wild. I wouldn't want to imagine you wild and royal" Catherine laughed. "Thats all we have for today-or now at least on Keeping Up With The Royals. Stay Tuned-" CLICK.


"Hey! I was watching that Liz"

"Oh please thats the only program you watch 'Keeping up with Prince 'I Love Girls So What'."

"Yeah. I have to watch it 'cause you're an intern at that same studio and you don't want to give the scoop so I have to watch for it. I wish I was assigned to that studio....They definately split us up by sendiing me all the way to younder."


"You know what I meant you're in Studio Four and I'm in twelve. That Mister Conoley sure hates me!...Hey switch with me since you hate that keeping up the with royals thing."

"Yeah right! You don't even remember to make up your bed yet you want my job ha ha you make me laugh."


"Anyways you coming, heading off to the studio."

"Yea yea I'm coming" Emoji dragged herself from her bed.

Emii is short for Emily she's my closest friend. We have been together since forever but started living together when we thought we should get a head start to life by leaving our parents house. But now and then either we visit or they invite themselves over saying they miss us or girls shouldn't live alone and try to convince us to come back home. Or to tell either of us that our older brothers should live with us. We pass on that one. All they think about is party party party and bringing the house down, maybe because they are college students. Alex, Emii's brother and Zac my brother along with Emii and I are in college. Emii and are working on our external project as interns as assistants at Tropic Blue Pictures but unfortunately we were assigned to different studios. Well, I could careless I just want to get this project over, don't want to mess up my final grade now do I.


"Emii see you later. Lets meet at the cafe' at 6"

"Yea I'll go to the studio in yonder, note the sarcasm" she faked smile and waved.

"Ha later Emii" I said as I walk onto the path leading to studio four. I entered studio four ready to face yet another day with crazed co-workers yapping about getting a new scoop on the royals especially Prince Casimir, who should settle down seen that he's the heir to the thrown. If I were to meet him I would tell him a piece of my mind pertaining to his fraternizing with girls who he know he'll never love them. Poor girls. But dump.

"Hey Liz! It's your lucky day today you'll get to come with me to a conference with the royal Princes and Princesses!"

"You can't be serious Yvonne, I'll prefer if you let me stay in the studio doing paper work. And I know paper work is all ways available" I suggested

"I'm your boss so you have to do as I say, don't argue grab your things and lets go."

"I haven't even had the chance to put down my things."

"The van is already waiting for us." With that she dragged me with her out the studio's door and into one of Tropic Blue Pictures white vans with its logo and 'Studio 4' written on the side.

We arrived at the conference hall Down Town. They were a lot of reporters here, talk about paparazzi overload. I can't believe most of these people here just want the Princes and Princesses to say or doing something really bad or just out of the ordinary. Well, I guess I'm just one of these people seen that I'm here. "So Yvonne how are we going to get past the crowd of crazed reporters?"

"With these ofcourse" she held up three cards on strings "These are our passes, you thought I wasn't prepared. Here this one is yours and Fin this one is yours" she tossed one to our driver/camera man and put the last one around her neck.


We sat in the middle, Yvonne wanted to sit at the front but I wanted to sit in the back but Fin convinced us it would be better if we just sit in the middle. I just thought that he was thinking of himself because he had already started to set up his camera, I must say Fin that was a smart move.

The conference started.

"Ladies and gentlemen please give your undivided attention as I welcome the Royal Princes and Princesses!" said a man at the podium. Here we go. First the Princesses came in.

Oh! how graceful, then the Princes led by no other than Prince 'Girls just love me because I'm a prince'.

"Now let the conference commence." The man said once again.

A guy dressed in a sweat suit jumped up "I would like to ask the first question.

"So my question goes to Prince Casimir." Should have known the first question would have started off with Prince Casimir GREAT.

"So, Prince Casimir you have been a hot topic all over the country, and still every girl wants to meet you-"

"Not me!" I jumped up and interrupted him that earned me some mean stares from the young females in the conference room. Even the 'Prince' himself was looking at me.

"As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted" He continued "Do you know which you'll choose to marry?"

"Well as you know so many 'eligible' girls to choose from in the country." Casimir said while looking at me. For some reason it seemed he was more talking to me than the reporter dressed in sweat-pants, that's a bit weird why would he? "You might hear an announcement about that soon enough." With that camera shutters started to click.

"I'll ask the next question a woman stood up its for Princess Quin"

"Oh goody! Okay lets hear the question." Princess Quin Said with a smile.

"How far are you from the throne, you know to being an heir?"

"I'm sixth inline to the throne. As know Prince Casimir is first, Bernard his brother is second, Alexios his youngest brother is third who is the twin of Alexia who's fourth in line. Then there is Gwendell my brother who is fifth and there's me, I'm sixth, as you know we are cousins of Prince Casimir."

"Oh okay. Could you list the rest pertaining to who are beside you now? Oh and their ages-just the record."

"Of course" She turn to her left. "I'm terribly sorry that I left you guys, please forgive me."

"Its okay!" They said to together. Talk about rehearsed.

Princess Quin turn back to the audience "After me there is my sister Catharina who is eighteen years old is seventh in line then Beatrix sixteen years, eighth in line then my cousins Elenore who is fifteen years is ninth in line then Henrik who is twelve years is tenth and Lucas who is eleven years old is eleventh" she gave a short giggle after saying Lucas.

The question and answer session went on for two hours and the whole time I felt eyes on me and I knew just who they belonged to Prince 'Oh I'm the prince who just love when people wanna know what I'm up to', great the attention I don't need.

"Okay only one last question" said the man at the podium. Guess who just jumped up, Yvonne I thought she asked all her questions already she ask like twenty as if she was playing twenty questions with them royals.

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