
The Weather Is Nice Today

Nandou City had descended into complete chaos, resembling a boiling pot of porridge.

Not a single pedestrian was allowed on the streets.

All shops were sealed shut.

The entire city was under tight surveillance.

One after another, squads of guards began searching house by house, leaving no corner untouched.

Among the ranks of the guards, Chen An’nian conducted consecutive searches of hundreds of households.

Wu Quanming seemed to have gone mad, conducting one round of inspections and then another.

Chen An’nian became the name that everyone cursed.

It was two days later when he finally returned to Jianshan Mansion.

During these two days, Luo Youcai had been living in constant fear, while Liu Su spent her days in tears.

“You… you finally came back!”

Luo Youcai hugged Chen An’nian tightly.

Liu Su, standing beside them, looked at Chen An’nian with a gaze filled with resentment, almost melting him.